Lordaeron (kingdom)

This article is about the fallen human kingdom. For the continent, see Lordaeron. For other uses, see Lordaeron (disambiguation).
AllianceKingdom of Lordaeron
Warcraft III Reforged - Humans Icon
Main leader IconSmall Terenas King Terenas Menethil II †
Secondary leaders IconSmall Calia Princess Calia Menethil
IconSmall Uther Lord Uther Lightbringer †
HumanHuman Nobles of Lordaeron
  Formerly IconSmall Arthas Prince Arthas Menethil
IconSmall Human Female Queen Lianne Menethil †
Race(s) HumanHuman Human
High elfHigh elf High elf
DwarfDwarf Dwarf
GnomeGnome Gnome[1]
Capital Capital City[2]
Theater of operations Lordaeron; Northrend
Government Hereditary monarchy
(House of Menethil)
Language(s) Common, Thalassian, Dwarven, Gnomish
Affiliation Alliance of Lordaeron, Church of the Holy Light[3]
Status Defunct
Heavily crippled and subsequently destroyed. Some remnants and survivors allied with or became members of the current Alliance, the Scarlet Crusade, the Argent Dawn, and/or other independent organizations
Tabard Lordaeron tapestry

The Kingdom of Lordaeron[4] (or the Empire of Lordaeron)[5] was a human kingdom primarily located along the northern territories of the homonymous continent. Originally an Arathorian city-state, it was an empire by the time of its fall during the Third War.

Ruled by the Menethil family, the kingdom took part in the birth of the Alliance of Lordaeron shortly before the start of the Second War. The kingdom of Lordaeron spearheaded the Alliance forces during the campaign against the Orcish Horde during the war. Unfortunately, the nation would be almost entirely consumed by the undead Scourge during the Third War, which occurred fourteen years later.

Lordaeron's territories are presently contested between the Forsaken, the Alliance, the Argent Crusade, the Scarlet Crusade, and the remnants of the Scourge.

The undead Forsaken used to completely control the core regions of the ruined human kingdom which include, in some degree, Tirisfal Glades, Silverpine Forest, and Hillsbrad Foothills, and also had a significant presence in the Plaguelands to the east.[6] The destruction of the Undercity and the Fourth War drastically reshaped the balance of power in the Eastern Kingdoms, with the Alliance rebuilding Southshore[7] and having contested Durnholde Keep.


Icon-search-48x48 This section contains information that needs to be cleaned up. Reason: The Vrykul and Arathor sections could use a bit of trimming; pre-kingdom of Lordaeron info should be more concise.

The Vrykul[]

Hand of Tyr

Hand of Tyr.

When Loken, the Titanic Watcher left in charge of Ulduar fell to corruption, the titan watcher, Tyr, and his allies stole the Discs of Norgannon to investigate the extent of Loken's betrayal; fleeing south. Discovering the theft, Loken sent horrific monsters after Tyr's group, but Tyr sacrificed his life to fight the creatures while his comrades escaped with the discs. The C'Thraxxi generals Zakazj and Kith'ix engaged in combat with Tyr, the conflict ending with Tyr and Zakazj dead while the wounded Kith'ix fled to the west. The area was dubbed as "Tyr's Fall" which in the vrykul tongue translated to "Tirisfal". They buried Tyr and his foe where they lay and placed Tyr's massive silver hand atop his final resting place as a memorial to his valiant sacrifice. The peaceful vrykul that were accompanying the Keepers wanted to further honor Tyr and decided to settle near the battlefield and protect the Tomb of Tyr; their allies respecting their wishes, though the other watchers and their creations continued further south.

Over time, the area became a place of legend for the vrykul people in northern Kalimdor. Fleeing to this place following dictations from King Ymiron to slaughter all malformed infants born as a result of the Curse of Flesh; the vrykul and their children settled within Tirisfal Glades, transforming into beings called humans.[8] The remaining Vrykul of Tyr's group had formed the Tyr's Guard. Knowing they would not live forever; they allowed the humans to join the order.[9] The humans that lived here were the Tirisfal tribe of humans; laying the seeds of what would become the kingdom of Lordaeron.


The humans that lived in Tirisfal were led by the great warrior named Lordain, and were considered more refined than the uncouth and savage humans from the mountains. The human tribes of Tirisfal were religious people and had the custom to perform rituals in their shrines across the region. Tyr's Silver Hand was considered sacred by them, and they even had pendants with its image.[10][11] This was the only tribe powerful enough to end Thoradin's dream of uniting humanity.[10] Unlike the Alteraci, the humans of Tirisfal did not submit to shows of force, and to win their loyalty, Thoradin had to appeal to their religious beliefs. The proclaimed human king and his personal guards made a pilgrimage to Tirisfal's shrines and sacred groves, where Thoradin performed their usual rituals; including wearing a silver hand pendant.

At the end of the pilgrimage, Thoradin finally met with the tribe's leader, Lordain. The king pledged that if they joined him, he would adopt their religious ways and spread them among the Arathi. To seal this promise, Thoradin ran his palm along the blade of his own sword, Strom'kar, and mixed his blood with the earth of the Tirisfal Glades while saying: "Between our people, let this be the only blood we spill." And with that, the humans of Tirisfal bent the knee to their new king, with Lordain becoming one of his generals.[10] Lordain's sister, Mereldar, was one of the first human followers of the Holy Light, which was adopted by the Arathi as per Thoradin's promise. This would eventually give rise to the Church of the Holy Light.[12]

During the final days of the Troll Wars, while King Thoradin and his forces were retreating to Alterac Fortress, the Amani began to gain terrain on the humans fast, threatening to flank and overwhelm Arathor's armies. To avert disaster, General Lordain volunteered to hold back the forest trolls, knowing he would not survive. Lordain and his warriors died fighting valiantly, but their sacrifice secured the victory for Arathor and Quel'Thalas. After the Troll Wars, many of Arathor's soldiers migrated to the fertile lands of Tirisfal where the Arathi established a central stronghold in a region which the veterans renamed as "Lordaeron" in Lordain's honor.[13] Years later, when Arathor was fracturing, the nobles of Strom departed for the fertile valleys of the north in which they would found a city-state and named it after the surrounding region, Lordaeron.[14]

In time, the kingdoms gradually developed rivalries, as before the coming of the orcs, the human kingdoms of Lordaeron faced challenges and obstacles from each other as the games of politics played out.[15] Decades before the First War, while Azeroth enjoyed a time of relative peace, villages squabbled with villages, and kingdoms spied on kingdoms. In the Eastern Kingdoms, humans engaged in rigorous trade with dwarves, gnomes, and high elves. Some nations, like Lordaeron, acted as regional leaders and trendsetters, mediating disagreements between smaller kingdoms and used their strong militaries to impose order over the land. Still, others focused their resources on defending themselves from old rivals.[16]

First War[]

During the First War, King Llane of Stormwind dispatched messengers to the other human kingdoms, warning of mysterious, fearsome green-skinned invaders. However, no help was received as the reports were not believed. Lordaeron was considered the most likely nation to help. However, Deathwing disguised as a visiting Stormwind noble openly mocked King Llane and claimed the threat was actually a rebellion of disgruntled citizens, causing Lordaeron to only politely wish Llane luck with his troubles.[17]

Second War[]

Chronicle2 Death knights versus paladins

The Battle of Hillsbrad Foothills was one of the earliest of the Second War.

Following the opening of the Dark Portal and the ending of the First War, the nation of Stormwind fell to the Orcish Horde, and not long after the dwarven region of Khaz Modan shared the same fate. Refugees from Stormwind, led by Lord Anduin Lothar, fled across the sea to the southern shores of the continent of Lordaeron. There, Lothar and the young Turalyon convinced the leaders of the human nations, as well as the dwarven refugees of Ironforge, the gnomes of Gnomeregan, and the proud high elves of Quel'Thalas, to join forces in the Alliance of Lordaeron.

Under the leadership of King Terenas and Lord Lothar, the Alliance was victorious in the Second War, pushing the Horde back to the Dark Portal, and destroying the gateway to the orcs' homeworld. Lothar fell in the assault on Blackrock Spire, and with the loss of his political skill, rifts developed between the Alliance nations. The main issue of dispute was a tax levied by King Terenas to finance the internment of the orcs. Though Lordaeron attempted to retain its central role, several nations pulled their support from the Alliance. Only Stormwind stood fast in its commitment to the Alliance, although the distance between the kingdoms of Stormwind and Lordaeron made their union a hollow one.[18] Following the war, many Stormwind refugees decided to stay in Lordaeron.[19]

After the end of the Second War, Lordaeron built a military outpost along the borders of the Alterac Mountains. The outpost was raided by the Horde of Draenor in order to get the Book of Medivh back from the Alteraci.[20]

The kingdom later at least partially annexed the Alterac Mountains. At the outset of the Third War, Arthas Menethil traveled through the King's Road toward Strahnbrad, and its inhabitants considered him their lord, with the citizens also taking up arms for Lordaeron.[21]

Scourging of Lordaeron[]

Scourge v Alliance in the Third War

The Scourging of Lordaeron.

Following years of debate over the internment of the orcs, the Cult of the Damned led by Kel'Thuzad emerged and a plague appeared in the north of Lordaeron. As it spread throughout the towns and cities of Lordaeron, one after another fell to the Scourge, most notably Andorhal and Stratholme. After Stratholme was purged, some former paladins, now called Deathlords, committed the same heinous act in many other cities across Lordaeron, but after years of constant war and suffering, some members of the clergy also lost their sense of the Holy Light.

Finally, with the corruption of the heir to the throne of Lordaeron, Prince Arthas Menethil, the capital city itself succumbed. Arthas's captains, Falric and Marwyn, were responsible for the slaughter of the aristocracy. Thus, in an ironic twist of fate, it was Lordaeron that lay in ruins, with refugees streaming to Khaz Modan and Azeroth.[22] Many others later fled with Jaina Proudmoore to Kalimdor while remnants of the Lordaeron armies remained. After King Terenas was murdered and Capital City fell, the Scourge army swept across Lordaeron. Neighboring human and dwarven nations converged on Lordaeron to vanquish the Scourge. Even the elven kingdom of Quel'Thalas, no longer an Alliance member, sent their priests to help defeat the undead. The Scourge was numerous and defeated any resistance. Ultimately, the Scourge took Lordaeron.[23]

Arthas briefly assumed the title of King, and ruled as an agent of the Scourge, before the eruption of a civil war between his forces, the remaining dreadlords, and the free undead (later known as the Forsaken) led by Sylvanas Windrunner. While Arthas was summoned to Northrend to defend the Lich King, Windrunner's forces, with the help of a traitor Dreadlord Varimathras, and the remaining Alliance resistance forces under Grand Marshal Othmar Garithos— whom Sylvanas tricked into helping her— achieved a victory over the other dreadlords and the Undead they controlled. After the final battle, Sylvanas betrayed the Alliance remnants she allied with by ordering Varimathras and her Forsaken to kill Garithos and to slaughter the remaining Alliance resistance forces. Afterwards, they claimed the ruined former capital of Lordaeron (the "Ruins of Lordaeron"), under which they inhabited the Undercity.

Some Lordaeron refugees managed to get to Stormwind City. Mathias Shaw and Flynn Fairwind believe that refugees of Lordaeron must have wanted a way to honor their fallen king, so they buried Terenas Menethil II's crown in an unmarked grave at the lighthouse in Stormwind Harbor.[24]


WoW Icon update This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

Chron3 map of EK after the Third War

Lordaeron after the Third War.

After the collapse of Lordaeron, the kingdom's territories were broken down into four major groups, those who simply claimed to be remnants of Lordaeron, the Scarlet Crusade, the Forsaken, and the Argent Dawn.

The first were the folk of southern Lordaeron which remained loyal to the Alliance. These humans once controlled two towns, Southshore and Hillsbrad Fields. Southshore was the most important of these townships, and the only port north of the Thandol Span under Alliance control. To the north, nestled in the rolling foothills of Alterac laid the rich Hillsbrad Fields. The town controlled an important mine on the coast, Azurelode Mine. These towns found some support from neighboring forces; such as the Stormpike Guard and the shielded Dalaran. West of Hillsbrad, the Gilnean towns of Pyrewood Village and Ambermill were also friendly; the latter of which receiving aid from Dalaran. It is unknown if the two towns directly aided those in Hillsbrad, but the dire curse laid upon Pyrewood by the mage Arugal left the village turning into feral monsters known as Worgen during the nights. To the south of the town laid a series of refugee camps outside of the Greymane Wall that were made up of Lordaeron's former citizenry. The Hinterlands' local dwarves, the Wildhammer clan remained in firm control of their holdings, contending more with the local trolls than undead (a matter they were aided with by the High elves of Quel'Danil Lodge). Lastly, the Alliance held some presence in the Plaguelands by way of Chillwind Camp.

The Scarlet Crusade held lands scattered throughout northern Lordaeron, and at one stage were by far the most numerically well-endowed of the human factions of the former kingdom. Unfortunately, the faction was so fearful of the undead that they attacked virtually any individual on sight. They held several key positions in the Tirisfal Glades, including farmlands in the west, and their great stronghold in the region, the Scarlet Monastery along the north coast. In the Western Plaguelands they once controlled the entire northern part of the zone from Hearthglen. They also formerly maintained a presence in Andorhal. In the Eastern Plaguelands, they controlled Tyr's Hand, and controlled the Scarlet Enclave as a massive, although it has become depopulated due to invasion by the Scourge, and migration to Northrend. They also controlled the Scarlet Bastion, a region of the once mighty city of Stratholme.

The Argent Dawn, controlled the least amount of territory. Though they had camps spread around the Plaguelands, the Argent Dawn was primarily found at Light's Hope Chapel. Having splintered off from the Scarlet Crusade, the Argent Dawn took a more level-headed approach to the war with the Scourge. They opened their ranks to all willing to aid them, accepting Horde and even Forsaken into their ranks.

The Forsaken managed to take control of the heart of the old kingdom, claiming the Ruins of Lordaeron (and the Undercity beneath) as their base of operations. They used it to keep hold over much of the Tirisfal Glades, and control the towns Brill and Deathknell along the main east-west road of the region. They also control The Sepulcher in the center of Silverpine Forest, and the town of Tarren Mill in the Hillsbrad Foothills.

Beyond these four factions, a few other factions had managed to claim territory that once belonged to Lordaeron. The Syndicate, in an attempt to punish Lordaeron for its role in the fall of their kingdom of Alterac took the fortress of Durnholde Keep and the surrounding countryside, although the Ravenholdt (a league of assassins) have attempted to curb their strength from their base at Ravenholdt Manor (which also lies in former Lordaeron).

Finally, the undead Scourge held core areas of Lordaeron such as Stratholme and Andorhal, as well as Scholomance in the southern Western Plaguelands. The necromancer traitor, Thule Ravenclaw, ruled over swaths of Silverpine Forest in the name of the Scourge. Scourge undead mindlessly wandered countless areas of Tirisfal Glades, with Devlin Agamand commanding some of their forces in Agamand Mills. The Scourge were overwhelmingly the dominant force in much of Lordaeron, with a presence in all its zones except the Hillsbrad Foothills.


Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

After the Cataclysm, Lordaeron's landscape changed dramatically.

The Forsaken strengthened their grip on Silverpine Forest and Hillsbrad Foothills by conquering Pyrewood, Ambermill, Hillsbrad Fields, Southshore and attacking the Alliance on the hills overlooking Hillsbrad, as well as Andorhal in the Western Plaguelands. Tarren Mill was reinforced, with many farmsteads in Silverpine being converted into bases such as Forsaken High Command and the Forsaken Rear Guard. Tirisfal Glades was dominated by Forsaken power, with areas such as Brill being rebuilt in the new architecture of the Forsaken. They scored major victories against every Alliance force in the north with the exception of the Wildhammer clan and Quel'danil Lodge.

These accomplishments effectively collapsed the Alliance's hold over any part of Lordaeron. Southshore's destruction as well as that of Hillsbrad Fields led to many of its surviving remnants to head to Fenris Isle. There, the survivors took over Fenris Keep as a last stand for their people. They eventually joined with the Gilnean forces that came into the area past the now collapsed Greymane Wall, turning into Worgen in order to prevent themselves from being turned into undead by the Forsaken's new Val'kyr. This joint force was eventually defeated and a bulk of their leadership slain. The people of Hillsbrad Fields became monstrous undead in horrific experiments being conducted in what was once their home, the Sludge Fields. The survivors of Azurelode Mine were held as captives by the Forsaken and sent to the Sludge Fields. The last of Alliance presence in Lordaeron was in Andorhal, where the Forsaken warred to claim the area against them. The Horde was ultimately victorious, laying claim over the entirety of the city. With this destruction, the Alliance was reduced down to Chillwind Camp, Aerie Peak, Quel'danil Lodge, and the Stormpikes.

The Argent Dawn was reformed during the war with the Lich King into the Argent Crusade. This crusade commanded wide swaths of land in Western Plaguelands; taking control of Hearthglen and a number of farmsteads across the region as well as Northridge Lumber Camp. The Crusade also took command of the various towers that dotted the Eastern Plaguelands, with Light's Hope being reinforced and the city of Tyr's Hand eventually getting conquered by the Brotherhood of the Light in the name of the Argents. Due to their neutral nature, the Argents ended up becoming the closest representation of the living in Lordaeron in the wake of the Forsaken's victories.

The Scarlet Crusade presence was reduced heavily. Most of their citadels of power were conquered either by the Forsaken or the Argent Crusade; leaving them only with a few holdings in Tirisfal Glades.[25] Those outside of Tirisfal were either obliterated or turned into the undead Risen. These forces too were eventually defeated by the Argents.

The Syndicate was removed from Durnholde Keep, but remained active in Strahnbrad. The Scourge suffered dramatically following the Cataclysm. They lost the majority of their holdings outside of the Eastern Plaguelands, where they maintained their strongest grip. In Western Plaguelands, the Cult of the Damned attempted to fight both the Alliance and Horde for Andorhal but were ultimately routed back to Scholomance. Some Scourge remained in Tirisfal Glades; though their threat was effectively diminished to a nuisance in the area. The Scourge was effectively completely removed from Silverpine Forest after Thule lost control of Fenris Keep.

Battle for Azeroth[]

Sylvanas vs Anduin Capital City BfA

Sylvanas fighting Anduin outside of the Ruins of Capital City.

The modern-day Alliance, with forces led by Anduin Wrynn and Genn Greymane, attempted to regain control of Lordaeron's capital during the Battle for Lordaeron in response to the Burning of Teldrassil. Ultimately, the ruined capital was left blighted and unclaimed.

The Alliance and Horde forces waged an active campaign against each other throughout the formerly Forsaken-controlled lands, in an attempt to gain hold over the remaining regions of Lordaeron.

The Fourth War eventually ended in an uneasy armistice between the two sides, but the Alliance managed to capture and reclaim Southshore. The neighboring Gilneans also re-established control over their once hold of Shadowfang Keep and Fenris Keep under the Bloodfang Pack. Tirisfal Glades remained under Forsaken control. [7]

People and culture[]

Human Crest

The crest of Lordaeron.

Hillsbrad Tabard

A tabard from Lordaeron.

Lordaeron's national colors are both white and blue.[26][27] In Warcraft III Lordaeron forces are represented in blue (white is notably not a playable color as it was in Warcraft II) while in The Frozen Throne Lordaeron is instead most commonly represented as a light blue. Along with the Lordaeron sigil, both twin[27] and single-headed[28] eagles often adorn Lordaeron banners and tabards. Lions are also a common symbol.[29]

Something originating from Lordaeron is called "Lordaeronian".[30]

Like the other realms, the Kingdom of Lordaeron applied the death penalty for its criminals, the task being accomplished by an executioner, including hanging as gallows were present in their cities, such as Stratholme. After his excommunication, Tirion Fordring mentioned that he would in turn be hanged for his treason by saving Eitrigg from his execution.[31] The court of King Terenas employed Wroth as a royal torturer.[32] The town of Southshore had its own court and tribunal, and allowed the death penalty by hanging.[33]

Lordaeronian revere the Holy Light, and the Church of the Holy Light played a significant role in Lordaeron society. Centuries ago, Lordaeron's leaders codified the different Light-based traditions and belief systems. From these efforts, the Church of the Holy Light came to be. Lordaeron served as the home of this church and became a popular destination for travelers seeking healing, wisdom, and inner peace. The church constructed temples and shrines throughout the far-flung human lands, and it created a hierarchy of religious leaders to oversee its followers. The most important places of worship were located in the verdant Eastweald. Among the oldest and most revered of these holy sites were Light's Hope Chapel, Stratholme, Andorhal, and Tyr's Hand.[34] Thus, the armies of Lordaeron were said to be deeply religious,[35] while Capital City had its own cathedral, where Jaina Proudmoore and Arthas Menethil met for the first time.[36]

A Lordaeronian lullaby[]

Lu, la lu, my dearest child,
Lu, la lu, lu la lay,
Lordaeron says, "Go to sleep."
Azeroth says, "Dream you deep."
Lu, la lu, la lu, la lay,
Safe in my arms you'll stay.[37]

Notable people[]

Notable leaders[]

History Kingdom of Lordaeron
Ruler Terenas Menethil II Arthas Menethil


Stub This section is a lore stub.

Soldiers and citizens from Lordaeron[]

WoW Icon update This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

See also: Durnholde military, 1st Legion


Chronicle2 Lordaeron Kingdom Before the First War

The lands of Lordaeron before the First War.


The lands of Lordaeron in Warcraft III.

By the time of the Third War, the kingdom of Lordaeron controlled the Eastweald, the Tirisfal Glades, the northern part of Silverpine Forest, the majority of the Hillsbrad Foothills and parts of the Alterac Mountains (Chillwind Point, and the town of Strahnbrad). Also the region of northern Lordaeron, which is currently a closed zone.

Present-day regions once under Lordaeronian control[]

Items from Lordaeron[]

In Warcraft II[]


The banner of Lordaeron.

Leader: King Terenas

Nation Color: White

Background: Ruled by the benevolent King Terenas, the nation of Lordaeron stands as the last bastion of hope for humanity. The armies of Lordaeron were the first to heed the call to arms issued by Sir Lothar and the people of Azeroth. As patron of the Alliance, King Terenas has assumed the heavy mantle of leadership to protect all who abide in his domain. The armies of Lordaeron are deeply religious and are driven by the belief that humanity must stand steadfast against the blasphemous onslaught of the Horde.[38]

Film universe[]

Lordaeron participated in the council that would eventually lead to the creation of the Alliance.

Notes and trivia[]

  • In Deathwing's mind, Lordaeron wine represented the only worthwhile export the kingdom offered.[39]
  • Before the Third War, the kingdom of Stormwind spied on the kingdom of Lordaeron to gain vital information and later to investigate the rumors of the plague of undeath.[40]
  • During the Legion beta, Calia Menethil said the kingdom of Lordaeron no longer existed. This never made it into the live version of the game.[41]
    • In Before the Storm, she is still deeply worried about the Lordaeronians that became Forsaken.
  • While people from Lordaeron usually speak with American accents, the Scarlet Crusade in the Mists of Pandaria revamp of Scarlet Monastery and Scarlet Halls have German accents. No other Lordaeronians share this accent, and the Scarlet Crusade has not used it in appearances after this either.
  • The Lordaeron symbol is present on Inv shield 19 [High Warlord's Shield Wall], representing the Forsaken and their Lordaeronian heritage.


  • The continent of Lordaeron in the World of Warcraft: Game Manual.

  • The lands of Lordaeron (in cyan) and the rest of the Eastern Kingdoms before the First War.

    The lands of Lordaeron (in cyan) and the rest of the Eastern Kingdoms before the First War.

  • Lordaeron and Khaz Modan during the Third War.

    Lordaeron and Khaz Modan during the Third War.

  • Lordaeron Coin in Hearthstone.

Fan art[]

  • Lordaeron by Brustan.

    Lordaeron by Brustan.

  • Royal Court of Lordaeron by Hipnosworld

    Royal Court of Lordaeron by Hipnosworld

See also[]


  1. ^ Arthas: Rise of the Lich King
  2. ^ Warcraft III
  3. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2
  4. ^ Hearthstone - Uther Lightbringer, The Paladin
  5. ^ "Legacy of the Damned: King Arthas", Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. Blizzard Entertainment. Quest "Slay the Paladins": "The Paladin order has emerged again from the rubble of the Lordaeron Empire"
  6. ^ Ultimate Visual Guide, pg. 17
  7. ^ a b World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth: The Eastern Kingdoms
  8. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 65 - 66
  9. ^ Libram of Ancient Kings#The Silver Hand
  10. ^ a b c Saga of the Valarjar: Strom'kar, the Warbreaker
  11. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 127
  12. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. 126
  13. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 133
  14. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 141
  15. ^ Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, pg. 27 & 31
  16. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. 105 - 106
  17. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. 124
  18. ^ Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal manual, The Aftermath of the Second War
  19. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. 177
  20. ^ Alterac (WC2 Orc)
  21. ^ The Defense of Strahnbrad (WC3 Human)
  22. ^ World of Warcraft: Game Manual, pg. 168
  23. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 54 - 55
  24. ^ World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth: The Eastern Kingdoms, pg. 121
  25. ^ H IconSmall Undead MaleIconSmall Undead Female [1-10] Recruitment
  26. ^ Lordaeron bicolor banners in Warcraft III
  27. ^ a b Old Hillsbrad Foothills and Culling of Stratholme NPCs' tabards and banners
  28. ^ Atop Lordaeron banners in Warcraft III
  29. ^ Adorning Arthas Menethil's armor in-game as well as found on flags and embossed in gold in the human campaign screen of Warcraft III
  30. ^ Sean Copeland on Twitter: "Lore from Chris Metzen and Micky Neilson! Alteraci (“alterackee”), Lordaeronian, Stromic, Dalaranian, Stormwindian. BOOM." March 10, 2014
  31. ^ Of Blood and Honor
  32. ^ H [15-30] The Rod of Compulsion
  33. ^ Legends Volume 4: Blood Runs Thicker
  34. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. 126
  35. ^ Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness manual, Nations of the Alliance, Lordaeron
  36. ^ Arthas: Rise of the Lich King
  37. ^ Before the Storm, chapter 20
  38. ^ Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness manual, Nations of the Alliance, Lordaeron
  39. ^ Day of the Dragon, chapter 13
  40. ^ Traveler: The Spiral Path, chapter 17
  41. ^ N Priest [100] Agent of Aid. "And I'm just Calia now, Lordaeron is no more."


High King
Lord Commander





Cities and towns

Capital cities
Eastern Kingdoms
Broken Isles
Kul Tiras
Kingdom of Stormwind
Kingdom of Ironforge
Night elves of Darnassus
Exodar draenei
Kingdom of Gilneas
Admiralty of Kul Tiras
Other members
Former members
Alliance-aligned and allies
Former allies