Murloc High Sorcerer

Murloc High Sorcerer
Race Murloc WC3tFT-logo / Deep sea murloc WC3Reforged-icon
Faction Underworld Minions
Hit points 975
Hit point regeneration Always
Hit point regeneration rate 1.40 HP/sec.
Mana 525
Mana Regeneration rate 1.76 Mana/sec.
Unit Classified As Ground
Level 6
Gold 500 Gold
Lumber 100 Lumber
Produced at Altar of the Deep WC3tFT-logo
Gold Bounty Awarded 30 BTNPillage
Hotkey S
Normal attack 97-107 (102.5 avg)
Can attack Ground Structure, Debris, Air, Item, Ward
Range 60
Attack type Hero
Cooldown 1.69 sec.
Weapon type Missile
Armor Type Flesh
Defense Type Hero
Armor 10
Day Sight 180
Night Sight 80
Movement Speed Fast (320)
Hero Parameters
Primary Attribute Intelligence
Strength Infocard-heroattributes-str 23
Agility Infocard-heroattributes-agi 22
Intelligence Infocard-heroattributes-int 35


The Murloc High Sorcerer is a high sorcerer deep sea murloc of the Underworld Minions. He is one of two hero units of the Underworld Minions in the campaign Exodus of the Horde.

Able to speak, he was the leading figure of the Underworld Minions besides Zar'jira the Sea Witch, and succeeded in having Thrall and Sen'jin captured — along with many orcs, jungle trolls, and even humans. Though Thrall and most of the prisoners escaped the dungeons, Sen'jin could not be rescued in time and Thrall helplessly watched the witch doctor be viciously cut down by the Murloc High Sorcerer. Thrall afterwards dealt with the Sorcerer appropriately; by killing him.

In the original demo version, several other Murloc Sorcerers existed and fought against Thrall in his final battle against the Underworld Minions.

In Reforged, these other Murloc Sorcerers were renamed Mur'gul Shadowcasters. The Murloc High Sorcerer himself was changed to a deep sea murloc.

Spells and abilities[]

Rain of Fire[]


Calls down waves of fire that damage units in an area.
Cooldown Mana Cost Effect
12 sec. 100 6 waves at 35 damage each.

Murloc Sorcerer's quotes[]

  • "Your meddling magics will no longer interfere with our plans, land-dwellers."

  • "Pathetic fools. You will not stop us from receiving what has been promised."

  • "You may have rescued the others, but I'll see to that the exalted one does not go completely unappeased."

  • "Don't despair. You'll soon be joining him."

  • "The exalted one would be most displeased if I allowed you to escape. Her will must be done."


  • Murloc sorcerer

    Murloc sorcerer