Northern Exposure
- ️Tue Oct 14 2008
- 10
- Northern Exposure
- Kill one of the extremely rare and hard to find Northrend creatures listed below.
- Criteria:
- Loque'nahak
- Hildana Deathstealer
- Fumblub Gearwind
- Perobas the Bloodthirster
- King Ping
- Crazed Indu'le Survivor
- Grocklar
- Syreian the Bonecarver
- Griegen
- Aotona
- Vyragosa
- Putridus the Ancient
- High Thane Jorfus
- Old Crystalbark
- Icehorn
- Vigdis the War Maiden
- Tukemuth
- Scarlet Highlord Daion
- Seething Hate
- Zul'Drak Sentinel
- Terror Spinner
- King Krush
- Dirkee
Northern Exposure is an exploration achievement earned for killing one of the rare mobs found all over Northrend.
A handy macro for targeting them, as you fly about:
/tar Aotona /tar Crazed /tar Dirk /tar Fumbl /tar Griege /tar Grockl /tar High Than /tar Hildan /tar Iceho /tar King Kr /tar King Pi /tar Loqu /tar Old Cry /tar Perob /tar Scarlet Highlord Dai /tar Seething Hat /tar Syrei /tar Terror Sp /tar Tuke
(Some mob names are shortened to keep the macro under the 256-character limit.)

Location of all rare spawns of Northern Exposure achievement.
It's advised to use a rare finding addon, such as NPCScan or SilverDragon, when going for the achievement to make things quite easier when flying through the zones.
See also[]
Patch changes[]
Patch 3.0.2 (2008-10-14): Added.