
NeutralThe not-living
Reanimation HS
Main leader IconSmall Galakrond Galakrond †
Race(s) Proto-dragon
Theater of operations Northrend
Affiliation Galakrond
Status Defeated

The not-living were undead proto-dragons created by Galakrond after he cannibalized them and absorbed their life essence, then vomited them back up. Seemingly a by-product of the mutated Galakrond, the not-living quickly attacked any living proto-dragon who adventured too close. It was noticed that proto-dragons that were bitten by them would develop a hunger that would cause them to act like Galakrond and try to devour their living companions.

After Talonixa led a proto-dragon army to kill Galakrond, it was discovered that the not-living were in fact commanded by the monstrous fiend. While the proto-dragon was able to kill a great deal of not-living present, the not-living served their purpose in battle by bringing the army to Galakrond who emerged from beneath the earth and shattered the army as they scattered; many, including Talonixa, were killed.

Following an attack by Watcher Tyr and the future Aspects, Galakrond sent his minions to hunt them down. At the same time, though, his ever-growing hunger caused Galakrond to devour the not-living as they were the only ones that didn't hide from the great behemoth. Galakrond's hunt came to an end when the future aspects engaged him again, and he unleashed his remaining not-living minions against them. Over the course of the battle, Malygos and Neltharion were noticed by the not-living while delivering a huge jagged stone into Galakrond's mouth. Determined to ensure that the plan's success, Neltharion broke off and engaged the not-living in battle.

As Galakrond struggled to dislodge the rock from his throat, his control over the not-living was broken and they began to attack one another. In the end, Galakrond perished when Neltharion blasted one of the not-living down his mouth in order to push the boulder further into his body.[1] The remaining not-living were presumably also destroyed one way or another during the battle.


  • The not-living are the first known undead threat that Azeroth has faced.
  • The Not-Friend manifestations are part of Ysera's nightmares when her soul initially resided in Ardenweald.
  • Reanimated Dragon is summoned in Hearthstone from the Reanimation choice card produced by Kronx Dragonhoof if the player's hero is Galakrond.
  • The not-living are not known to modern inhabitants of Azeroth. There are no records existing of ancient proto-dragons battling the undead.[2] Presumably this was part of the Aspects covering up the truth of Galakrond's powers to prevent other dragons from following in his footsteps.

