Obsidian Worldbreaker

  • ️Wed Nov 13 2019

Warcraft's Anniversary

The subject of this article or section was exclusively part of WoW's 15th Anniversary. It was not carried over into future events and is no longer available.

Inv encrypted13

  • Obsidian Worldbreaker
  • Binds when picked up
  • Unique
  • Mount
  • Use: Teaches you how to summon this mount.
  • Requires Level 10
  • Requires Apprentice Riding
Obsidian Worldbreaker

Obsidian Worldbreaker

The Obsidian Worldbreaker is a black dragonflight mount inspired by Deathwing.[1]


This mount was immediately rewarded after earning the Spell nature elementalabsorption [Memories of Fel, Frost and Fire] achievement.

Since the 15th anniversary, this mount is no longer obtainable from succeeding anniversary events. However, the mount can appear on the Black Market Auction House for 200,000g as a starting bid, sold by Majordomo Executus.

Mount Journal[]

"I have had many names throughout history, all of them spoken with dread: Neltharion, Xaxas, and many more. Yet you shall know me best as Deathwing, for so I am! I am the bane of life, the darkness within history, the lord of death, the master of destruction. And I tell you now, and so it is true, that this world is mine!" - Neltharion, the Earth-Warder


Players who completed the achievement prior to November 13, 2019 were mailed the mount by Chromie:

The Breaker of Worlds


Great job out there, I hope those memories weren't too scary!

You left this behind in the memory of the Cataclysm! I'm not sure how it came to be, memories are often hazy and the magic is... imprecise.

You should take it with you!




Patch changes[]


External links[]

Mount family
Specific types

Drake mounts

Netherwing drake
Twilight drake
Elemental drake
Storm dragon