
This article is about the general role. For the Stormwind City guards, see Officer (guard).

An officer is a member of any armed force who holds a position of authority.



Name Organization Status
Horde IconSmall Orc Male 3rd Officer Kronkar Hellscream's Reach Alive
Neutral IconSmall Orc Male Argent Officer Garush Argent Crusade Alive
Neutral IconSmall Draenei Female Argent Officer Irizarry Argent Crusade Alive
Neutral IconSmall Human Female Argent Officer Pureheart Argent Crusade Alive
Alliance IconSmall Dwarf Male Barnil Blackbarrel Stormwind Army Killable
Alliance IconSmall Human Male Barracks Officer Milson Stormwind Army Alive
Mob IconSmall Dwarf Male Chief Expedition Officer McCormick Venture Company Killable
Neutral IconSmall Goblin Female Chief Officer Brassbolt The Iron Eagle Alive
Neutral IconSmall Goblin Female Chief Officer Coppernut The Thundercaller Alive
Neutral IconSmall Goblin Male Chief Officer Hammerflange The Purple Princess Alive
Alliance IconSmall Human Male Captain Donnel Boralus Guard Alive
Alliance IconSmall Human Male Chief Officer Leonards Valiance Expedition Alive
Horde IconSmall Orc Female Chief Officer Ograh The Zephyr Alive
Alliance IconSmall Human Male Expedition Officer Barry 7th Legion Alive
Alliance IconSmall Human Female Officer Areyn Stormwind Army Alive
Alliance IconSmall Human Male Officer Blythe Stormwind Army Alive
Alliance IconSmall Human Male Officer Carven Stormwind Army Alive
Alliance IconSmall Dwarf Male Officer Ironore Stormwind Army Alive
Alliance IconSmall Human Female Officer Jankie Nijel's Point Guard Alive
Alliance IconSmall Human Male Officer Jovan Kul Tiras Alive
Alliance IconSmall Human Female Officer Mirenda Stormwind Army Alive
Neutral IconSmall DrakonidRed2 Officer Obernax Red dragonflight Alive
Alliance IconSmall Human Female Officer Rainfield Proudmoore Admiralty Alive
Alliance IconSmall Human Male Officer Redfen Kul Tiras Alive
Alliance IconSmall HumanThin Officer Reynald Storm's Wake Alive
Alliance IconSmall Human Male Officer Rumsfeld Stormwind Army Alive
Alliance IconSmall Human Male Officer Van Rossem Valiance Expedition Alive
Horde IconSmall Orc Male Petty Officer Chulok Hellscream's Reach Alive
Mob IconSmall Qiraji Male Qiraji Officer Zod Ahn'Qiraj Killable
Mob IconSmall Hobgoblin Security Officer Durk Venture Company Killable
Alliance IconSmall Gnome Male Tactical Officer Ahbramis Valiance Expedition Alive
Horde IconSmall Mag'har Male Tactical Officer Kilrath Warsong Offensive Alive
Alliance IconSmall Human Female Lynn Baxter Stormwind Army Alive
Alliance IconSmall Dwarf Male Malgin Barleybrew Bael'dun Alive
Alliance IconSmall Human Male Sergeant De Vries Stormwind Army Alive
Alliance IconSmall Human Male Nathan Blaine Northwatch Expeditionary Unit Unknown
Alliance IconSmall Human Female Warrant Officer Tracy Proudwell Honor Hold Alive
Neutral IconSmall Blackmoore Aedelas Blackmoore Durnholde Keep Deceased
Neutral IconSmall NightElf Male Rol'tharak‎ Rooksguard Unknown
Neutral IconSmall Human Male Trand Alterac Unknown
Neutral IconSmall Human Male Verand Alterac Unknown

Supply and commendation officers[]

Name Organization Status
Alliance IconSmall Wildhammer Male Gaelden Hammersmith Stormpike Guard Alive
Mob IconSmall Abomination2 Grabber Ga'shock Killable
Horde IconSmall Orc Female Grunnda Wolfheart Frostwolf clan Alive
Alliance IconSmall NightElf Female Illiyana Moonblaze Silverwing Sentinels Alive
Alliance IconSmall Human Female Janice Mattingly Northwatch Expeditionary Unit Alive
Horde IconSmall Orc Male Jorek Ironside Frostwolf clan Alive
Horde IconSmall Orc Male Kelm Hargunth Warsong Outriders Alive
Neutral IconSmall Gladiator Female Oyne Soulborn Undying Army Alive
Mob IconSmall Abomination2 Pilfer Bur'tok Killable
Horde IconSmall Forsaken Male Rutherford Twing Defilers Active
Alliance IconSmall Human Male Samuel Hawke League of Arathor Alive
Mob IconSmall Ossein Shamet House of the Chosen Killable
Alliance IconSmall Gnome Female Rations Officer Flexgear Gnomeregan Covert Ops Alive
Horde IconSmall Forsaken Female Supply Officer Isabel Thrallmar Active
Alliance IconSmall Human Female Supply Officer Mills Stormwind Army Alive
Alliance IconSmall Human Male Supply Officer Pestle Honor Hold Alive
Alliance IconSmall NightElf Female Supply Officer Shandria Honor Hold Alive
Neutral IconSmall Human Male Supply Officer Thalmers Argent Crusade Alive
Alliance IconSmall NightElf Male Thanthaldis Snowgleam Stormpike Guard Alive
Neutral IconSmall Gnome Male Gnoklin Quirkcoil Dragonscale Expedition Alive
Horde IconSmall Forsaken Male Jekyll Flandring Frostwolf clan Active
Horde IconSmall BloodElf Female Officer Dawning Quel'Thalas Alive
Horde IconSmall Forsaken Female Officer Gothena Forsaken Active
Alliance IconSmall Dwarf Male Officer Ironbeard Ironforge Alive
Alliance IconSmall Draenei Male Officer Khaluun Exodar Alive
Alliance IconSmall NightElf Female Officer Lunalight Darnassus Alive
Alliance IconSmall Human Male Officer Maloof Stormwind Alive
Alliance IconSmall Gnome Male Officer Porterhouse Gnomeregan Alive
Horde IconSmall Orc Female Officer Redblade Durotar Alive
Horde IconSmall Tauren Male Officer Thunderstrider Thunder Bluff Alive
Horde IconSmall JungleTroll Male Officer Vu'Shalay Darkspear tribe Alive

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.

Logictics officers[]

Name Organization Status
Horde IconSmall Orc Male High Overseer Bloodmane True Horde Deceased
Alliance IconSmall Human Male Logistics Officer Brighton Valiance Expedition Alive
Alliance IconSmall Human Male Logistics Officer Renaldo Northwatch Expeditionary Unit Alive
Alliance IconSmall Human Female Logistics Officer Salista Northwatch Expeditionary Unit Alive
Alliance IconSmall Human Female Logistics Officer Silverstone Valiance Expedition Alive
Alliance IconSmall Human Female Logistics Officer Ulrike Honor Hold Alive

Recruitment officers[]

Name Organization Status
Horde IconSmall Forsaken Male Captain Fennick Forsaken Active
Alliance IconSmall Gnome Female Captain Towix Gnomeregan Alive
Alliance IconSmall Human Male Captain Trask Stormwind Army Alive
Neutral IconSmall Human Male Commander Born Knights of the Silver Hand Alive
Horde IconSmall JungleTroll Female Elder Yaka'li Darkspear tribe Alive
Alliance IconSmall Jarod Jarod Shadowsong Darnassus Alive
Horde IconSmall Tauren Male Jorne Hightotem Thunder Bluff Alive
Horde IconSmall Goblin Male Krick Bilgewater Cartel Alive
Horde IconSmall ForsakenDeathKnight Female Lady Grendel Knights of the Ebon Blade Active
Alliance IconSmall Dwarf Male Lieutenant Rotimer Stormpike Guard Alive
Alliance IconSmall HumanDeathKnight Male Lord Selterus Knights of the Ebon Blade Active
Alliance IconSmall Dwarf Male Officer Jeor Ironforge Guard Alive
Horde IconSmall BloodElf Male Officer Lianin Quel'Thalas Alive
Alliance IconSmall Draenei Male Officer Torluun Exodar Alive
Alliance IconSmall Worgen Male Packleader Vitale Gilneas Alive
Alliance IconSmall Human Male Ralston Karn Stormwind Army Alive
Alliance IconSmall NightElf Female Sentinel Dawnshadow Sentinels Alive
Horde IconSmall Orc Female Serka Durotar Alive
Alliance IconSmall Pandaren Male Shield Captain Chien Tushui Pandaren Alive
Horde IconSmall Pandaren Female Shield Captain Liang Huojin Pandaren Alive
Horde IconSmall Orc Female Throk Durotar Alive
Horde IconSmall JungleTroll Male Witch Doctor Um'bagwa Darkspear tribe Alive
Neutral IconSmall Draenei Female Yuula Sha'tari Skyguard Alive

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.


Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.

  • Excise Officer


  • All known morale officers are drink and supply vendors.


An Officer is a rank of a member within a Guild that usually has similar privileges to the guild leader. There can be multiple ranks of officers in a guild with varying levels of privilege controlled solely by the guild's leader. Officers may use '/of' instead of '/g' to talk to the guild, it appears a darker green.