Patch 1.2.0

Icon-patch-22x22 Patch 1.2.0
“Mysteries of Maraudon”

Maraudon preview graphic

Release date December 18, 2004
Latest version date December 21, 2004
Initial version 4147
Latest version 4149
Interface .toc 4146
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Patch 1.1.2 Patch 1.2.1
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Patch 1.2.0, titled Mysteries of Maraudon, was released on 18 December 2004.

Major Changes[]

Happy Holidays![]

The holidays are here and the citizens of Azeroth are celebrating the occasion with festive decorations and winter time activities. Keep an eye out for some fun and exciting surprises throughout the world!

New Dungeon - Maraudon[]

In the vast gray of Desolace lies the earthen tomb of Zaetar, fallen Keeper of the Grove and son of Cenarius. Zaetar rejected his Keeper heritage when he joined with the princess of the chaotic earth elementals, Theradras. Their unholy union gave birth to the misshapen and cursed centaur, who promptly slew their father for his part in their misbegotten creation. Fearful of Cenarius' wrath, the grief-stricken Theradras sequestered her dead lover's body in her secret sanctuary, the Crystal Caverns of Terramok, where she watches over him to this day. Travelers who come to Desolace have little trouble spotting Zaetar's tomb, for the blessing of nature that permeates his being transformed his resting place into a verdant paradise of flora and tranquil pools. Today, this tomb is now trodden by the hooves of Zaetar's children, who have claimed this great cavern as their sacred stronghold Maraudon.

Maraudon, a level 40-49 dungeon in Desolace, is now open and ready for business

Cloak & Helm Graphics[]

There are now interface options that let you not display your helm and/or cloak on your character. These options will allow a player to wear a cloak or helm, but not have it show up in the game world. The check boxes to control this functionality are in the Options menu under "Interface Options."

General Changes[]



Player versus Player[]

  • Gurubashi Arena - The arena in Stranglethorn Vale has been changed so that free-for-all PvP will only take place on the floor of the arena, and no longer in the stands or on the entrance ramp. Please keep in mind that on PvP realms, members of the opposite faction can still attack you anywhere in the arena because Stranglethorn Vale is a contested area.
  • There is now a short countdown before a duel starts.







  • Spell holy senseundead [Sense Undead]: No longer available via the trainer; quest reward only.






  • Warriors will now resume attacking after performing a Ability warrior decisivestrike [Slam] attack.
  • New Ability: Inv gauntlets 04 [Pummel] (Berserker Stance) (Level 38) - Instant attack that causes damage and interrupts spellcasting for a short duration.
  • Ability warrior shieldbash [Shield Bash]: No longer usable in Berserker Stance.
  • Ability rogue sprint [Intercept]: Cost reduced from 15 rage to 10 rage, damage reduced accordingly.
  • Ability racial bloodrage [Bloodrage]: Now generates 10 rage immediately and 10 rage across the duration.
  • Ability racial bloodrage [Improved Bloodrage]: Now reduces the health cost of Bloodrage by 25% (rank 1) and 50% (rank 2).
  • Ability racial avatar [Berserker Stance]: Now increases critical strike chance by 3% instead of granting 10% melee haste. Extra damage taken reduced from 20% to 10%.


  • The vertex and pixel shader based graphic options have been reactivated on certain combinations of drivers and GPU hardware. As Apple releases future improvements to drivers we will continue to re-test and re-activate features on a case by case basis. A more detailed list of which driver/hardware combinations are enabled for shader capabilities, along with any known bugs will be posted on the Tech Support forum. Further optimization work on the client is ongoing, and we welcome your feedback at
  • Added reverb to sound effects when a player is in enclosed spaces.

User Interface[]

  • The Minimap arrows that point to locations/players/etc. are now easier to see.
  • Tooltip information on players and monsters in the game has been expanded.
  • Alternative keyboard types (such as Dvorak) will now work correctly.
  • Macros that cast spells will show spell feedback (e.g. cooldowns, etc.) on the action bar.
  • Lua single line comments now work in script blocks embedded in XML files.
  • There is a new user interface to enable and disable add-ons for the current account, available at the character selection screen.
  • FontString has a new attribute, "maxLines," which is used to limit the number of lines the FontString will render.
  • Any text that goes beyond the extents of a FontString will be truncated and replaced with ""


  • When a player breaks the surface of the water going up (i.e. heading out of the water), the camera will move to the above-water position regardless of whether or not the player is holding down the right mouse button.
  • The visual effect for unlearning talents will happen after you accept the dialog instead of immediately.

Bug Fixes[]

Table of patches

Test-inline 0.x – Pre-release
WoW Icon update 1.x – World of Warcraft
Bc icon 2.x – The Burning Crusade
Wrath-Logo-Small 3.x – Wrath of the Lich King
Cataclysm 4.x – Cataclysm
Mists of Pandaria 5.x – Mists of Pandaria
Warlords of Draenor 6.x – Warlords of Draenor
Legion 7.x – Legion
Battle for Azeroth 8.x – Battle for Azeroth
Shadowlands 9.x – Shadowlands
Dragonflight 10.x – Dragonflight
Icon-stub-48x48 Removed content