Patch 2.2.0, titled Voice Chat!, was a content patch that released on 25 September 2007.
Voice Chat - The new Voice Chat feature is now available in game. Players will need to go into the Options menu under Sound & Voice to activate it. Volume sliders are available for the microphone, speakers, and game-audio fade (which automatically lowers the game audio when a voice communication is received), as is a "push-to-talk" setting. Right-clicking on a player's name now includes the option to mute or unmute that player. Muting another player blocks all voice chat from him or her; the ignore feature now blocks both voice chat and text chat from that player.For the Voice Chat F.A.Q. visit the following links:
Chat Channels - New Chat Channel controls and functionality are now available under the Chat tab in the Social window of the interface. The interface will now show the channels players are in or are available to them, depending on the area of the world they are in, along with the addition of new private channel controls.
A new feature for reporting players as being AFK in battlegrounds by right clicking has been added. When enough reports are registered, a 60 second debuff will begin to count down. Once the timer is up a new debuff will appear that will prevent the player from gaining any honor while it is on. This debuff can be negated as soon as the player engages in PvP combat.
Haste: Haste has been rebalanced. It has returned to the ratios from the launch of Burning Crusade. Melee attacks and spell casts will now benefit at identical rates from haste. This change results in a reduction in the benefit of haste for melee attacks and an increase in the benefit for spellcasters.
Auction House generated emails for successful auction sales will now have a one-hour delay and is no longer instantaneous.
Troll Berserk: The spell haste on this ability was incorrectly too high and has been corrected.
Resilience rating: The reduction to the percent chance to get a critical strike now also reduces the damage dealt by damage over time effects by the same percentage.
[Dazed]: Defense skill will no longer reduce the chance players have to receive the Daze effect when attacked from behind by enemies. "The Daze change was NOT implemented in this patch and was pulled."1
Area Spells: In some cases guards in neutral areas would not aggro against pvp attacks from area spells. That is now fixed.
Corrected the damage modifier calculation for Resilience when the attacker has bonus critical strike damage.
Power Regeneration: Any effect which triggers a change in your rate of power regeneration (Mana, Rage, Energy, Focus) will now cause an immediate reward of some power at the old rate of increase, and then begin new "ticks" of power at the new rate approximately 2 seconds later. This was done to improve functionality of abilities such as Evocation and Innervate so that they did not have wasted "ticks".
Mac Movie Capture: the Mac client can now capture in-game video to QuickTime movie files using a configurable choice of codec, resolution, and frame rate. New key bindings have been added to the Key Bindings dialog. For more detailed configuration options please see the Mac Options panel in game. Mac OS X 10.4.9 and QuickTime 7.1.6 or better are required. Not all machines have enough performance to smoothly capture video at high frame rates; end user experimentation will be required to find appropriate settings for each system.
Pets are now affected by Paladin greater blessings.
Kill Triggered Effects: Effects that trigger from killing your target will no longer trigger from killing your pet.
Non-combat pets may not be selected as the target for spells or abilities.
Non-combat pets now have the tag "Companion" instead of "Minion".
Being attacked by guardians, such as summoned Treants, will no longer automatically cause neutral guards to attack you.
Meeting Stones can no longer be used to summon players that do not meet the level requirements.
Damage and health leech effects always affect flying players even if they are immune to the rest of the spell's affects while in flight.
Dueling players may not use a [Lightwell] that they didn't create themselves.
Arena calculations have been modified. In addition, the penalty for smaller arena teams (2v2, 3v3) has been slightly reduced.
Items that are indicated as quest items in their tooltips and have a "use" or "equip" ability will not work in PvP arenas.
Players will no longer be able to change armor once an arena battle has begun. Changing armor will still be available during the one-minute prep time prior to the battle. Main hand, off hand and ranged weapon swapping in combat remains unchanged.
Auras: Changing auras will no longer trigger effects that occur when you cast a spell.
[Blessing of Protection]: This spell can no longer be cast on others when stunned. It can only be cast on self (to break the stun) under those circumstances.
[Guardian's Favor] now increases duration of Blessing of Freedom by 2/4 seconds.
[Eye for an Eye]: This ability can now trigger while the Paladin is sitting.
[Hammer of Wrath] cast time reduced to .5 seconds, global cooldown reduced to .5 seconds.
[Illumination]: Paladins will now correctly gain mana from this ability if they sit down to drink right after a healing crit, and receiving mana from this ability will no longer cause a Paladin who is sitting to stand up.
[Judgment]: The Judgement spells will no longer cause triggered effects to go off twice.
[Redoubt]: This ability can now trigger while the Paladin is sitting.
[Reckoning]: This ability can now trigger while the Paladin is sitting.
[Righteous Defense]: In some cases this ability would fail to work properly when the Paladin casting it had just been crowd controlled by a creature. That is now fixed.
[Seal of Righteousness]: The tooltip for this ability has been improved. It now displays a different number for one-handed weapons and two-handed weapons, and adjusts to the speed of your current weapon. It displays a single number, rather than a range of numbers for different handedness and speeds.
[Seal of Vengeance]: The damage from this ability will now stack properly when two different characters are applying Seal of Vengeance effects to a target.
[Seal of Vengeance] duration increased to 15 seconds. In addition, when Seal of Vengeance strikes a target that already has 5 applications you will cause instant Holy damage.
[Blade Flurry]: This ability will now do damage to secondary targets when the primary target takes no damage due to a damage shield (such as Power Word: Shield).
[Cold Blood]: This effect will now be consumed by all crits, including those against targets with damage shields.
[Master of Subtlety]: The bonus damage from this talent is now properly removed when a Rogue loses stealth from zoning.
[Sap]: It is no longer sometimes possible to Sap two targets at the same time in the outdoor world.
[Sap] duration against PvP targets has been reduced to 10 seconds.
[Sword Specialization]: This talent’s free extra attacks can no longer trigger additional extra attacks.
A Warrior's [Overpower] will properly become available when one of his Sword Specialization procs is dodged by another player.
[Bloodrage] should no longer initiate combat, though it will prevent rage decay for the duration.
[Bloodrage]: Warriors no longer remain in combat indefinitely if this ability is active while zoning.
[Devastate]: The duration remaining graphic will now display properly for Sunder Armor after it has been refreshed on a target by Devastate.
[Intercept] will now cause damage to targets that are immune to stun.
[Sword Specialization]: This talent’s free extra attacks can no longer trigger additional extra attacks.
Adamantite Bound Chest: These chests found in the outdoor world now contain level-appropriate loot.
Corrected the sound made by many items when moved in players' inventories.
Corruptor Raiment Set: The pet healing bonus from this set is now triggered from damage dealt instead of damage received, at a lower percentage. Damage over time spells will trigger it correctly.
Corruptor Raiment: The heal from this set bonus can no longer be a critical heal.
[Crown of the Sun]: This item now makes the correct sound when moved in inventory.
[Demonic Bulwark]: This item incorrectly had a base amount of bonus healing in addition to its random stats. That base bonus healing has been removed.
[Design: Mystic Dawnstone]: This recipe for a +8 resilience-rating gem will now always have a copy on the vendor initially when Halaa is captured by a faction and when the vendor restocks.
[Enriched Terocone Juice]: Using this item will no longer trigger a cooldown for using all other food and drink. Its purchase price has also been corrected.
[Eye of Arachnida]: This item's 3rd charge will now work correctly. However, an item with 0 charges will remain, and this item is now unable to be vendored or disenchanted.
[Formula: Enchant Cloak - Dodge]: This enchanting recipe is now available from the Lower City Quartermaster. The reagents required have been adjusted to match the level 70 content.
[Formula: Enchant Gloves - Threat]: This enchanting recipe is now available from the Sha'tar Quartermaster. The reagents required have been adjusted to match the level 70 content.
[Gizzard Gum]: This item's tooltip now indicates it counts as an elixir.
[Greater Rune of Warding]: Due to persistent bugs with its design, this item has been redesigned for patch 2.2. It now enchants a piece of chest armor so it has a chance per hit of giving you physical damage absorption.
[Lesser Rune of Warding]: Due to persistent bugs with its design, this item has been redesigned for patch 2.2. It now enchants a piece of chest armor so it has a chance per hit of giving you physical damage absorption.
[Lesser Ward of Shielding]: This item was not providing any benefit to the user or placing a buff icon on them. It is now functioning properly.
[Libram of Avengement]: The tooltip for this item now specifies it only works with the damaging Judgements (Command, Righteousness, Vengeance, Blood).
[Red Ogre Brew]: This item now gives an error message when you attempt to use it outside of the Blade's Edge Plateaus.
Rift Stalker Armor: The pet healing set bonus now heals for a percentage of damage dealt by the Hunter.
[R.O.I.D.S.]: This item's tooltip now indicates it counts as an elixir.
[Sagefish Delight]: The buff from this item has been modified to work the same as all other mana per 5 buffs, including display correctly on the character sheet.
[Schematic: Fused Wiring]: Vendors who sell this recipe will now properly restock it after a period of time.
[Sheen of Zanza]: This item's tooltip now indicates it counts as an elixir.
[Shiny Red Apple]: Druids in animal forms can no longer eat this food item.
[Shuriken of Negation]: Item level and stats increased to match other items in from Gruul.
[Six Demon Bag]: The damage spells cast by this item no longer benefit from a player’s bonus spell damage effects.
Skyshatter Raiment: The bonuses in this set have had the spells they affect swapped.
Skyshatter Regalia: The Totemic Mastery set bonus will no longer force the Shaman to stand up and stop eating and drinking.
Slayer's Armor: The set bonus for Sinister Strike, Backstab, and Mutilate now also works for Hemorrhage.
[Smoked Sagefish]: The buff from this item has been modified to work the same as all other mana per 5 buffs, including display correctly on the character sheet.
[Spirit of Zanza]: This item's tooltip now indicates it counts as an elixir.
Voidheart Set: The tooltips for the two-piece bonuses have been adjusted slightly so that there is no longer a blank set bonus. The functionality of the set bonus was unchanged.
Warbringer Armor Set: The bonus from Revenge will now apply correctly to Shield Slam.
[Wild Draenish Vest]: This item now makes the correct sound when moved in inventory.
Windrider Mounts: These items now make the correct sound when moved in inventory.
Added a recipe for [Steady Talasite] to the Halaa vendors. This new recipe requires Halaa Research Tokens to purchase and creates a superior green gem that grants Resilience and Stamina.
During the quest, "The Smallest Creatures", the marmot's stealth ability is working once again.
Firewing Warlocks are less likely to want to engage in melee combat.
Fixed an issue wherein a character with a darkrune would not be able to turn it in to Gahk in return for a crystalforged darkrune unless they first completed the daily quest " [20-30 Daily] Banish More Demons" that day.
In the " [10-30] Bad Medicine" quest in Stranglethorn, Jungle Remedies can now be found on Jungle Fighters.
In Hillsbrad, additional Syndicate Papers were added to the Corahn's Dagger subzone Syndicate camp. Quest text was changed to reflect this.
In the " [20-30 Daily] Bomb Them Again!" quest, the cooldown of the Skyguard bombs was decreased to 5 seconds (was 10).
In the "Relic's Emanation" quest, the money reward was decreased while the Ogri'la faction reward was increased.
Saber Lash tanks will no longer be knocked back by Sinister Beam or hit by Fatal Attraction, even if they dodge or parry the attack.
Mother Shahraz will now pick a new beam to cast after every 3rd beam instead of after every 5th. This means she is much less likely to cast the same beam many times in a row.
Fatal Attraction now deals 750 damage on the first tick, 1500 on the second, 2250 on the third, and 3000 on all subsequent ticks.
Prismatic Shield is now more fun. Specifically, Mother Shahraz now takes bonus damage from one school when she is resistant to its opposite. Her resistances now change randomly every 15 seconds and are capped at 25%.
Faction and loot rewards have been added to non-boss mobs in the Battle of Mount Hyjal raid event. The faction awarded by bosses has been decreased to balance this.
The health of Jaina and Thrall have been increased again from their temporarily lowered values. They should be able to absorb quite a bit more incidental damage during the event.
Archimonde has received several adjustments and fixes to prevent some of the harder to counter combinations of his abilities. Archimonde's Soul Charge silence has been lowered in duration to 4 seconds, and the death of the Priest with Spirit of Redemption will no longer create two Soul Charges. The casting time of Archimonde's fear has been increased to 1.5 seconds, and he should now use his Fear ability on a much more consistent interval. Archimonde will also no longer cast Grip of the Legion on very far away targets.
Archimonde will no longer cast Grip of the Legion on targets that have just been hit with Air Burst.
When the limit on Thrall respawns after event failure has been reached, the Epoch Hunter will now properly despawn.
Human Illusion: This effect in Old Hillsbrad will no longer be applied to Dwarf and Human Priests when they exit Shadowform.
The composition of the pulls around the barracks in Durnholde Keep is now more consistent. Players should no longer face more than two Riflemen, or more than one Warden.
The group of guards underneath the bridge has been removed in Heroic difficulty.
The Thrall escort event now allows 20 tries at completing the event instead of 3.
The Devastate cast by Unbound Devastators is now Physical damage.
The recast time for the Defeaning Roar spell cast by Unbound Devastators has been increased on Heroic mode.
Wrath-Scryer Soccothrates' Knock Away can no longer be dodged or parried. This will help prevent the catastrophic placement of multiple flames on top of each other.
Raging Flames in the Nethermancer Sepethrea encounter have had their movement speed reduced slightly in heroic mode.
The Arcane Servants summoned by Sunseeker Netherbinders are now properly classified as Arcane Elementals, deal less melee damage and have fewer hit points.
The spells cast by High Astromancer Solarian have been extensively reworked. Wrath of the Astromancer is a now completely different in function. Mark of the Astromancer has been renamed to Light of the Astromancer and no longer reduces Arcane resistance. A player's Arcane Resistance now also provides normal damage mitigation to Solarian's spells.
Minor Fairbreeze Village fixes: The general goods vendor was moved from home to the lower inn, the pet vendor was moved from the upper inn to home, the upper inn is now flagged as an inn.
Mo'arg Doomsmith: This creature now drops Marks of Sargeras rather than Marks of Kil’jaeden.
Quest target Fel Spirits are now considered undead.
Vindicator Aeus in the Aldor bank is no longer attackable by players who are members of the Scryer faction.
Sethekk Ravenguard: The Howling Screech from this creature is now properly considered a Snare, and is clearable by Escape Artist and other abilities that remove Snares.
Skettis Windwalker: The Cyclone effect from this creature can now be cleared by PvP trinkets and Bestial Wrath/The Beast Within.
Skulloc Soulgrinder in Blade's Edge now correctly summons Sundered Ghosts to aid him in battle.
Void Reaver: The Arcane Orb ability used by this creature will now correctly Daze players affected by Aspect of the Pack or Aspect of the Cheetah.
Additional graphic optimization utilizing AltiVec for PowerPC-Mac and SSE for Intel-Mac. This provides some performance benefit on systems where vertex animation shaders are either unavailable or disabled (recommended on systems with Intel integrated video).
Mac Options dialog has been added to the primary options panel. This dialog offers configuration options for any features that are presently unique to the Mac client, such as iTunes Remote and Movie Capture.
New iTunes Remote configuration options have been added to the Mac Options panel.
Bug Fixes[]
Fixed problem where players could be disconnected by clicking on an item link in cross-server battlegrounds.
Pets will no longer chase players that Vanish.
Pets no longer follow enemies after being revived.
Stacked items will no longer disappear from a player's inventory when zoning multiple times.
The WoW client on Windows no longer defaults to 800x600 video resolution if the WoW resolution is higher than the desktop resolution when going from fullscreen mode to windowed mode.
The Temple Concubine's polymorph no longer has the pig icon appearing when it sheeps a player but now shows the proper sheep icon.
Players using ranged attacks while under the shapeshift effects of Torment of the Worgen, will now play attack animations