Patch 2.4.0

  • ️Sun Oct 20 2030
Icon-patch-22x22 Patch 2.4.0
“Fury of the Sunwell”
Release date March 25, 2008
Initial version 8089
Interface .toc 20400 (changes)
Highlights & notes
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Sunwell key art

Fury of the Sunwell key art

Patch 2.4.0, titled Fury of the Sunwell, was a content patch that released on 25 March 2008.


Fury of the Sunwell[]

The glorious fount of arcane energy known as the Sunwell empowered the high elves for millennia, until the death knight Arthas laid siege to the elven kingdom and corrupted its sacred energies. Seeing no other alternative, a band of survivors led by Prince Kael'thas destroyed the ancient fount. Over time the surviving elves fell prey to a crippling magical withdrawal.

Now, promising salvation for his people, Kael'thas has returned. Soon the Sunwell will shine once again, but whether the sacred fount will usher in deliverance or destruction remains to be seen.

In Memoriam: Gary Gygax[]

Blizzard Entertainment would like to dedicate the patch in memory of Gary Gygax. His work on D&D was an inspiration to us in many ways and helped spark our passion for creating games of our own. As avid D&D players and fellow game developers, we were all saddened by the news of his passing; we feel we’ve lost a true adventuring companion. Thanks for everything and farewell, Gary. You will be missed.

Combat Log Improvements[]

The combat log has undergone improvements that allow more robust combat text filtering including the ability to define custom colors for enemies and friends, as well as combat text filtering for self and others.

Global Arena Tournament[]

Players will be able to create level-70 characters with epic equipment and compete on special tournament realms in a new global arena tournament. For more information, details and entry requirements, please visit the official tournament pages.


  • The Sunwell Isle is now available for play. This area includes a new quest hub and 5-player and 25-player instances.
  • The combined forces of Shattrath have launched an attack on the Isle of Quel'Danas, to confront Kael'thas and the Legion at the Sunwell and surrounding areas. Players will now be able to gain reputation with the Shattered Sun Offensive and participate in a new set of daily quests.
  • A representative of the Keepers of Time has been spotted at the World's End Tavern in Shattrath. Players in good standing with the faction will be granted ease of passage to the Caverns of Time.
  • Characters will now retain talented spell ranks so when they retalent they do not have to relearn the spells from trainers.
  • Spell Haste: Spell haste now reduces the global cooldown on spells, down to a minimum of 1 second. This change does not apply to melee and ranged abilities.
  • Item Cast Spells: Many spells cast by items were being cast as if the caster were the same level as the item. Most of those will now be cast at the player's level, giving them a reasonable chance to miss, be dispelled, or be resisted.
  • Resilience: Now reduces the magnitude of mana draining effects by the same amount that it reduces critical strike damage. The Tooltip has been revised to reflect this.
  • Spirit-Based Mana Regeneration: This system has been adjusted so that as your intellect rises, you will regenerate more mana per point of spirit.
  • Weapon Skill: Points will be gained faster in weapon skills for levels 1 through 59.
  • The Daily Quest limit has been increased to 25.
  • Non-self % based haste spells will no longer stack with each other.







  • Spell holy chastise [Chastise] no longer disorients the target, but now is instant cast and roots the target for 2 seconds.
  • Spell holy excorcism [Fear Ward] is now usable while in Shadow form.
  • Ability priest focusedwill [Focused Will] now reduces damage by 2/3/4%, up from 1/3/5%.
  • Spell frost windwalkon [Inner Focus]: Spell holy chastise [Chastise] now benefits from Inner Focus. In addition, Spell arcane starfire [Starshards] no longer consumes Inner Focus.
  • Spell arcane massdispel [Mass Dispel] now affects a maximum of 10 targets, increased from 5.
  • Spell holy powerinfusion [Power Infusion]: Infuses the target with power, increasing their spell haste by 20% and reducing the mana cost of all spells by 20%. Lasts for 15 seconds. This will not stack with other haste effects, such as Ability shaman heroism [Heroism], Spell nature bloodlust [Bloodlust], or Spell frost coldhearted [Icy Veins].
  • Spell holy powerwordshield [Power Word: Shield]: Using low ranks of this spell will now be penalized the same way healing spells are penalized.
  • Spell holy prayerofmendingtga [Prayer of Mending]: This spell will now fade from players who leave or enter an instance, change continents, or exit the game.
  • Ability priest reflectiveshield [Reflective Shield]: The reflective damage from this talent no longer breaks crowd control effects which break on taking damage.
  • Spell nature lightningshield [Shadowguard]: No longer consumes the charge of Inner Focus when triggered.
  • Spell nature manaregentotem [Silent Resolve]: This talent now affects Surge of Light, Power Infusion, Inspiration, Spirit Tap, Blackout, Levitate, Shackle Undead, Touch of Weakness, Hex of Weakness, and Symbol of Hope.
  • Spell shadow deadofnight [Touch of Weakness]: No longer consumes the charge of Inner Focus when triggered. It will also function properly even when the Priest with Touch of Weakness on is silenced or stunned.
  • Spell holy stoicism [Vampiric Touch]: Casting lower ranks of this spell is now properly penalized like other healing and damage effects.






  • Diminishing returns on honor for kills is being eliminated.
  • Honor will now be instantly calculated, and available for player use.
  • Players that have the resurrection sickness debuff will be worth no honor.
  • Added new PvP daily quests that send players to Halaa and the Spirit Towers of the Bone Wastes. These quests are available for Alliance and Horde at their respective local quest hubs.


  • Personal Rating: The amount a player’s personal rating can climb above his or her team’s rating is now limited.
  • The benefits of drinking out of combat have been delayed while in the Arena. It will now take four seconds before the full benefit of the mana regeneration will come into effect.
  • Queue times for arena matches have been reduced. Players will now be able to enter matches faster than previously.
  • Spell shadow evileye [Shadow Sight] now increases damage taken by 5% rather than dealing damage over time. Duration has been reduced from 21 seconds to 15 seconds.
  • Players feared outside of the Arena (through the world or outside the arena walls) will now be teleported back to the center of the arena map.


  • If a player dies 50 times or more in a battleground, they will no longer be worth honor for the remainder of that battle.
  • When you first enter a battleground, messages about other players joining the battleground will be linked together for the first minute. You will see a message in AV like "28 players joined" rather than a line for each player that joined. After the first minute, it will work as it always has. In addition, all of the messages about other players leaving the battleground and getting marks of honor once the battleground is complete have been removed.
  • Battleground Rune Buffs: Speed, Restoration, and Berserking buffs received from battleground runes will no longer cause Stealth or Prowl to break.

Alterac Valley[]

  • Captain Balinda Stonehearth can no longer be interrupted, silenced, or have her spells slowed. In addition, her water elemental cannot be banished, and does increased damage.
  • Vanndar Stormpike and Captain Balinda Stonehearth have had their health totals reduced to match the health totals of Drek'Thar and Captain Galvangar.
  • Warmasters/marshals in Alterac Valley now increase each other's maximum health and damage by 25%. This is a stacking effect.
  • Horde players will now start the battle closer to Drek'Thar and Frostwolf Keep.
  • There is now a Join as Party option.

Warsong Gulch[]

  • When both flags are held, the flag carriers will receive 50% increased damage done to them after approximately 10 minutes and 100% increased damage after approximately 15 minutes.
  • Flag carriers can now be tracked 45 seconds after picking up the flag.









  • A new jewelcrafting recipe has been added to transform 3 of each color of green quality gems into a single random blue quality gem. This recipe is available from grandmaster jewelcrafting trainers.



  • Increased the skill up potential for most smelting recipes.


Dungeons and raids[]

Caverns of Time: Heroic Black Morass[]

Caverns of Time: Mount Hyjal[]

Caverns of Time: Old Hillsbrad[]

  • The Human Illusion effect will now always be removed properly when a player leaves the instance.
  • Durnholde Lookouts no longer spawn in the Heroic version of the instance. The placement of creatures around Durnholde Keep in Heroic mode is now identical to that of Normal mode.

Hellfire Citadel: Magtheridon's Lair[]

  • Many gameplay elements of the encounters in Magtheridon's Lair have been changed to decrease their overall complexity and difficulty.


  • Players will no longer need the [Master’s Key] to enter Karazhan. The gates to Karazhan will still require the Master's Key to be unlocked.

Tempest Keep: The Eye[]

Tempest Keep: The Mechanar[]


  • Mob Jan'alai will now only teleport players to him if they are too far away.


User interface[]


The redesigned Interface Options.

World Environment[]

Bug Fixes[]

Table of patches

Test-inline 0.x – Pre-release
WoW Icon update 1.x – World of Warcraft
Bc icon 2.x – The Burning Crusade
Wrath-Logo-Small 3.x – Wrath of the Lich King
Cataclysm 4.x – Cataclysm
Mists of Pandaria 5.x – Mists of Pandaria
Warlords of Draenor 6.x – Warlords of Draenor
Legion 7.x – Legion
Battle for Azeroth 8.x – Battle for Azeroth
Shadowlands 9.x – Shadowlands
Dragonflight 10.x – Dragonflight
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