Patch 9.1.0

"Chains of Domination" redirects here. For the quest achievement, see Inv maweye black [Chains of Domination].
Icon-patch-22x22 Patch 9.1.0
“Chains of Domination”
Chains of Domination logo
Announcement date February 19, 2021
Release date June 29, 2021
Latest version date October 25, 2021
Initial version 39185
Latest version 40725
Interface .toc 90100 (changes)
Highlights & notes
Official links

Patch chronology
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PatchesPatches category
Fallen King

Chains of Domination key art

Patch 9.1.0: Chains of Domination is the first content patch of Shadowlands, announced at BlizzConline on February 19, 2021.

It was pushed to the Public Test Realm on April 13, 2021 and went live in the Americas region on June 29, 2021.


February 19, 2021

The traitorous Sire Denathrius has been defeated, but the power of the Maw still grows. In Chains of Domination, the upcoming major content update for World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, players will delve into new depths of the Jailer's hopeless domain, seeking to understand the true nature of his malignant plans. Backed by the renewed might of the four Covenants, the champions of the Horde and the Alliance will take the fight for the Shadowlands to the seat of the Jailer's power. But the Banished One has a terrible new champion in his service—a cruel instrument of despair conscripted by Sylvanas Windrunner, capable of instilling dread into the hearts of Azeroth's heroes like no creature of the Shadowlands.


New Content[]

New Zone: Korthia, City of Secrets[]

As part of his ongoing schemes, the Jailer has located a long-lost domain of the Shadowlands—Korthia, the City of Secrets—and dragged it from the hidden byways of the In-Between into the Maw. In this new area, you'll team up with the covenants under a unified banner to fight against the endless forces of the Jailer, and work to uncover what obscurities he seeks in this forgotten realm.

Unlock the secrets that Korthia has to offer:

Sanctum of Domination[]

For eons the Jailer was bound within The Maw. Now, his endless armies gather as he prepares to enact the final stage of his grand design. In the face of annihilation, Bolvar marshals his last remaining allies to charge into the heart of Torghast and confront the Jailer where he is most powerful.

Breach the Sanctum of Domination and slay the formidable servants of Sylvanas and the Banished One in the epic new raid opening with Season 2.

Tazavesh, the Veiled Market Mega-Dungeon[]

Gather your party and discover exotic wares and strange creatures in the new eight-boss Mythic difficulty mega-dungeon: Tazavesh, the Veiled Market. Set in a bazaar of the mysterious brokers, you'll face off against dastardly assassins, four-armed broker guards, an infinite pirate dragon, and other enemies as you chase down a wayward broker before she can unleash the might of a stolen artifact to realize her own designs.

This Mythic-only instance can reward players with loot coveted by broker society—including a dazzling assortment of weaponry, otherworldly pets, and a mount.

To gain access to Tazavesh, the Veiled Market you'll complete a short series of quests beginning with the Innkeeper, Host Ta'rela, in The Idyllia section of Oribos. In "N [60] The Al'ley Cat of Oribos" you'll be asked to meet up with a mysterious contact named Al'dalil who will introduce you to the world of the cartels, their complicated relationships, and their propensity for ingenious wordplay. He'll act as your guide from time to time as you make your way through the dungeon.

Mythic+ Rating[]

With this content update, players can take charge of their own progress and see how well they're performing in Mythic+ dungeons by viewing their personal Mythic+ rating in the Group Finder(I) UI under the Mythic+ Dungeons tab.

Your Rating increases each time you run a dungeon you haven't completed before or when you beat your own best time in a dungeon you've already completed. Completing a key provides a rating based on three factors: the level of the key, the Affixes in the key, and the run's time compared to the dungeon's timer. Now, the availability and item level of upgrades purchased with Valor are based on your character's Mythic+ Rating. With each Season, Mythic+ Ratings will be reset in the display.

Flying in Shadowlands[]

Earn your wings and a special covenant-themed mount! Instead of challenging you with a Pathfinder achievement like in previous expansions, you'll instead earn flying in Shadowlands early on within the newest chapters of your covenant campaign.

Upon completing a quest contained within the "The Last Sigil" storyline, you'll be rewarded with Ability racial chillofnight [Memories of Sunless Skies]. This consumable item allows all characters on your account with Expert Riding Skill to fly in Bastion, Maldraxxus, Ardenweald, and Revendreth!

Shadowlands Season 2[]

Shadowlands Season 2 begins on July 6. With the new season, you'll see increased item levels for rewards, new seasonal rewards for PvP include a new Arena title: Unchained Gladiator, a new weapon illusion, new coloration of the Gladiator mount, and new Vicious mounts—Alliance and Horde-themed Gorm.

The new seasonal Mythic+ dungeon affix is Tormented: Servants of the Jailer can be found throughout the dungeon and grant powerful boons when defeated. If a servant is not dealt with, they empower the final boss. New seasonal rewards for Mythic+ include a new title: the Tormented and a new coloration of the Mythic+ Deathwalker mount.

Additionally, Layer 10 in Torghast, Tower of the Damned, Tazavesh, the Veiled Market mega-dungeon and Sanctum of Domination on Normal and Heroic difficulties will all become available. On July 13, Sanctum of Domination on Mythic and Raid Finder Wing 1 difficulties will become available.


Death Knight[]

  • Spell deathknight antimagiczone [Anti-Magic Zone] duration reduced to 8 seconds (was 10 seconds) and it will now fade when it absorbs 150% of the caster's health.
  • Fixed an issue with Anti-Magic Zone's damage reduction being removed earlier than intended when two Death Knights cast Anti-Magic Zone.
  • Blood
    • Damage of all spells and abilities increased by 6%.
  • Frost
  • Unholy

Demon Hunter[]












  • New Covenant Campaign Chapters
  • Renown
    • 40 new Inv misc covenant renown [Renown] levels
    • Players who have neglected their duties with their Covenant Sanctum and find themselves behind in Renown will now have an increased chance to receive Renown as a reward from all relevant activities.


  • New Soulbind Tiers
    • All existing Soulbinds now have 4 new rows: 3 new Conduit slots (1 Potency, 1 Endurance and 1 Finesse), 2 new Traits, and 1 Capper Trait.
  • Kyrian
  • Necrolord
  • Night Fae
  • Venthyr


  • Higher item level versions of most existing conduits can now be found in the world. The remaining conduits will be implemented in a later build.
  • Changing to a new Covenant will now refill your available Conduit Energy.


  • Adventures
    • New companions and adventures have been added.
    • Hovering over a unit or unit's abilities will show the targeted locations.
    • Unit tooltips are now more detailed.
    • Adventure level will now display on the adventure portrait.
    • Unit cooldowns now decrease independently after each unit’s turn rather than all together when the round changes.
  • Venthyr

Dungeons and Raids[]

  • Mythic and Mythic+ enemies auto attack damage reduced by 10%.
  • The following changes go live with Season 2 on July 6:
    • Item levels of rewards from level 60 Normal, Heroic, and Mythic dungeons have been increased by 26. Baseline rewards are now item-level 184 from Normal, 197 from Heroic, and 210 from Mythic dungeons.
    • Mythic+ dungeon rewards have had their maximum item level increased by 26 item levels, and some interim Keystone level rewards have their item level rewards adjusted.
    • Great Vault rewards have been increased by 26 item levels.
    • Heroic dungeon's enemy damage has been increased by 6% and enemy health increased by 16%.
    • Mythic dungeon's enemy damage and health has been increased by 26%.
    • Mythic+ dungeon's enemy damage has been increased by 35% and enemy health increased by 39%.
  • New Dungeon Teleports: Hero's Path: Shadowlands – Completing each Mythic+ dungeon at Level 20 on time will now grant an achievement and a teleport to the completed dungeon's entrance. The teleport has an 8 hour cooldown that resets after completing a Mythic+ dungeon.
  • Ta'hsup in the Hall of Holding in Oribos will now offer a Keystone to players who don't have a Keystone, as long as they have completed at least 1 Shadowlands dungeon on Mythic+ difficulty.
  • Ta'hsup now spawns at the end of Mythic+ dungeons that are completed before the time limit is reached. He will offer a one-time Keystone exchange to any player whose current Keystone is at or below the level of the dungeon that was recently completed on time. Keystones that are a higher level than the dungeon that was recently completed on time cannot be traded, including the Keystone that was used to start the run.
  • Mythic+ Affixes
    • The weekly affix rotation has been updated.
    • Bolstering
      • Bolster now increases maximum health by 15% (was 20%) and damage done by 20% per stack.
    • Necrotic
      • Level 61 enemies now apply Necrotic Wound on every other auto attack (was every auto attack).
    • Raging
      • Enrage now increases damage done by 75% (was 100%).
    • Storming
      • Storming whirlwinds now always moves in the same direction and its movement speed reduced by 30%.
      • Storming whirlwinds now dissipate once a target is hit.
  • De Other Side
    • Hakkar the Soulflayer
      • Hakkar's cooldowns and energy regeneration is now paused when Blood Barrier is applied and will resume once the barrier is removed.
      • Blood Barrier no longer grants Hakkar immunity to interrupts.
      • Blood Barrage is no longer interruptible and no longer has a duration. It now persists until Blood Barrier is destroyed.
    • Dealer Xy'exa
      • Arcane Lightning periodic damage reduced by 15% and jump damage reduced by 20%.
      • Arcane Vulnerability now only increases damage taken from Arcane Lightning.
  • Halls of Atonement
    • Loyal Stoneborn melee and Stone Breath damage reduced by 10%.
    • Shard of Halkias Thrash damage reduced by 20% and range increased to 60 yards (was 40 yards).
    • Depraved Obliterator's Wicked Bolt damage increased by 27%.
  • Mists of Tirna Scithe
  • The Necrotic Wake
    • Amarth
      • Health reduced by 15%.
      • Tortured Echoes damage reduced by 15% per stack.
    • Nalthor the Rimebinder
      • Zolramas Siphoner health reduced by 15%.
      • Champion's Boon duration increased to 40 seconds (was 30 seconds).
  • Plaguefall
    • Globgrog
      • Health reduced by 10%.
    • Rigged Plagueborer's that spawn during the gauntlet event now have limited spawns.
    • Rigged Plagueborer's located outside of the gauntlet event have been replaced with Wretched Plagueborer.
  • Sanguine Depths
    • Kryxis the Voracious
      • Juggernaut Rush damage reduced by 15%.
      • Essence Absorption damage reduced by 15%.
    • Executor Tarvold
      • Fleeting Manifestation's Growing Pride damage reduced by 20%.
    • Chamber Sentinel's Severing Slice now only strikes the primary target.
    • Remnant of Fury's Explosive Anger damage reduced by 25%.
    • Vestige of Doubt no longer casts Growing Mistrust.
    • Research Scribe's Explosive Vellum now detonates after 3.5 seconds (was 3 seconds).
  • Spires of Ascension
    • Ventunax
      • When the channel for Recharge completes, any active Shadowhirls will now despawn.
  • Theater of Pain

Items and Rewards[]

  • Shards of Domination
    • Empower your gear with Shards of Domination, a new type of powerful gem looted from the bosses lurking within Sanctum of Domination. These remnants of the Runecarver's work have long augmented the Jailer's armaments, but now you can seize them for yourself and turn the tables on the Banished One.
    • Shards exude three different types of runic magic: Blood, Frost, and Unholy. These ghastly gems can be socketed into gear with Domination sockets, enhancing your characters' damage, mitigation, or healing abilities.
    • While each individual Shard's power works anywhere, inserting three of the same type into your gear creates a Rune Word, granting you a powerful boon that increases your combat potency even further within the Maw, Torghast, and the Sanctum of Domination.
    • Each armor type has five different armor pieces that can don a Domination socket which can be looted from the raid. Defeating raid bosses can also reward you with Stygian Embers, which are used to upgrade your Shards and further enhance their potent bonuses.
    • While in PvP combat, the effectiveness of each individual Shard's power is reduced by 50%.
  • Players who are not satisfied with the selection of gear that the Great Vault has provided them with for the week can now opt to receive a token that will let them choose from a number of alternative rewards including Anima, Inv stygia [Stygia], and Inv soulash [Soul Ash]. If you decide to go down this path, seek out Ko'tul next to the Great Vault to choose your reward.
  • Clicking on the Great Vault icon on the world map now opens up the Great Vault panel.
  • Selecting the token reward in the Great Vault will now display a countdown confirmation.
  • Each shoulder can now be transmogrified separately.
  • Legion artifacts are now supported in transmogrified outfits.
  • The Trade archaeology kaldoreiwindchimes [Empyreal Ordnance] trinket now puts other on-use trinkets on a 40 second cooldown when used (was 20 seconds).
  • Inv jewelry trinketpvp 02 [Gladiator's Emblem] on-use health reduced by 30%.
  • Trade engineering [Cardboard Assassin] (Cataclysm Engineering Tinker) now shares a cooldown with potions and its stats no longer scale past level 35.
  • Some shields have returned to their original size.
  • The Inv misc emberweavecloth [Tournament Favor] toy is no longer usable in PvP instances.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed some Engineering bombs to not break Stealth when damaging players.

Pet Battles[]

  • New wild pets to discover and capture in Korthia.
  • Removed the cap on the amount of pets that can be owned.

Player Versus Player[]

Death Knight[]

Demon Hunter[]





  • Brewmaster
  • Mistweaver









  • Runecarving Vessel recipes can now be upgraded to higher item levels via a new Optional Reagent slot and Optional Reagents that can be accessed by uncovering the secrets of Korthia. Players can use these more powerful Runecarving Vessels to upgrade their existing legendary gear, or to create new ones.
  • A new legendary currency – Inv misc supersoulash [Soul Cinders], is now available from completing Torghast Layers 9–12, the Tormentors of Torghast event, and from Maw Assaults. It can be used to upgrade Legendaries to higher item levels using the new Runecarving Vessels.
  • New Runecarving Powers that empower each classes' Covenant Ability have been added.
  • Some existing Runecarving powers have been updated. See the Classes sections for details.
  • Added an additional Rune Vessel armor slot as an option for several Runecarving Powers.
  • Newly created Helm, Neck, Bracer, Belt and Ring Runecarving armor pieces will now always be created with a socket.

The Maw[]

Torghast, Tower of the Damned[]

  • The total number of floors per run is now 5 (was 6).
  • The Tarragrue will now be terrorizing players in the Sanctum of Domination and as such, there is no longer a death counter barrier for continuing your run.
  • Bosses no longer regenerate health after they have defeated you.
  • New Scoring System and Perks
    • You are now scored based on performance after successfully completing a run. At the end of the run, your score will be ranked and you will be awarded with Spell broker orb [Tower Knowledge], which can be spent at The Box of Many Things to acquire permanent Perks and grow stronger, which will allow you to combat the enemies in Torghast even quicker.
    • Save souls and defeat the Jailer's forces to become Anima Empowered, allowing you to more effectively crush your foes through a variety of combat and score bonuses.
  • New Layers
    • Four new and more challenging Layers have been introduced, Layers 9–12.
    • Layers are now unlocked by reaching a specific rating in the previous Layer's run.
  • New Bonus Floor: Adamant Vaults
    • Brave adventurers who make their way through Layers 9–12 efficiently will now be given the option to enter the Adamant Vaults, a new set of floors in Torghast. There they will be challenged against the new creatures and traps that lie within for a chance at even greater rewards.
  • Torments
    • Starting at Layer 4, Torments are applied to increase the challenge of the run.
    • Torments are displayed on the HUD and provide an additional challenge to overcome.
    • Torments are selected per wing per day.
    • The existing Torments are no longer applied.
  • Blessings
    • Through Tower Knowledge, you can unlock Blessings that will provide bonuses to your run.
    • Like Torments, Blessings are selected per wing per day.
  • Soul Ash
    • The amount of Inv soulash [Soul Ash] that is awarded for the first completed run of the week for any given Torghast Wing and Layer has been increased.
    • Repeat runs of previously completed Torghast Wings and Layers will now award partial Soul Ash.
    • Players that have unlocked Layer 9 of Torghast will now be able to transfer Soul Ash at a slight loss to another character on their account by seeking out Bonesmith Heirmir in Korthia.

User Interface[]

  • New features: Text-to-Speech in chat, Voice Transcription, and Speak for Me.
  • Quest pane background can now be disabled for a stronger contrast by selecting Quest Text Contrast option in the Accessibility menu.
  • Color Blindness options are now in their own section and separated from the main Accessibility menu.
  • Specular Lighting can now be adjusted with a command:
    • In chat, enter command “/console specular [multiplier]” with the point multiplier between 0.0 and 1.0. Multiplier 0.5 will partially allows the specular effect.
  • Randomize Appearance button now added to the Barbershop.
  • The Auction House level filter will now work with Battle Pets.
  • The Item Upgrade window now displays future ranks of the item.
  • Newcomer Chat now displays newcomer and guide icons in the Chat Channels pane.
  • Achievement toasts now support two lines of text.
  • There is now a detailed warning if Projected Textures or Particle Density are disabled.
  • There is now a reconnect button on the login screen to relog back into the same account after disconnecting.
  • If a premade group fills up, it will now display “Full” instead of “Declined” to all of the pending applicants.
  • Groups in the Custom category are now labeled and sorted by War Mode status.
  • Silenced players cannot search or apply to active groups.
  • A group will automatically delist and cannot create a Group Finder listing if there is a silenced player in the group.

WoW Companion App[]

  • Added additional information to Adventure detail dialogs.
  • Improved adventurers' ability cooldown timings.
  • Clarified some adventurers' targeting indicators.
  • Added indicator for Maw Assaults.
  • Added indicator to character selection screen when that character has missions ready to collect.
  • Improved support for multiple accounts. This may require some users to accept additional device permissions.
  • Improved news article performance on lower-end devices.
  • Improved clarity for communicating locked content vs. waiting on data from the server.

Table of patches

Test-inline 0.x – Pre-release
WoW Icon update 1.x – World of Warcraft
Bc icon 2.x – The Burning Crusade
Wrath-Logo-Small 3.x – Wrath of the Lich King
Cataclysm 4.x – Cataclysm
Mists of Pandaria 5.x – Mists of Pandaria
Warlords of Draenor 6.x – Warlords of Draenor
Legion 7.x – Legion
Battle for Azeroth 8.x – Battle for Azeroth
Shadowlands 9.x – Shadowlands
Dragonflight 10.x – Dragonflight
Icon-stub-48x48 Removed content