Path of the Dark Rangers

  • ️Tue May 31 2022
AlliancePath of the Dark Rangers
End Dark Ranger Velonara
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Tirisfal Glades
Rewards 12g 87s
Previous N [60] The Desolate Council
Next A [60] Report to Greymane


<Velonara peers at you knowingly.>

It was a fair disguise, but I saw at once that you were not who you claimed to be.

Regardless, you risked your life to aid us. I will not forget that.

There are those among the kaldorei raised by Sylvanas' val'kyr who wish to return to their own. If Tyrande would have them back, they are free to go. The rest will be welcome in the ranks of the dark rangers.

In recognition for your service to us, I offer this gift.


You will receive:


If you complete the quest on a hunter, it will unlock the option to purchase Achievement leader sylvanas [Ensemble: Dark Ranger's Attire] from Outfitter Reynolds at Trueshot Lodge.

On completion
Dark Ranger Velonara says: When we darkfallen elves were raised into undeath, Silvermoon shunned us. All that we knew, all that we loved, had been lost.
Dark Ranger Velonara says: In time, we found a place here within the ruins of Lordaeron. But after it was blighted in the war, we feared we had lost this home, too.
Dark Ranger Velonara says: Today we not only reclaimed our legacy, we began a new path forward. And for aiding our cause, we owe you a great debt.
Dark Ranger Velonara says: Many of the kaldorei raised during the Battle for Darkshore wish to remain here with the dark rangers. But any who choose to depart and rejoin the Alliance are free to do so.
Dark Ranger Velonara says: Al diel shala. Farewell.
Velonara walks away.


  1. A [60] Eyes of the Wolf / H [50] Call to Lordaeron
  2. N [60] Assemble the Forsaken & N [60] This Land is Ours
  3. N [60] The Blight Congress
  4. N [60] Walk of Faith
  5. N [60] Consulting Our Allies
  6. N [60] House of Plagues
  7. N [60] Essence of Plague & N [60] Feed the Eater
  8. N [60] Embodiment
  9. N [60] Return to Brill
  10. N [60] The Remedy of Lordaeron
  11. N [60] The Desolate Council
  12. B [60] Path of the Dark Rangers
  13. A [60] Report to Greymane / H [60] A Walk with Ghosts


Internally, the quest has the following objective:

  • Accept the Dark Ranger regalia.

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