Perfect ones

Verdrak and perfect ones

Several perfect ones, with Verdrak in the center.

“Your kind is weak! So pathetic that Azeroth itself was forced to craft something new. Something strong enough to tame this land. Watch, greenskin! Watch as your friends are torn apart by Azeroth's new lords.”

Aratas, to Shagara[1]

The perfect ones[2] were a new, powerful type of centaur created by an unnamed earth elemental after the Cataclysm. They were led by the High Khan Aratas, who sought to unite Kalimdor's centaur tribes and conquer the whole of Azeroth, but they were stopped by the Garad'kra.


Perfect ones in Barrens

A group of perfect ones with orc captives.

After the Cataclysm, a powerful elemental emerged in Maraudon. He believed that Azeroth's mortal races were responsible for the imbalance in nature that led to the Cataclysm, and, in response, created a bold, "pure" race of centaur who would spread over the world and reclaim it from those who had "defiled" it. Under the leadership of their High Khan Aratas, the perfect ones spread and took control of Kalimdor's centaur tribes, who served their new masters in the belief that a new age had begun, one in which all centaur would unite and reign over Azeroth.[3] Wherever there was a centaur camp or outpost, the perfect ones were present.[2] Aratas referred to the perfect ones as his "brothers" and intended for them to lead his armies into battle.[4][5]

In contrast to the "older breed" of centaur—the brutish descendants of Zaetar and Theradras—the perfect ones were strong, majestic,[3] more beautiful,[2] and capable of more advanced combat tactics.[6] They considered Azeroth's other races—anyone not of their image—to be ugly mongrels who should be purged from the world.[2] This extended to the older breed as well: Aratas forbade anyone but his own kind from entering Maraudon,[7] and in at least one case ordered the perfect ones to kill a member of the older breed who was deemed too weak and misshapen to fit in his vision of a strong, "pure" race.[8]

Aratas and perfect ones

Aratas and his soldiers.

While the elemental remained in Maraudon and continued bolstering the perfect ones' ranks daily,[3] the perfect ones led war parties of Aratas' centaur army in attacking Horde settlements all over Kalimdor and capturing large numbers of orcs[9] (to serve as slave labor[10] or food).[11] This was done in order to keep the Horde distracted until Aratas' army and his elemental father could invade and destroy the Horde capitals of Thunder Bluff and Orgrimmar, before continuing across the rest of Azeroth.[10]

After learning of the centaur threat, a team of the Horde's Garad'kra militia set out to stop them. Many perfect ones fought alongside Aratas against the Garad'kra in the Northern Barrens[12] and later outside Maraudon itself. In the latter battle, they almost defeated the Garad'kra until the orc Malgar arrived and helped defeat the centaur. Aratas considered the deaths of his brothers to be insignificant and brought the Garad'kra's leader Shagara into Maraudon to sacrifice her to his father.[13] However, Malgar and the Garad'kra pursued him and managed to destroy both Aratas and the elemental, giving the rest of the Horde time to move their armies into position and scatter the remaining centaur.[14]

During the confrontation with Malgar, Aratas told the orc that he and the Garad'kra had cost him dearly by slaying his brothers who had been meant to lead his armies.[5] Based on this, and the fact that no perfect ones have appeared or been mentioned since, it appears that they were all wiped out.



  1. ^ Bloodsworn, pg. 106
  2. ^ a b c d Bloodsworn, pg. 65
  3. ^ a b c Bloodsworn, intro
  4. ^ Bloodsworn, pg. 109
  5. ^ a b Bloodsworn, pg. 122
  6. ^ Bloodsworn, pg. 14
  7. ^ Bloodsworn, pg. 99
  8. ^ Bloodsworn, pg. 62
  9. ^ Bloodsworn, pg. 88
  10. ^ a b Bloodsworn, pg. 66 - 68
  11. ^ Bloodsworn, pg. 102
  12. ^ Bloodsworn, pg. 70 - 85
  13. ^ Bloodsworn, pg. 106 - 113
  14. ^ Bloodsworn, pg. 137