Redridge Mountains

  • ️Tue Jan 16 2018
For the Warcraft: Orcs & Humans Orc campaign mission of the same name, see The Red Ridge Mountains (WC1 Orc). For the lore of the zone and its status before the Cataclysm, see Redridge Mountains (Classic).
AllianceRedridge Mountains
Level: 7-30
Battle Pet Level: 4 - 6
Redridge Mountains
Capital(s) Alliance Lakeshire
Races HumanHuman Human
Ironforge dwarfIronforge dwarf Ironforge dwarf
Night elfNight elf Night elf
OrcOrc Orc
MurlocMurloc Murloc
Gnoll Gnoll
Ruler(s) Alliance IconSmall Human Male Magistrate Solomon
Former ruler(s) Mob IconSmall DragonBlack IconSmall Human Male Darkblaze †
Mob IconSmall OrcGray Male Gath'Ilzogg †
Major settlements Alliance Three Corners
Neutral Stonewatch
Mob Render's Valley †
Minor settlements Alliance Camp Everstill
Alliance Shalewind Canyon
Alliance Keeshan's Post
Neutral Alther's Mill
Mob Render's Camp
Mob Tower of Ilgalar
Affiliation Kingdom of Stormwind, Blackrock clan, Redridge pack
Former affiliation(s) Dark Horde, Bravo Company
Location Eastern Azeroth
PvP status Contested territory

The Redridge Mountains (also known as the Red Ridge Mountains,[1][2] the Redridge Range,[3][4] or simply Redridge)[5] are located east of Elwynn Forest, northeast of Duskwood, and south of the Burning Steppes. Although it may be considered contested, Horde characters have no settlements or NPCs and it is thus a place they use mostly for passing through to reach Flame Crest or Stonard.

An idyllic region of rushing rivers, towering elms and rising elevations, the Redridge Mountains are under Stormwind's protection. Their inhabitants supply Stormwind with timber, fish, and crops. A force of Blackrock orcs from the Burning Steppes has once secured Stonewatch Keep, but are still in control of the northern roads. In comparison with Westfall, Redridge is still relatively stable.

On the western bank of Lake Everstill is the Alliance town of Lakeshire, the central hub for this faction's adventurers, offering many services and quests, as well as flight paths. As the town is under constant siege by gnolls and Blackrock orcs the townsfolk are concerned and can be seen protesting at the Town Hall. Adventurers should use caution on the roads to this town, especially the ones northbound.

The enemy-held Stonewatch Keep and Tower of Ilgalar are connected with quests, but are also very dangerous and require a party to handle properly.

The crossroads known as the Three Corners, located in the southwest corner of the zone, connects the town of Lakeshire with Elwynn, Duskwood and, via the Lakeridge Highway, Stonewatch Keep. The highway itself is quite a dangerous place occupied by gnolls, murlocs, and wild animals. There are also a few camps located in Redridge — an orc camp in Render's Valley, Shadowhide gnoll camps near the Tower of Ilgalar, and murloc camps near the lake. While the lake's surface appears peaceful enough, murlocs reside beneath the waves, and rumors of sightings of a sea monster persist. There are also raptor nests in the Mountains.[6]



Redridge Mountains on the map of the World of Warcraft Manual.

Geographically, the Redridge Mountains form the spine of the continent of Azeroth, although its many limbs and valleys have come to be known by separate, often ominous names such as 'Deadwind Pass'[7] and the 'Burning Steppes'. After the War of the Ancients, the dangerous and destructive Dragon Soul created by Deathwing was hidden beneath the Redridge Mountains. Protected by magical wards and Orastrasz, it would remain hidden for ten thousand years before Deathwing led the Dragonmaw clan there in dreams and visions.[8]

Centuries ago, throughout the Eastern Kingdoms, the disparate human nations flourished, among them the smallest and most isolated of the kingdoms was Stormwind. Over the years, it found prosperity through the farmsteads that dotted the surrounding fertile region, and as its population grew, small towns sprang up in the nearby regions, notably Redridge Mountains.[9]

Although claimed by the humans,[10] the dwarven Dark Iron clan founded its own kingdom in the northern reaches, fleeing defeat in the War of the Three Hammers. Summoning the Firelord Ragnaros to aid them, their leader Thaurissan inadvertently caused the eruption of a new, immense volcano; Blackrock Mountain. This not only destroyed his clan's new city but utterly devastated the ecology of northern Redridge, forever leaving it an ash-choked wasteland.

The humans of Stormwind remained dominant in the unblemished southern ranges. Now a much smaller region, the Redridge Mountains were eventually conquered by the Orcish Horde in the First War,[1] in which the southern kingdom was forced into exile. The humans eventually returned triumphant and began rebuilding their former holdings. Yet the orcs of the Blackrock and Black Tooth Grin clans would also return, this new "Dark Horde" plaguing the town of Lakeshire from their former stronghold of Blackrock Mountain.

WoW Icon update This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

Lakeshire Inn

Lakeshire Inn.

Eventually, the orcs allied with the wicked human warlock Morganth and his Shadowhide gnoll lackeys, and seized the eastern half of Redridge, capturing the human castle of Stonewatch Keep before the events of World of Warcraft.[11] Weakened by political turmoil in Stormwind, Lakeshire was left with little military aid to fend off the encroaching orcs until the return of Reginald Windsor.

The region remains heavily contested. Desperate, the people of Redridge seek help from outside sources, recruiting passing adventurers to help in the defense of Lakeshire and the liberation of Stonewatch.

Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.


Everstill Bridge only took five years to finish.

With the guidance of the dragon Darkblaze, the Dark Horde have also begun invading Redridge sometime after the Cataclysm. An Alliance adventurer deputized by the Stormwind Army traveled to Redridge to aid the beleaguered Stormwind guards and reform Bravo Company to combat the threat. During their war with the Blackrock orcs, Render's Valley was blown up but the Dark Horde has been driven back to the Burning Steppes. Stonewatch Keep has also been reclaimed.

Stormwind also increased Redridge's security by constructing Tower Watch on the Three Corners and stationing a garrison of Redridge Watchmen there.

At some point in the past, Greydon Thorne hid three crystal shards from the Diamond Blade that held the essence of a naaru that was a key do the defense of Azeroth against the Darkstorm. Gazlowe, Charnas, and Gimble Sprysprocket transported Makasa Flintwill and her friends to the area on the Cloudkicker. Due to the political situation, while Makasa and her group were in Lakeshire and surrounding areas looking for the crystal shards, the Horde zeppelin and the goblins stayed hidden somewhere in the northern mountains. The first shard was in Lakeshire, in the backyard of the Glades' house, the second one was in a cave northeast of the village that has been guarded by a blue drake named Telagos for several years, and the last one was in a mine shaft of the Lakeshire quarry. Later, Murky also secured the help from the Everstill murlocs, taking them aboard the Cloudkicker to the Blasted Lands.[12]

Shadowlands This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.

During Death Rising, Redridge Mountains came under attack from the Scourge. To fight against the undead, troops of the Stormwind Army and the Argent Crusade were mobilized in order to protect the region and its inhabitants.


Redridge Highway

The Redridge Pass.

The Redridge Mountains contain no dungeons, raid dungeons, or battlegrounds. The micro dungeon Stonewatch can be found in this zone. The Redridge Range stretches from the zone of the Redridge Mountains to the zone of Deadwind Pass.

Redridge Range[]

The Redridge Range[13] is a mountain range in the southern sub-continent of Azeroth. It reaches from the Deadwind Pass in the south to what's now called the Searing Gorge in the north. Two hundred years before the opening of the Dark Portal, the northern reaches of the range were obliterated by the summoning of Firelord Ragnaros and the creation of Blackrock Mountain.

Maps and subregions[]


Map of Redridge Mountains.


Map of Redridge Mountains prior to Cataclysm.

Undisplayed locations

Icon-RPG Warcraft RPG

Topographic map of Redridge Mountains

Travel hubs[]

Alliance Flight paths from Lakeshire[]
Alliance Flight paths from Camp Everstill[]
Alliance Flight paths from Shalewind Canyon[]

Adjacent regions[]

Zone name Faction Level range Direction Access
Burning Steppes AllianceHorde 40 - 60 North By foot or flight path NeutralChiselgrip, HordeFlame Crest, AllianceMorgan's Vigil).
Duskwood Alliance 20 - 60 Southwest By foot or flight path (AllianceDarkshire, AllianceRaven Hill).
Elwynn Forest Alliance 1 - 20 West By foot or flight path (AllianceEastvale Logging Camp, AllianceGoldshire).
Swamp of Sorrows AllianceHorde 40 - 60 South By foot or flight path (NeutralBogpaddle, AllianceMarshtide Watch, HordeStonard, AllianceThe Harborage).

Quest and travel hubs[]

Place Name Faction # of Quests Flight Path Notable Character
Camp Everstill Alliance ?? YES Bravo Company
Keeshan's Post Alliance1 ?? NO2
Lakeshire Alliance ?? YES Magistrate Solomon
Shalewind Canyon Alliance ?? YES John J. Keeshan
  1. Initially unoccupied, Keeshan's Post gets quests and NPCs after A [7-30] AHHHHHHHHHHHH! AHHHHHHHHH!!! has been completed.

Notable characters[]

Main article: Redridge Mountains NPCs

The Redridge Mountains are home to several humans of note, the great bulk of which reside in Lakeshire. At the fallen bridge Marshal Marris sends promising young humans to eradicate the clusters of Shadowhide gnolls and Blackrock orcs who have taken a chokehold on the land. He is assisted in his efforts by Verner Osgood, who also seeks to rid Redridge of the vile gnolls. And at the Lakeshire Town Hall, the aging Magistrate Solomon recruits adventurers to seek help from Stormwind's other settlements like Stormwind City, Sentinel Hill, and Darkshire.


Main article: Redridge Mountains storyline


Dig sites[]

Redridge Mountains

Lakeridge Highway Fossil Bank @ 39,68

Redridge Mountains has one dig site:

  1. Lakeridge Highway; contains Fossil Archaeology Fragments.

Battle pets[]

Wild creatures[]

In the RPG[]

Icon-RPG This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

The Redridge Mountains is a lovely area surrounded by some troubled spots, but so far has been untainted by the Burning Legion or the Scourge.[14] The Burning Steppes to the north were formerly part of the Redridge Mountains[15] as well was the area of Lethlor Ravine in the Badlands, which was once beautiful and verdant. Both were transformed after the summoning of Ragnaros destroyed the northern part of the mountains.[16]

Supplying the Alliance with timber, fish and crops, the Redridge Mountains is also a vacation spot for many residents of Stormwind. The tranquil woods, rivers, and lakes make it a sought-after retirement area for veterans with fish to catch and tales to tell. Only a handful of dangers trouble it: the usual monsters of the woods and the small matter of the Alliance keep overtaken by orcs.[14] The Stormwind army maintains a token presence here and handles Redridge's few crime problems. There is no better place in Azeroth to enjoy a pint.

To summarize, Redridge is a haven in the midst of a troubled continent.[17]


Redridge was once a larger stretch of mountains in which the Dark Iron dwarves established a colony in the northern reaches called Thaurisan after their exile from Ironforge. Their mad thane Thaurisan befouled the region when he summoned Ragnaros. Half the mountain range melted into the Burning Steppes, but the rest remained pristine.

These mountains and foothills were used as thoroughfares in the many wars in the past fifty years, but they somehow remained untouched while the surrounding regions suffered. Now it is the last true area wholly under Alliance influence in Azeroth, and it sometimes struggles to remain so.[18][15]


While the ravaged mountains of the Burning Steppes border it on the north and the deadly Swamp of Sorrows and Deadwind Pass border it on the south, the Redridge Mountains more reflects the beautiful Elwynn Forest to the west. Redridge matches Elwynn's climate, being warm and temperate with just the right amount of rain. The higher altitude and closer proximity to the mountains make it a bit cooler than Elwynn, but no less pleasant.[14]

Several elms and pines make up the forests in this region, providing a traveler much needed relief from the sun if he is coming from far away lands, but also giving monsters and orcs good places to hide. Rivers snake through the area, most of them emptying into the massive Lake Everstill.

Although a peaceful Alliance region, the mountains remain dangerous at times, with tarantulas in the east and orcs in the north, and the usual gnolls or wolves prowling the forests.[17]

Film universe[]

The Redridge Mountains are depicted close to their World of Warcraft incarnation. Stonewatch Keep is shown falling to the Horde.


  • Some of the trees here are oaks.[19]
  • It's recommended that one wears a helmet when in the Redridge Mountains, as buzzards view humanoid hair as excellent nesting material.[20]
  • Redridge had one of the game's highest level-gaps between zones at its border with the Burning Steppes, which is a 30 level jump from 20 to 50. Players were instead directed to Duskwood (to the southwest) after completing all the quests here. This is now obsolete with the changes to level ranges.
  • The Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos Game Manual specifically mentions gnolls and kobolds as being present in the Redridge Mountains, despite the game's plot never going there.[4]


  • Render's Camp.

    Render's Camp.

  • Alther's Mill.

    Alther's Mill.

  • Foreman Oslow in a spot of bother.

    Foreman Oslow in a spot of bother.

  • Tower of Ilgalar.

    Tower of Ilgalar.

  • The Redridge Mountains on the Azeroth map of the First War.

    The Redridge Mountains on the Azeroth map of the First War.

  • The Redridge Mountains region during the First War.

    The Redridge Mountains region during the First War.

  • Map of the Redridge Mountains pre release World of Warcraft.

    Map of the Redridge Mountains pre release World of Warcraft.


Patch changes[]

  • Legion Patch 7.3.5 (2018-01-16): Level scaling implemented, previous zone level: 15 - 20.


  1. ^ a b The Red Ridge Mountains (WC1 Orc)
  2. ^ Inv misc bandage 18 [A Torn Journal]
  3. ^ The Last Guardian, pg. 1
  4. ^ a b Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos manual, pg. 82
  5. ^ H [50] Eastern Escape
  6. ^ Traveler, chapter 3
  7. ^ The Last Guardian
  8. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. 141
  9. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 159
  10. ^ Quote by Morgan: "...take back my land... I want what is now called the Burning Steppes, my part of the Redridge Mountains that their fiery overlord destroyed... I'm here to fight for what is rightfully mine."
  11. ^ Inv letter 04 [The State of Lakeshire]
  12. ^ Traveler: The Shining Blade
  13. ^ The Last Guardian, pg. 2
  14. ^ a b c Lands of Conflict, pg. 50
  15. ^ a b Lands of Conflict, pg. 43
  16. ^ Lands of Conflict, pg. 68
  17. ^ a b Lands of Conflict, pg. 51
  18. ^ Lands of Conflict, pg. 51 - 52
  19. ^ Traveler: The Shining Blade, chapter 29
  20. ^ Fledgling Buzzard

External links[]

External link PC Gamespy Read Flintlocke's letter to the Mayor of Redridge!


Map of the Eastern Kingdoms

Khaz Modan