Remnants of the Past

  • ️Tue Jul 19 2016
NeutralRemnants of the Past
Start Watcher's Journal [63.0, 48.7]
End Havi
Level 10-45
Category Stormheim
Experience 14,800
Reputation +150 Valarjar
Rewards 19g 40s
Next N [10-45] Scavenging the Shallows


Locate clues to discover the fate of Tideskorn Harbor.


<The journal entry appears hastily written.>

I do not know what has become of my village. Ever since the mists engulfed the harbor, my kinsfolk have changed.

Some have grown violent and savage, while others have fallen into madness. Many have ventured into the mists and have yet to return.

In these times, we can usually turn to our leader, Jarl Tarben. Alas, the mists have taken him as well.

I do not know what will become of me. For now, I can only stay at my post and remain vigilant.


You will receive:


The mists of this bay rot not only the wood of the ships, but the very souls of its inhabitants.

But it seems you have already discovered this.


Final Clue
Havi says: Look what the ravens have dropped off.


  1. N [10-45] Remnants of the Past
  2. N [10-45] Scavenging the Shallows
  3. N [45D] Maw of Souls: Piercing the Mists

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