Scale of the Earth-Warder

  • ️Tue Oct 13 2020

Inv shield 1h artifactmagnar d 01

The Scale of the Earth-Warder, also known as the Blackwyrm Armaments, is one of the artifacts used by protection warriors in World of Warcraft: Legion. Equipping it will automatically place Inv sword 1h artifactmagnar d 01 [Scaleshard] in your main hand.


This item is a quest reward from N Warrior [10-45] Legacy of the Icebreaker.


Eu weapon-warrior-03 sacle of the earth-warder scaleshard

Artifact reveal[]

An impenetrable shield crafted from a scale of the black Dragon Aspect, Neltharion the Earth-Warder, before the Old Gods' corruption overcame him. The formidable vrykul king Magnar Icebreaker carried this shield into combat and won victory after victory in the face of grim odds. When he finally fell in battle, it was due to treachery by servants of the Val'kyr Helya. The shield is now entombed with King Magnar's body in the Path of Kings in Stormheim.[1]

In-game description[]

An ancient vrykul king crafted a stolen scale of Neltharion, the Earth-Warder into a bulwark of immense power. This great shield now lies by his side, deep in a nearly forgotten tomb. Reclaim this shield and you will reap not only an impenetrable guard, but also a glimpse of the mighty fiery powers of the dragon aspect himself.[2]

Artifact lore[]

Main article: Saga of the Valarjar

These magnificent artifacts were forged from a scale of the Earth-Warder, Neltharion. As you might imagine, obtaining it came at a high cost. This sword and shield have endured countless battles, wielded by a legendary vrykul warrior and king. Thanks to your help, his spirit can rest in peace, but his armaments now pass to you. May they bring you the same victories they brought him.

Artifact traits[]

Scale of the Earth-Warder interface


Ability Ranks Linked powers
Inv artifact dragonscales [Dragon Scales] 1 Dragon Skin; Reflective Plating
Ability warrior intensifyrage [Dragon Skin] 4 Dragon Scales; Intolerance; Thunder Crash
Warrior talent icon furyintheblood [Intolerance] 4 Dragon Skin; Shatter the Bones; Thunder Crash; Wall of Steel
Ability heroicleap [Leaping Giants] 4 Scales of the Earth; Wall of Steel
Inv misc head vrykul [Might of the Vrykul] 1 Rumbling Voice
Inv shield 1h artifactmagnar d 01 [Neltharion's Fury] 1 Strength of the Earth Aspect
Ability warrior revenge [Rage of the Fallen] 4 Strength of the Earth Aspect; Vrykul Shield Training
Ability warrior shieldreflection [Reflective Plating] 1 Dragon Scales; Dragon Skin; Thunder Crash
Ability warrior battleshout [Rumbling Voice] 1 Might of the Vrykul; Toughness; Will to Survive
Inv elemental eternal earth [Scales of the Earth] 1 Leaping Giants
Inv shield 05 [Shatter the Bones] 4 Intolerance; Strength of the Earth Aspect
Inv sword 11 [Strength of the Earth Aspect] 1 Neltharion's Fury; Rage of the Fallen; Shatter the Bones
Spell nature thunderclap [Thunder Crash] 4 Dragon Skin; Intolerance; Reflective Plating
Ability warrior rallyingcry [Toughness] 4 Rumbling Voice; Vrykul Shield Training; Will to Survive
Inv shield 1h artifactmagnar d 02 [Unbreakable Bulwark] 1 None
Inv misc monsterscales 07 [Vrykul Shield Training] 4 Rage of the Fallen; Toughness; Wall of Steel; Will to Survive
Ability warrior victoryrush [Wall of Steel] 1 Intolerance; Leaping Giants; Vrykul Shield Training
Spell holy ashestoashes [Will to Survive] 4 Rumbling Voice; Toughness; Vrykul Shield Training

Hidden trait: Unknown


Ability Ranks
Misc legionfall warrior [Protection of the Valarjar] 1
Ability warrior criticalblock [Bastion of the Aspects] 4
Ability warrior shieldreflection [Gleaming Scales] 1
Ability thunderclap [Neltharion's Thunder] 1
Temp [Concordance of the Legionfall] 50


Inv shield 1h artifactmagnar d 01Inv sword 1h artifactmagnar d 01 Classic

Achievement: Achievement arena 5v5 1 [Fighting with Style: Classic]

Inv shield 1h artifactmagnar d 02Inv sword 1h artifactmagnar d 02 Upgraded: Arm of the Fallen King

Achievement: Achievement arena 5v5 1 [Fighting with Style: Upgraded]

Inv shield 1h artifactmagnar d 03Inv axe 1h artifactmagnar d 03 Valorous: Unbroken Stand

Achievement: Achievement arena 5v5 1 [Fighting with Style: Valorous]

Inv shield 1h artifactmagnar d 04Inv sword 1h artifactmagnar d 04 War-torn: Deathguard's Gaze

Achievement: Alliance Achievement arena 5v5 6 [Fighting with Style: War-torn]/Horde Achievement arena 5v5 6 [Fighting with Style: War-torn]

Inv shield 1h artifactmagnar d 06Inv mace 1h artifactmagnar d 06 Challenging: Legionbreaker

Achievement: Inv icon heirloomtoken weapon01 [Fighting with Style: Challenging]

Inv shield 1h artifactmagnar d 05Inv mace 1h artifactmagnar d 05 Hidden: Last Breath of the Worldbreaker

Achievement: Achievement arena 5v5 7 [Fighting with Style: Hidden]


  • During the era before Neltharion's corruption, this artifact was known as the Blackwyrm Armaments.


Patch changes[]


  1. ^ Legion: Warrior Artifact Reveal (2015-10-23). Retrieved on 2015-11-20.
  2. ^ Weapons of Legend

External links[]