Shademaster Kiryn

  • ️Tue Aug 28 2012
HordeShademaster Kiryn
Image of Shademaster Kiryn
Title <Combat Reagents>
Gender Female
Race Forsaken (Humanoid)
Class Rogue
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Orgrimmar
Location Various
Status Active

Aboard the Hellscream's Fist.

Shademaster Kiryn is a Forsaken rogue and quest giver that takes part in multiple Horde quests throughout Jade Forest and later reappearing in Kun-Lai Summit and Krasarang Wilds. She is a skinning trainer, and at times acts as an innkeeper, with food and drink for sale. She also has knowledge about anatomy and poisons, which she uses on her throwing stars.[1][2]


Mists of Pandaria[]

Kiryn accompanied the adventurer and General Nazgrim on the Hellscream's Fist in the Horde's initial expedition to Pandaria. After being shot down, Kiryn, Shokia, Rivett Clutchpop, Nazgrim, and the adventurer were the only survivors and began making their way through the Jade Forest, fighting against the Alliance and hozen in and around Strongarm Airstrip. After making allies with the hozen, Kiryn was captured by the Alliance-aligned Pearlfin Jinyu. She was rescued by a combination of Shokia's sniping skills and the mad determination of the love-struck hozen Riko. Shortly before the battle of Serpent's Heart, she was watching hozen soldiers practicing their parachuting skills.

After the disaster in the battle of Serpent's Heart, Kiryn and her Horde compatriots were rescued by Lorewalker Cho and Mishi, and brought to Kun-Lai Summit to recover. After making a full recovery, she was later seen in Eastwind Rest aiding the newly Horde-aligned pandaren refugees.


Kiryn aided the Dominance Offensive by handing out quests against Lion's Landing at the Sparkrocket Outpost. She also took part in defending the Domination Point.

Siege of Orgrimmar[]

Kiryn is later seen observing the Celestial Tournament along with her comrades. Along with her team, she joined the Darkspear Rebellion and was seen in the halls of Underhold during the Siege of Orgrimmar.


Notable appearances
Location Level range Health range
Jade Forest 85 6,430
Jade Forest 85 15,974
Jade Forest 85 119,805
Kun-Lai Summit 87 9,585
Krasarang Wilds 90 11,494
Domination Point (scenario) 90 393,941
Celestial Tournament 90 11,494
Siege of Orgrimmar (instance) 101 202,460



Jade Forest
Inv misc food vendor boiledsilkwormpupa [Boiled Silkworm Pupa]
2g 40s
Inv misc food cooked goldcarpconsomme [Golden Carp Consomme]
2g 60s
Inv drink milk 01 [Pearl Milk Tea]
2g 60s
Inv misc food vendor roastedbarlytea [Roasted Barley Tea]
2g 40s
Inv misc skeweredpeanutchicken [Skewered Peanut Chicken]
2g 60s
Siege of Orgrimmar
Inv misc dust 02 [Vanishing Powder]

Objective of[]


Jade Forest

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.

Kun-Lai Summit

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.

Krasarang Wilds



  • You look... delicious.
  • Come closer friend.
  • Have you brought fresh corpses, hmm?
  • Mmm, I hunger.
  • I heard you coming a mile away.
  • I hate to see you to go, but I love to watch you walk away.
  • Quick and clean friend. Quick and clean.
  • May your footsteps be silent, friend.
  • Bring me back something...tasty.
  • They never see me coming.


Kor'kron Barracks
I'll offer what aid I can, <name>. Just promise you'll make lots of delicious Kor'kron corpses on your way to Garrosh.


Honeydew Village

I get the feeling the negotiations aren't going well...

Nook of Konk and Strongarm Airstrip

The General is determined to set up camp here.

I hope he knows what he's doing...

Trainer Train me in Skinning.
Inn Make this inn your home.
Buy Let me browse your goods.

Grookin Hill, initial

You know, these little guys aren't so bad once you get to know them...

Grookin Hill, with the Young Alliance Soldier
  • This is no small island, <name>. It's a landmass that would likely rival Northrend!
How it has gone undiscovered is still a mystery.
  • Our prisoner is strange. He carries no weapon, and his garb is... untraditional.
Perhaps he's a lord of some kind. With any luck, we might have captured someone valuable!
  • Riko is... well, he's the most mature hozen I've met so far, which isn't saying much.
He's really not as bad as Shokia makes him out to be. I actually think he's kind of sweet... in a hozen sort of way.
Sparkrocket Outpost

It's about time you got here, <name>. This battle isn't going to win itself!


Patch changes[]

See also[]


External links[]