Shadowmoon Burial Grounds

  • ️Tue Oct 14 2014
Shadowmoon Burial Grounds
Shadowmoon Burial Grounds loading screen
Location Shadowmoon Valley
Race(s) Mag'har orcMag'har orc Orc
IconSmall SkeletalOrc Skeletal orc
IconSmall Ghost Ghost (orc and draenei)
End boss IconSmall Ner'zhul2 Ner'zhul
Instance info
Type Dungeon
Advised level 10-40
Player limit 5

Sadana Bloodfury



Shadowmoon Burial Grounds is a dungeon introduced in Warlords of Draenor, set in Shadowmoon Valley within Anguish Fortress. It features Ner'zhul as its end boss.[1]

Following the defeat of the Dark Star, Ner'zhul and his followers retreated here.


Dungeon Journal[]

The traditional burial grounds of the Shadowmoon clan are the final resting place for countless generations of ancestors. The fallen chieftain Ner'zhul, in the depths of his depravity, has sacrificed the very soul of his clan in a desperate quest for power. Now the ancestral spirits are restless, tormented and used to fuel dark rituals that will pull all of Draenor into the void if allowed to run their course.

Maps and subregions[]


  • Shadowmoon Burial Grounds L1.

    Shadowmoon Burial Grounds L1.

  • Shadowmoon Burial Grounds L2.

    Shadowmoon Burial Grounds L2.

  • Shadowmoon Burial Grounds L3.

    Shadowmoon Burial Grounds L3.



Quest name Quest giver Zone location
Alliance Alliance quests
A [10-40] Shadowmoon Burial Grounds Alliance Muradin Bronzebeard Lunarfall, Shadowmoon Valley
Horde Horde quests
H [10-40] Shadowmoon Burial Grounds Horde High Overlord Saurfang Frostwall, Frostfire Ridge
Neutral Neutral quests
N [10-40D] The Void-Gate
N [10-40] Whispers in the Darkness
Neutral Impsy Lunarfall, Frostwall
N [40H] Shadowy Secrets
N [10-40] Whispers in the Darkness
Neutral Darion Mograine Lunarfall, Frostwall
N [40H] The Huntresses
N [40] Fate of the Fallen
Neutral Cowled Ranger Lunarfall, Frostwall


Bosses Monsters NPCs
Crypt of the Ancients
Altar of Shadow
Whispering Hollows
Pools of Reflection
Edge of Reality

Dungeon denizens[]

Shadowmoon Burial Grounds

Shadowmoon Burial Grounds.



Shadowmoon Burial Grounds bosses


Boss Item Type
Sadana Bloodfury Inv offhand 1h draenordungeon c 01 [Sadana's Grisly Visage] (H · M) Caster Off-hand
Nhallish Nhallish's Bloody Polearm (H · M) Strength two-hand polearm
Inv jewelcrafting shadowsongamethyst 02 [Voidmender's Shadowgem] (H · M) Caster trinket
Bonemaw Inv misc bone 01 [Bonemaw's Big Toe] (H · M) Melee trinket
Bonetooth Longbow (H · M) Ranged bow
Ner'zhul Portal-Ripper's Staff (H · M) Caster staff
Ner'zhul's Ritual Blade (H · M) Rogue dagger
Inv inscription weaponscroll03 [Illusion: Mark of Shadowmoon] Cosmetic


  1. Achievement challengemode shadowmoonhideout hourglass [Shadowmoon Burial Grounds Challenger]
  2. Achievement challengemode shadowmoonhideout bronze [Shadowmoon Burial Grounds: Bronze]
  3. Achievement challengemode shadowmoonhideout silver [Shadowmoon Burial Grounds: Silver]
  4. Achievement challengemode shadowmoonhideout gold [Shadowmoon Burial Grounds: Gold]



This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

Given the presence of tree roots covering the Altar of Shadow in Shadowmoon Burial Grounds, and the fact you enter the instance from the east and then turn left (south) as you descend, it is possible that the Altar of Shadow is directly below Moonwillow Peak.


  • Entrance


  • Shadowmoon Burial Grounds 02.jpg

  • Shadowmoon Burial Grounds 03.jpg

  • Shadowmoon Burial Grounds 04.jpg

  • Shadowmoon Burial Grounds 05.jpg

  • Sadana Bloodfury

  • Entrance to Whispering Hollows

    Entrance to Whispering Hollows

  • Whispering Hollows

  • Nhallish

  • Shadowmoon Burial Grounds 13.jpg

  • Bonemaw

  • A tunnel in the Pools of Reflection

  • Altar of Shadow

    Altar of Shadow

  • Ner'zhul

  • Ceiling


  • Crypt of the Ancients

  • Whispering Hollows

  • Pools of Reflection

  • Altar of Shadow

  • The exterior of the Altar of Shadow.

    The exterior of the Altar of Shadow.

  • Concept art.

    Concept art.

Patch changes[]


External links[]

Former Warchief
Former leader
Former Warlords
Member races
Cities and towns
Clans and