Shao-Tien clan

MobThe Shao-Tien
Guo-Lai Halls
Main leader IconSmall Mogu Male Shao-Tien Elder Council
IconSmall Mogu Male General Temuja (presumed)
  Formerly IconSmall Mogu Male Zhao-Jin the Bloodletter
Secondary leaders IconSmall Mogu Male Shao-Tien Imperions
Race(s) MoguMogu Mogu
Quilen Quilen
Character classes Assassin, Mage, Sorcerer
Base of operations Guo-Lai Halls
Theater of operations Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Affiliation Mogu empire
Status Scattered

The Shao-Tien clan is a clan of mogu that operate mainly in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, fielding an entire army in their quest for dominance. Some of them were later captured by the True Horde and taken to Orgrimmar, where they were incarcerated in the Underhold.


The mogu were already present within the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, having sent scouts through a cavern in Ruins Rise, near the Ruins of Guo-Lai.[1] By the time the Golden Lotus sealed off the cave,[2] the gates of the vale had already been opened.[3] Following this, the Shao-Tien assaulted the Golden Stair and Emperor's Approach.[4] From the Golden Stair and encampents at Winterbough Glade they would stage attacks and occasionally assault other parts of the vale.

Bleeding Sun[]

This clan was also part of an ambush on the Golden Lotus that caught the fleeing Sunwalker Dezco and his children, sending quilen into the fray first, and then attacking themselves. While the Shao-Tien and their unnamed leader were unsuccessful in defeating the Golden Lotus, one of Dezco's sons was poisoned (though later cured), and the other crushed in the chaos that ensued.[5]

The Secrets of Guo-Lai[]

The Shao-Tien and their warlord Zhao-Jin also attempted to recover mogu artifacts of power within the vale, successfully securing an army of Jade Warriors[6] but (temporarily) losing three of the Thunder King's artifacts to the Golden Lotus: the Inv axe 1h pvpcataclysms3 c 01 [Battle Axe of the Thunder King], the Inv helm mail pvphunter c 01 [Battle Helm of the Thunder King], and the Inv polearm 2h pvp400 c 01 [Battle Spear of the Thunder King].

Eventually the Shao-Tien mustered a final assault on the vale using the previously recovered Jade Army.[7] The Golden Lotus won the battle with the blessing of Yu'lon, Xuen, and Niuzao, while Leven Dawnblade and the Adventurer defeated Zhao-Jin the Bloodletter at the stairs of Mogu'shan Palace with the help of Chi-Ji.[8]

Siege of Orgrimmar[]

After the Sha corruption of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, the Shao-Tien positioned at the Golden Stair were killed. The Shao-Tien commanders, including General Temuja and all five Imperions, appear to have survived. Many have relocated to various locations west of the Whitepetal Lake.

Elsewhere, deep below Orgrimmar in the Underhold, the Shao-Tien Elder Council and some of their followers have been taken by the True Horde under Garrosh Hellscream's orders. These mogu play an integral role in the battle with the Spoils of Pandaria.



Name Role Status Location
Mob IconSmall Mogu Male Jun-Wei The Shadowmancer of the Shao-Tien Elder Council Killable Artifact Storage, Siege of Orgrimmar
Mob IconSmall Mogu Male Kun-Da The Sullen Stone of the Shao-Tien Elder Council Killable Artifact Storage, Siege of Orgrimmar
Mob IconSmall Mogu Male Xiang-Lin The Jade Shaper of the Shao-Tien Elder Council Killable Artifact Storage, Siege of Orgrimmar
Mob IconSmall Mogu Male Zu Yin The Flaming Fist of the Shao-Tien Elder Council Killable Artifact Storage, Siege of Orgrimmar
Mob IconSmall Mogu Male Zhao-Jin the Bloodletter Shao-Tien Warlord Deceased Guo-Lai Halls, Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Mob IconSmall Mogu Male General Temuja Shao-Tien General Killable Winterbough Glade, Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Mob IconSmall Mogu Male Bai-Jin the Butcher Shao-Tien Imperion Killable The Five Sisters, Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Mob IconSmall Mogu Male Baolai the Immolator Shao-Tien Imperion Killable Ruins of Guo-Lai, Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Mob IconSmall Mogu Male Gaohun the Soul-Severer Shao-Tien Imperion Killable Guo-Lai Halls, Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Mob IconSmall Mogu Male Gochao the Ironfist Shao-Tien Imperion Killable Ruins Rise, Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Mob IconSmall Mogu Male Huo-Shuang Shao-Tien Imperion Killable Guo-Lai Halls, Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Mob IconSmall Mogu Male Shadowmaster Sydow The Soul-Gatherer Killable Mistfall Village, Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Mob IconSmall Mogu Male Kang the Soul Thief (Presumed) Pandarian champion Killable North of The Five Sisters, Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Mob IconSmall Mogu Male Urgolax (Presumed) Pandarian champion Killable The Golden Stair, Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Mob IconSmall Quilen Dagou Zhao-Jin's Quilen Deceased Guo-Lai Halls, Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Mob IconSmall Quilen Wulon The Granite Sentinel Killable The Silent Sanctuary, Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Mob IconSmall Quilen Gasaran Guardian of the Inv polearm 2h pvp400 c 01 [Battle Spear of the Thunder King] Deceased Ancestral Rise, Vale of Eternal Blossoms

