Shimmering Expanse quests

Zone map
The quests of Shimmering Expanse, the second subzone of Vashj'ir.
Shimmering Expanse is fairly heavily phased and is a directed questing experience. Players will be led here from Kelp'thar Forest.
Silver Tide Hollow[]
After [30-35] The Warden's Time in Kelp'thar Forest:
[30-35] Across the Great Divide
[30-35] The Looming Threat
[30-35] Backed Into a Corner
[30-35] Rundown
[30-35] Silver Tide Hollow
[30-35] The Great Sambino
- Side quests:
[30-35] Don't be Shellfish,
[30-35] Slippery Threat,
[30-35] A Distracting Scent
- Side quests:
[30-35] Undersea Inflation
[30-35] Crabby Patrons
[30-35] Totem Modification
[30-35] Back in One Piece
[30-35] Toshe's Vengeance
[30-35] Vortex /
[30-35] Vengeful Heart
[30-35] Fathom-Lord Zin'jatar
Killing the Fathom-Lord drops the [Luminescent Pearl], which continues the chain
[30-35] A Pearl of Wisdom
[30-35] Nespirah
[30-35] Making Contact
[30-35] Slave Labor /
[30-35] Stick it to Them
[30-35] Capture the Crab
[30-35] Breaking Through
[30-35] We Are Not Alone
[30-35] Body Blows /
[30-35] Hopelessly Gearless /
[30-35] Still Valuable
[30-35] Overseer Idra'kess
[30-35] Waking the Beast
Ruins of Vashj'ir[]
Completing Waking the Beast will send players to their first faction hub since the shipwreck:
- Getting settled:
[30-35] Cold Welcome
[30-35] A Powerful Need To Eat
[30-35] Clamming Up
Engineer Hexascrub's quests
[30-35] Art of Attraction
[30-35] Odor Coater
[30-35] Bellies Await
[30-35] Deep Attraction
[30-35] Shelled Salvation
[30-35] Something Edible
[30-35] Crafty Crabs
[30-35] Swift Approach /
[30-35] Caught Off-Guard /
[30-35] A Better Vantage
- Side quests:
[30-35] An Occupation of Time,
[30-35] Piece of the Past
- Side quests:
[30-35] The Call of the Blade (optional)
[30-35] Upon the Scene of Battle
[30-35] Visions of the Past: The Invasion of Vashj'ir
[30-35] Reoccupation
[30-35] The Revered Lady
[30-35] To the Fathom-Lord's Call /
[30-35] Built to Last
[30-35] Not Soon Forgotten
After the first Visions of the Past, players are sent to their faction's forward post:
[30-35] Looking Forward
[30-35] Clear Goals /
[30-35] Not Entirely Unprepared /
[30-35] Properly Inspired
[30-35] Swift Action
[30-35] Gauging Success /
[30-35] Fallen But Not Forgotten
[30-35] Visions of the Past: The Slaughter of Biel'aran Ridge
[30-35] By Her Lady's Word
- Mandatory side quests:
[30-35] No Trespass Forgiven,
[30-35] Setting An Example
- Mandatory side quests:
[30-35] Stolen Property
[30-35] Chosen Burden
[30-35] The Culmination of Our Efforts
After the second Visions of the Past, players are sent back to the first faction hub:
[30-35] Losing Ground
[30-35] Desperate Plan
[30-35] Come Prepared /
[30-35] Unfurling Plan /
[30-35] Hostile Waters
[30-35] Honor and Privilege
[30-35] Welcome News
[30-35] Visions of the Past: Rise from the Deep
[30-35] Devout Assembly &
[30-35] Her Lady's Hand
[30-35] At All Costs
[30-35] Final Judgment
[30-35] A Breath of Fresh Air
Completing the third Visions of the Past awards the achievement [Visions of Vashj'ir Past].
Players are then sent to the Abyssal Depths in Full Circle.
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