
  • ️Tue May 02 2023
For the rogue PvP talent, see Inv throwingknife 04 [Shiv].

Inv throwingknife 04

  • Shiv
  • Row 1 rogue talent
  • Melee range
  • 20 Energy
  • 25 sec cooldown
  • Instant
  • Requires Daggers
  • Attack with your off-hand, dealing (72% of Attack power) Physical damage, dispelling all enrage effects and applying a concentrated form of your active Non-Lethal poison.

    Awards 1 Combo Point.

Class Rogue
School Physical
Cooldown 25 seconds
Improvements Ability rogue surpriseattack [Arterial Precision], Inv throwingknife 04 [Improved Shiv], Inv throwingknife 04 [Lightweight Shiv], Ability rogue poisonedknife [Tiny Toxic Blade]
The pain from the blade is the least of your worries.[1]

Shiv is a rogue class talent. It is a fairly weak attack with an off-hand weapon that applies a more powerful version of currently used non-lethal poison. Shiv is automatically learned for Assassination.


As of Shadowlands, Shiv is learned before any non-lethal poisons, specifically one level before Ability poisonsting [Crippling Poison] is learned.

In Hearthstone[]

Hearthstone This section contains information exclusive to Hearthstone and is considered non-canon.

Patch changes[]

See also[]


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