
  • ️Fri Jul 20 2018
Type Village
Leader(s) IconSmall CentaurKhan Khan Leh'Prah
IconSmall CentaurKhan Khan Kammah
IconSmall CentaurKhan Khan Shodo
Race(s) CentaurCentaur Centaur
  Formerly DemonDemonDemonDemon Demon
Language(s) Common
Affiliation(s) Magram clan, Gelkis clan, Kolkar clan
  Formerly Burning Blade
Location Desolace
Status Active

Shok'Thokar, formerly Magram Village, was the Magram centaur's village before it was taken by the Burning Blade and their demon masters from the Shadowbreak Ravine. The cultists have even built a new tower near the mountainside to watch over the area.

After the quest death of the pit lord Agogridon, the area will have the corpses of Burning Blade cultists and demons, while the three Khans of Gelkis, Magram, and Kolkar remain united and found at the main hut of the village.




This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

  • It's unknown if the Magram plan to move back here and give the Kolkar back their village, or if all three clans will live here.
  • Prior to the Cataclysm it was a goal of the Horde to prevent the centaur from uniting, because they would become too powerful and able to take control of the land and possibly more. However, since it was heroes of the Alliance/Horde who helped them recover their lands, it's possible they might become allies or at least friendly.

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