So Close

  • ️Tue Nov 15 2022
NeutralSo Close
Start Rymek [22.1, 50.9]
End Merithra [22.1, 49.2]
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Category Valdrakken Accord
Experience 11,900
Rewards 56g 18s
Previous N [70] The Chittering Rocks, N [70] Guarded Appreciation
Next N [70] And Yet So Far


Enter the Dream portal grove with Rymek.


I must take a moment to thank you, <name>, for all your help.

Truly, I never thought I would have a chance to admire the Dream within Ancient Bough! Not as a humble emissary! How very kind.

Lord Somnikus has graciously invited me to set foot inside the grove and see the portal. I would be honored if you would join me.

I will remember this moment for the rest of my life. Share it with me.


You will receive:

  • 56g 18s
  • 11,900 XP


I... can't believe...

This cannot be...

I failed. I trusted Rymek and his dragonkin, and they betrayed us all.


On accept, Rymek, Gerithus, and the two blue dragonspawn take off north along the path in the direction of the portal.

Catch up with them and speak with Rymek:

At last. I never thought I would see this place with my own eyes.
<A sharp grin spreads across Rymek's face, and his cold eyes gleam with anticipation.>
Gossip What do you think?

An in-engine cutscene plays:

Rymek channels a lot of frost power and transforms into a primalist! As Gerithus realizes, he knocks the adventurer back with his tail away from the portal.
Gerithus says: Champion!
The guards all get ice blocked as an ice wave radiates out from Rymek and countless ice and storm elementals charge the portal.

On the other side of the cutscene, the path is frozen shut as Ezralor, the Herald of Frost, stands guard. Aggro him:

Ezralor says: The power in the Dream will be ours!

Defeat him:

Ezralor says: We will... find it...
Merithra and Somnikus fly in, then shift to their visage forms.
Merithra says: No! They are in the Dream! And Gerithus...
Somnikus says: He... tricked me. And... and I let him in.

On complete:

Merithra says: I have failed to protect that which I swore to keep safe. Come. There is something you both should know.


  1. N [70] Emerald Summons
  2. N [70] A Day in the Groves
  3. N [70] Seeds for the Future, N [70] Wake the Ancients
  4. N [70] Gerithus's Research
  5. N [70] Emerald Tears, N [70] A Frenzied Defender
  6. N [70] Anchors to Life
  7. N [70] To Somnikus
  8. N [70] The Chittering Rocks, N [70] Guarded Appreciation
  9. N [70] So Close
  10. N [70] And Yet So Far

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