
  • ️Tue Nov 15 2022
Gender Male
Race Green dragon (Dragonkin)
Level 70 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Green dragonflight
Location Ohn'ahran Plains; Ardenweald
Status Alive
Relative(s) Solethus (son)

Somnikus is a green dragon with a tauren visage located in the Ohn'ahran Plains. The treachery of Clan Nokhud led to the death of his son, Solethus. After that loss, he entered a state of mourning and took to guarding the portal to the Emerald Dream located in the Ancient Bough. When Rymek approached the green dragonflight, Somnikus spoke at length with him and found a mutual understanding, even comparing him to Solethus. He placed his trust in the blue dragonkin and allowed him to see the portal with his own eyes.

Once Rymek revealed his true form, Somnikus felt great remorse for his role in the Primalists' assault on the Dream. Merithra agreed to a plan that involved a theory conceived by her son, Gerithus, to bring Ysera back from the Shadowlands. By doing so, they would both regain the Aspect that was taken from them and defend the Emerald Dream. Gerithus's research, however, revealed one unavoidable cost: to bring Ysera back would require a sacrifice. Someone would have to take her place. Somnikus eagerly volunteered, for he did not feel it was right that he continued to live while his son did not. The green dragonflight rallied their druidic and centaur allies to defend the Ancient Bough and opened a portal to Ardenweald to meet with Ysera's spirit.

Ysera confirmed that an exchange would be possible, but told Somnikus that he could not take her place. He, like all dragons, was not predestined to come to Ardenweald upon death. Ysera's powerful connection to the Dream made her a great spirit of nature, the kind that did travel to Ardenweald, but Somnikus was not part of that cycle. Instead, Malfurion took up the bond that was made with the Winter Queen. He remained in Ardenweald so that a reborn Ysera could return to Azeroth via the Emerald Dream.

Enraged by Rymek's betrayal, Somnikus flew to Lunedane ahead of the other green dragons and was grievously wounded. Before he could expire, Ysera healed him and he aided in Rymek's downfall. After the battle, the sight of her flying over the Dragon Isles once more filled him with hope and renewed purpose.




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