
  • ️Tue Oct 14 2008
For the original fight, see Stalagg (Classic).
Image of Stalagg
Race Wight (Undead)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location The Halls of Reanimation, Naxxramas
Status Killable


Stalagg is a wight found in the Abomination Wing of Naxxramas. He is a part of the Thaddius encounter.

25-man abilities[]

Feugen and Stalagg[]

The encounter begins with splitting the raid in two to engage Feugen and Stalagg. If they leave their platforms (or are even just pulled too close to the ramp up to their platforms) the entire raid will be hit by unhealable massive nature damage from the Tesla coils in the room. They have 2,091,750 HP each. If they are not killed within 5 seconds of each other they will resurrect each other with full health.


Hits for about 4,500 on plate.

Does 3,500 Nature damage every 3 seconds to everyone within 60 yards.
Pulls Stalagg's tank to Feugen every 30 seconds and switches their threat.


Hits for about 6,000 on plate.

Increases Stalagg's melee haste by 200% for 10 seconds.
Pulls Feugen's tank to Stalagg every 30 seconds and switches their threat.

10-man abilities[]

Feugen and Stalagg[]

The encounter begins with splitting the raid in two to engage Feugen and Stalagg. If they leave their platforms the entire raid will be hit by unhealable massive nature damage from the Tesla coils in the room. They have 836,700 HP each. If they are not killed within 5 seconds of each other they will resurrect each other with full health.


Hits for about 3,000 on plate.

Increases Stalagg's melee haste by 200% for 10 seconds.
Pulls Feugen's tank to Stalagg every 30 seconds and switches their threat.


Stalagg crush you!
Killing a player
Stalagg kill!


Patch changes[]

External links[]