Stone Keeper's Shard

  • ️Tue Oct 12 2010

Inv misc platnumdisks

Stone Keeper's Shards were a currency added in Wrath of the Lich King and removed in Patch 4.0.1, which converted all remaining shards into Honor Points. Prior to their removal, they were gained through completing weekly quests involving Lake Wintergrasp or by defeating dungeon bosses when your faction controls Wintergrasp. You could find your Stone Keeper's Shards tracked on the Currency tab.

They were used to buy a plethora of different items from Alliance Knight Dameron <Wintergrasp Quartermaster> or Horde Stone Guard Mukar <Wintergrasp Quartermaster> in Wintergrasp Keep. These NPCs are only accessible when your faction controls the keep. These items are now purchased with Pvpcurrency-honor-alliancePvpcurrency-honor-horde [Honor Points].


This item was a quest reward from:

Alliance Horde
A [25-30] A Rare Herb H [25-30] Healing with Roses
A [25-30] Bones and Arrows H [25-30] Bones and Arrows
A [25-30] Defend the Siege H [25-30] Defend the Siege
A [25-30] Fueling the Demolishers H [25-30] Fueling the Demolishers
A [25-30] Fueling the Demolishers H [25-30] Fueling the Demolishers
A [25-30] No Mercy for the Merciless H [25-30] Slay them all!
A [25-30] Stop the Siege H [25-30] Stop the Siege
A [25-30] Victory in Wintergrasp H [25-30] Victory in Wintergrasp
A [25-30] Warding the Warriors H [25-30] Warding the Walls


Item Cost Wrath-Logo-Small Cost Type
Ability mount mammoth black [Reins of the Black War Mammoth] 15 Mark of Honor 300 Stone Keeper's Shard Mount
Spell arcane arcaneresilience [Arcanum of Dominance] N/A 40 Stone Keeper's Shard Head enchant
Ability warrior shieldmastery [Arcanum of Triumph] N/A 40 Stone Keeper's Shard Head enchant
Spell holy powerinfusion [Inscription of Dominance] 1 Mark of Honor 30 Stone Keeper's Shard Shoulder enchant
Spell holy weaponmastery [Inscription of Triumph] 1 Mark of Honor 30 Stone Keeper's Shard Shoulder enchant
Inv jewelcrafting gem 26 [Kharmaa's Grace] 1 Mark of Honor 20 Stone Keeper's Shard Gem, yellow
Inv jewelcrafting icediamond 02 [Enigmatic Starflare Diamond] 1 Mark of Honor 15 Stone Keeper's Shard Gem, meta
Inv jewelcrafting icediamond 02 [Impassive Starflare Diamond] 1 Mark of Honor 15 Stone Keeper's Shard Gem, meta
Inv jewelcrafting icediamond 02 [Forlorn Starflare Diamond] 1 Mark of Honor 15 Stone Keeper's Shard Gem, meta
Inv jewelcrafting icediamond 02 [Swift Starflare Diamond] 1 Mark of Honor 15 Stone Keeper's Shard Gem, meta
Inv jewelcrafting icediamond 02 [Tireless Starflare Diamond] 1 Mark of Honor 15 Stone Keeper's Shard Gem, meta
Inv jewelcrafting shadowspirit 02 [Trenchant Earthshatter Diamond] 1 Mark of Honor 15 Stone Keeper's Shard Gem, meta
Inv jewelcrafting shadowspirit 02 [Persistent Earthshatter Diamond] 1 Mark of Honor 15 Stone Keeper's Shard Gem, meta
Inv jewelcrafting shadowspirit 02 [Powerful Earthshatter Diamond] 1 Mark of Honor 15 Stone Keeper's Shard Gem, meta
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Enigmatic Skyflare Diamond] 1 Mark of Honor 24 Stone Keeper's Shard Jewelcrafting pattern
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Forlorn Skyflare Diamond] 1 Mark of Honor 24 Stone Keeper's Shard Jewelcrafting pattern
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Impassive Skyflare Diamond] 1 Mark of Honor 24 Stone Keeper's Shard Jewelcrafting pattern
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Willful Monarch Topaz] 1 Mark of Honor 12 Stone Keeper's Shard Jewelcrafting pattern
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Empowered Monarch Topaz] 1 Mark of Honor 12 Stone Keeper's Shard Jewelcrafting pattern
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Lucent Monarch Topaz] 1 Mark of Honor 12 Stone Keeper's Shard Jewelcrafting pattern
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Mysterious Twilight Opal] 1 Mark of Honor 12 Stone Keeper's Shard Jewelcrafting pattern
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Mystic Autumn's Glow] 1 Mark of Honor 12 Stone Keeper's Shard Jewelcrafting pattern
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Opaque Forest Emerald] 1 Mark of Honor 12 Stone Keeper's Shard Jewelcrafting pattern
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Resplendent Monarch Topaz] 1 Mark of Honor 12 Stone Keeper's Shard Jewelcrafting pattern
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Shattered Forest Emerald] 1 Mark of Honor 12 Stone Keeper's Shard Jewelcrafting pattern
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Steady Forest Emerald] 1 Mark of Honor 12 Stone Keeper's Shard Jewelcrafting pattern
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Stormy Sky Sapphire] 1 Mark of Honor 12 Stone Keeper's Shard Jewelcrafting pattern
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Tense Forest Emerald] 1 Mark of Honor 12 Stone Keeper's Shard Jewelcrafting pattern
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Turbid Forest Emerald] 1 Mark of Honor 12 Stone Keeper's Shard Jewelcrafting pattern
Inv jewelry trinketpvp 01 [Inherited Insignia of the Alliance] N/A 250 Stone Keeper's Shard Armor, trinket
Inv jewelry trinketpvp 02 [Inherited Insignia of the Horde] N/A 250 Stone Keeper's Shard Armor, trinket
Inv shoulder 10 [Pristine Lightforge Spaulders] N/A 200 Stone Keeper's Shard Armor, shoulders, plate
Inv shoulder 20 [Strengthened Stockade Pauldrons] N/A 200 Stone Keeper's Shard Armor, shoulders, plate
Inv shoulder 10 [Prized Beastmaster's Mantle] N/A 200 Stone Keeper's Shard Armor, shoulders, mail
Inv shoulder 29 [Aged Pauldrons of The Five Thunders] N/A 200 Stone Keeper's Shard Armor, shoulders, mail
Inv shoulder 01 [Lasting Feralheart Spaulders] N/A 200 Stone Keeper's Shard Armor, shoulders, leather
Inv shoulder 05 [Exceptional Stormshroud Shoulders] N/A 200 Stone Keeper's Shard Armor, shoulders, leather
Inv shoulder 02 [Exquisite Sunderseer Mantle] N/A 200 Stone Keeper's Shard Armor, shoulders, cloth
Inv weapon rifle 09 [Upgraded Dwarven Hand Cannon] N/A 325 Stone Keeper's Shard Weapon, gun
Inv weapon shortblade 03 [Sharpened Scarlet Kris] N/A 250 Stone Keeper's Shard Weapon, dagger
Inv staff 13 [Grand Staff of Jordan] N/A 325 Stone Keeper's Shard Weapon, staff
Inv hammer 07 [The Blessed Hammer of Grace] N/A 250 Stone Keeper's Shard Weapon, mace
Inv sword 36 [Battleworn Thrash Blade] N/A 200 Stone Keeper's Shard Weapon, sword
Inv sword 19 [Reforged Truesilver Champion] N/A 325 Stone Keeper's Shard Weapon, 2h sword

Patch changes[]

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