Storm giant

For the specific mob, see Storm Giant.
Storm giants
Storm Giant
Faction/Affiliation Independent
Racial leader(s) IconSmall StormGiant Gymer
Homeworld Azeroth
Language(s) Giant (presumed)

Storm giants are titan-forged giants who were afflicted with the Curse of Flesh. They are found in Northrend and are led by King Gymer. However, the storm giants were recently decimated by the Lich King, who had the Scourge raise them back into undeath, or use their corpses to create mindless flesh giants. They were also used to create the stitched-together aberration known as Thrym.[1]


In the RPG[]

Icon-RPG This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

Storm giants are a mysterious race of giants that once resided in the Storm Peaks of Northrend. They were in charge of the crystalline golems that collect crystals from the Crystalsong Forest.[2]

They are impressive, more than 30 feet tall and powerfully built. Storm giants are capable of summoning small storms. Myths say the titans created them. When the titans disappeared, the storm giants remained and claimed Ulduar. They developed crystalline golems to aid them in their research and to defend them. Over time the giants dwindled in number and grew ever more reclusive. They usually kept to themselves, hidden in their caves and tunnels below the surface, and avoided visitors. Soon only a handful remained. The giants are a dying race desperately trying to avoid their fate. They seemed to think another race would vanquish them some day, and so they hid in the Storm Peaks and Ulduar rather than girding for battle. They are too frightened to battle the Scourge, though apparently they hate it.[3] Some resided in the Temple of Storms.[4]



  • Gymer in the Trading Card Game.

  • A female storm giant in Hearthstone (Forged version).

    A female storm giant in Hearthstone (Forged version).

