A tabard refers to a type of clothing bearing a symbol or design and worn in the tabard equipment slot over a character's chest armor. Originally a purely cosmetic item intended to add individuality to a character's look, similar to a shirt, they now often signal an adventurer is championing a cause and thus offer reputation for wearing one in a dungeon.
Historically, a tabard serves both as a sleeveless shirt or coat (often over armor), and as a means of displaying heraldry (as livery). For players, it can show membership in a guild or (for roleplay purposes) allegiance to a particular group, boast of deeds performed, or simply be decorative.
The only tabard available to players upon the release of World of Warcraft was the guild tabard. The release of battlegrounds and the honor system saw a variety of new tabards introduced, identifying a player's rank or standing with a particular battleground faction. The Scourge Invasion also added a small number of tabards. In World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, each faction in Outland was given its own tabard, available at exalted status. World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King continues this trend, but has lower (or no) reputation requirements and instead utilizes faction tabards in a system known as championing for farming reputation.
Patch 3.0.2 introduced the achievement system, which includes rewards for tabard collectors. The following Collections achievements are granted for obtaining 1, 10, 25 and 30 tabards respectively: [Represent],
[Ten Tabards],
[Twenty-Five Tabards] and
[Thirty Tabards], with the Twenty-Five Tabards achievement granting the
[Tabard of the Achiever]. Blizzard has voiced a desire to alleviate the amount of bag space taken up by tabards as has been done with mount and non-combat pet collections (which grant similar achievements), but has said that tabards with on-use effects are an issue.[1] However, keeping tabards is not required for the achievement; only equipping them. You can equip and sell or delete each tabard as you get it, and it will still count toward the achievement. Some tabards can be discarded and repurchased or reacquired at a tabard vendor. These generally include rewards from non-repeatable quests and achievements (such as the
[Green Trophy Tabard of the Illidari]).
Throughout The Burning Crusade, tabards were ways to exhibit the fact that you had achieved Exalted reputation with the various factions. When Wrath of the Lich King was released, tabards changed modes. The Northrend faction tabards were purchasable at Friendly reputation and enabled players to gain reputation while defeating monsters in high-level dungeons.
Northrend faction tabards award reputation while defeating monsters in Northrend heroic-mode dungeons and a few normal dungeons that had been tuned for level 80 characters.
In Cataclysm, the city tabards that had been introduced with the Argent Tournament were given reputation-enhancing abilities as well. The various factions introduced with Cataclysm also had tabards which could be used to gain reputation by defeating monsters in high-level Cataclysm dungeons.
Tabard vendors[]
There are, generally, two types of vendor that tabards can be purchased from.
Tabards associated with a faction are almost always available from the Quartermasters for that faction.
Visitor's Centers in most major cities have tabard vendors who sell Guild tabards. They also sell:
- Burning Crusade faction tabards
- Honor rank tabards
- Battleground tabards
These additional tabards have the same purchase restrictions and costs from the visitor's center vendor as they do from the relevant quartermaster.
Guild tabards[]
Guild tabards can be purchased for 1 from a guildmaster in the Visitor's Center of any faction capital city. Guild leaders can customize the symbol and color scheme of the guild's tabard for 10
See below for web-based tabard design tools.
Once your tabard crest has been created, it will take another 10 every time you wish to make a change to it.
Honor rank tabards[]
Honor rank tabards are an honor reward for PvP fighting under the Honor System (battlegrounds).
Enlisted tabards were available for 1 at rank one
[Private] and Scout (Legacy)).
[Private's Tabard] and
[Scout's Tabard] are purchasable from all tabard vendors (except Dalaran's) for 50
Officers' tabards were available for 4 at rank six Knight (Legacy) and Stone Guard (Legacy)). Somewhat more glorified, these look similar to the enlisted tabards, but are significantly more detailed.
Similarly, these tabards are now purchasable for 100 .
Battleground tabards[]
Battleground tabards can be obtained at various reputation with each faction through vendor purchase or quest completion. These tabards have a unique appearance.
Alterac Valley tabards are purchasable from all tabard vendors (except Dalaran's) and the Supply Officers at the entrance to either BG for 2679 .
[Stormpike Battle Tabard] has a red backdrop with golden trim. It bears an emblem of a spear with a golden bolt at the bottom.
[Frostwolf Battle Tabard] has a blue backdrop with silver metallic trim. It bears a stylized white wolf's head inside a white circle.
Arathi Basin tabards are available upon attaining exalted reputation with League of Arathor or
Defilers and completing
[60P] Control Five Bases or
[60P] Take Five Bases.
Warsong Gulch tabards are purchasable from all tabard vendors (except Dalaran's) and the Supply Officers at the entrance to either BG for 2059 .
The [Tabard of Conquest] is awarded to players who complete the
[Master of Isle of Conquest] achievement.
Arena tabards[]
During the Relentless, Furious and Wrathful seasons, arena tabards appropriate to the current season could be obtained from arena vendors upon earning a sufficiently high arena/battleground rating, and had a unique appearance. Arena tabards were removed from the game in patch 4.1.
[Relentless Gladiator's Tabard] had a blue backdrop with bronze trim, bearing an ivory sword with a green gem in the center of the hilt.
[Furious Gladiator's Tabard] had a brown backdrop with bronze trim, bearing a copper sword with a red gem in the center of the hilt.
[Wrathful Gladiator's Tabard]
Other tabards[]
Past event tabards[]
These tabards were available for a limited time, and cannot be obtained currently. Some of these tabards may be reacquired from tabard vendors if the player had previously owned them.
The Burning Crusade tabards[]
This section concerns content related to The Burning Crusade.
Unless otherwise stated, exalted reputation with the respective faction is needed to purchase their tabard. These faction tabards are purchased from the faction's quartermaster for 1, 90
after discount.
Wrath of the Lich King tabards[]
The Argent Tournament Tabards are available from each faction once you become their Champion. They each cost 50 .
With the release of Cataclysm the faction city tabards are also available for purchase from vendors in the capital cities (for 10
) and enable reputation gains in dungeons.
Cataclysm tabards[]
This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.
Mists of Pandaria tabards[]
Warlords of Draenor tabards[]
Please add any available information to this section.
Unobtainable tabards[]
These tabards are worn by NPCs but cannot be obtained by players, though some can be approximated with certain guild tabard designs.
References and footnotes[]
External links[]
Armor | |
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