- ️Fri Feb 14 2014
- For the similarly named Alliance death knight, see Thassarian. For the similarly named dwarven family, see Thaurissan family.

Thalassian writing on a signpost in Silvermoon City.
Thalassian is the primary language of blood elves, high elves, and void elves. It has both written and spoken equivalents. Individuals who are unfamiliar with the language's proper name may refer to it as High Elven.
Like Nazja and Shalassian, Thalassian is derived from the Darnassian language. Hence, Thalassian is closely related to Darnassian and there is some overlap between the two languages. Further Darnassian utterances may, therefore, have been preserved in modern Thalassian, in addition to those that are specified below.
So far, linguistic scholars have opted to err on the side of caution in documenting Darnassian terms and phrases that are also considered part of the Thalassian language. Certainly, this issue, however delicate, merits further research. Nevertheless, addressing a high elf or blood elf with a Darnassian-specific word or phrase can be considered offensive or at the very least rather foolish, and so the speaker must handle the situation with care.[1]
Thalassian is one of the four known elven dialects.[2]
Thalassian primer (official translations)[]

Thalassian literature.
Here are a few common Thalassian phrases and words, for which the translations have been officially confirmed by Blizzard:
- Alar'annalas = Ranger Lord.[3]
- Al diel shala = Safe travels.[1]
- Ama noral'arkhana = Saved by magic.[4]
- Anar'alah = By the light.[5][6]
- Anar'alah belore = By the light of the sun.[1][5]
- Anaria shola = Speak your business.[1]
- Anar'endal dracon = By the breath of the dragon.[7][8]
- Ann'da = Papa/Father.[9]
- Anu belore dela'na = The sun guides us.[1]
- Aranal = Rise.[10]
- Bal'a dash, malanore = Greetings, traveler.[1]
- Ban'dinoriel = Gatekeeper.[11]
- Band'or shorel'aran — (roughly) Prepare to say farewell. Spoken by Commander Sarannis, officially translated in the Chinese version of WoW.
- Bash'a no falor talah! = Taste the chill of true death![1] Spoken by Sylvanas Windrunner in Warcraft III.
- Belono sil'aru, belore'dorei = Shoulder your burdens well, child of the sun. Used to end the appointing ceremony of a ranger lord of the Farstriders.[3]
- Belore = The sun.[5]
- Belore'dorei = Child of the Sun.[12]
- Doral ana'diel? = How fare you?[1]
- Elor bindel felallan morin'aminor = Sleep forever in quiet serenity.[13]
- Elu'meniel mal alann = May peace calm your heart.[14]
- Felo'melorn = Flamestrike.[15]
- Kim'jael = Little rat.[16]
- Medivh = Keeper of secrets. When used as a proper noun, Medivh refers to the last Guardian of Tirisfal.[1][17][18]
- Minn'da = Mama/Mother.[9]
- Quel'dorei = Children of noble birth,[19][20] the Highborne,[21] or the high elves.[19][22][23] Looking at the individual parts, it may literally mean "children of high birth."
- Quel'Thalas = High Home.[24]
- Rea = And.[25] Used to connect words of the same part of speech, clauses, or sentences, that are to be taken jointly.
- Ren'dorei = Children of the Void.[26]
- Selama ashal'anore = Justice for our people.[1]
- Shindu fallah na = "They are breaking through"[1][5] or "Our enemies are breaking through".[5]
- Shindu sin'dorei = Failing children of the blood.[5]
- Shorel'aran = Farewell.[1]
- Sin'dorei = Children of the blood. This can also be interpreted as "people of the bloodline".[1]
- Sinu a'manore = Well met.[1]
- Sunstrider = He who walks the day. When used as a proper noun, Sunstrider is the family name of the high elves' royal bloodline.[1]
- Tal anu'men no Sin'dorei = Death to all who oppose the children of the blood. Spoken by High Astromancer Solarian in Tempest Keep.[27]
- Thas'alah = Light of the Forest.[28]
- Thas'dorah = Valor of the Forest.
- Vendel'o eranu = Help me forget.[29][30]
Untranslated words or phrases[]
- Agamath — The first of the gates guarding the Sunwell in Sunwell Plateau.
- Anara'nel belore — Said by Kael'thas Sunstrider when summoning a phoenix during his encounter in the Eye. May translate to "By the power of the sun," another line he says for the same ability.
- An'daroth — Camp in the Ghostlands.
- Andu fallah — One of the Blood Mage unit's quotes in Warcraft III.
- An'owyn — Camp in the Ghostlands.
- An'telas — Camp in the Ghostlands.
- Anar'alash denal! — Said by Lor'themar Theron during
[15-35] One Last Grasp.
- Anu bala belore alon — Said by Nethermancer Sepethrea on death.
- Aranal, ledel! — Said by Prince Keleseth when summoning skeletons during his Utgarde Keep encounter.
- Archonisus — The third of the gates guarding the Sunwell in Sunwell Plateau.
- Aseph-ah-balla nah — One of the Blood Mage unit's quotes in Warcraft III.
- Balamore shanal! — Said by Kael'thas Sunstrider when entering combat during his encounter in the Eye.
- Bandal! — Said by High Nethermancer Zerevor on aggro.
- Belesa menoor! — Said by High Nethermancer Zerevor when a fellow member of the Illidari Council kills a player.
- Bin dorei am'ovel — Said by Prince Taldaram when killing a player during his encounter in Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom.
- Diel fin'al — Said by High Nethermancer Zerevor.
- Diel ma'ahn... orindel'o. — Said by High Nethermancer Zerevor on death.
- Elrendar — Seen in the names of Lake Elrendar, the Elrendar River, and the Elrendar Crossing in Eversong Woods.
- Endala finel endal! — Said by Nethermancer Sepethrea when killing a player.
- Endirina-dor — One of the Spell Breaker unit's quotes in Warcraft III.
- Endo-enah — One of Kael'thas's quotes in Warcraft III.
- Endorel aluminor — Said by High Botanist Freywinn when shapeshifting into Tree Form.
- Enshu-falah-nah, dorini — Said by Sky Captain Swayze on the Spine of Deathwing. Possibly Darnassian.
- Falthrien — An arcane academy on Sunstrider Isle.
- Fal'inrush — A crossbow.
- Falithas — One of the runestones protecting Eversong from the plague.
- Fellovar — Ship used during the Scourge invasion.
- Felomin ashal — Said by Kael'thas Sunstrider when casting Flamestrike during his encounter in the Magister's Terrace.
- Ishera-do — One of the Blood Mage unit's quotes in Warcraft III.
- Lu'minellia — A suit of armor worn by the high elf kings.
- Morn'danel — Ship used during the Scourge invasion.
- Quel'Danas — Island home of the dragonhawks and location of the Sunwell.
- Quel'Danil — A quel'dorei lodge in the Hinterlands. May mean "High Vale," considering the group stationed at the lodge is called the Highvale. Translated as "High Peak" in Lands of Conflict, which is part of the non-canon RPG.
- Quel'Lithien — A quel'dorei lodge in the Eastern Plaguelands, and the location of the Silvermoon City Register.
- Rae'shalare — The bow Sylvanas Windrunner wielded in Shadowlands.
- Rohendor — The second of the gates guarding the Sunwell in Sunwell Plateau.
- Selama am'oronor! — Said by High Nethermancer Zerevor, and by Lady Liadrin in
[10-50WQ] Zillie Wunderwrench and Grizzwald.
- Selama amor'anore! — Said by Gathios the Shatterer when killing a player.
- Sha'amoor ara mashaal? — Said by High Nethermancer Zerevor.
- Sha'amoor seabenal! — Said by High Nethermancer Zerevor on enrage.
- Shalandis — An island off the coast of the western Ghostlands, headquarters of Darnassian spying missions against Silvermoon City.
- Shan'dor — One of the runestones protecting Eversong from the plague.
- Sin'loren — Ship on the Isle of Quel'Danas.
- Tel'thas — A dagger.
- Thalas'din belore — From the flavor text on
[Fal'inrush, Defender of Quel'thalas]. In other phrases, thalas has been seen to mean "home" and belore to mean "sun," but it's unknown what din means.
- Thori'dal — A bow that resonates with the power of the Sunwell.
- Varillian — Ship used during the Scourge invasion.
Thalassian speculation[]
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This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore. |
Thalassian word parser[]
This is the list of words created by the in-game language parser for the Thalassian language and is listed as language number ten (word range 800-901) in the Language text file.
In the in-game translator, the language parser for Thalassian shares similar words with the Darnassian parser.
Note: The language algorithm used by the in-game "translator" merely makes the words look like Thalassian. It does not actually translate words. Therefore, translated in-game speech isn't truly Thalassian.
Number of letters in word | Word List |
One-letter words | A, N, I, O, E, D |
Two-letter words | Da, Lo, An, Ni, Al, Do, Ri, Su, No |
Three-letter words | Ano, Dur, Tal, Nei, Ash, Dor, Anu, Fal, Tur, Ala, Nor, Osa |
Four-letter words | Alah, Andu, Dath, Mush, Shar, Thus, Fulo, Aman, Diel, Dieb, Rini, Anar |
Five-letter words | Talah, Adore, Ishnu, Bandu, Balah, Fandu, Thera, Turus, Shari, Shano, Terro, Eburi |
Six-letter words | Dorini, Shando, Ethala, Fallah, Belore, Do'rah, Neph'o, Man'ar, Ishura, U'phol, T'as'e |
Seven-letter words | Asto're, Anoduna, Alah'ni, Dor'Ano, Al'shar, Mush'al, Aman'ni, Shan're |
Eight-letter words | Mandalas, Eraburis, Dorithur, Dal'dieb, Thoribas, D'ana'no, Il'amare |
Nine-letter words | Neph'anis, Dune'adah, Banthalos, Fala'andu, Dath'anar, Shari'fal, Thori'dal |
Ten-letter words | Thero'shan, Isera'duna, Ash'therod, Dorados'no, Shar'adore |
Eleven-letter words | Fandu'talah, Shari'adune |
Twelve-letter words | Dor'ana'badu, T'ase'mushal |
Thirteen-letter words | U'phol'belore |
Fourteen-letter words | Turus'il'amare, Anu'dorannador |
Fifteen-letter words | Asto're'dunadah |
Sixteen-letter words | Shindu'fallah'na |
Seventeen-letter words | Thoribas'no'thera, Ando'meth'derador, Anu'dorinni'talah, Esh'thero'mannash |
For fan translations see Thalassian (speculation).
In the RPG[]
This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.
- Thalassian is also a language spoken by the half elves and half blood-elves.
- Quel'Thalas = "High Kingdom" or "High Home".[20]
- Quel'Zaram = "High blade".[31]
- Ronae = "Peaceful" used in Lordaeron.[32]
High elven names[]
The past is a burden to the high elves, yet they maintain naming rituals that are millennia old. Many of the names of elven priests and heroes have become the names used for elves in modern times. The high elves share a connection with the sun that is quite prevalent in their choice of family names.
- Male names: Mariel, Athaniar, Anandor, Tharama, Viridiel, Malanior.
- Female names: Anarial, Freja, Driana, Coria, Alanassori, Melanion, Azshara.
- Family names: Boughstrider, Dawnblade, Lightbringer, Morningray, Suntreader.[33]
Notes and trivia[]
- In the early phase of the World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade alpha, the blood elves' language was known as "Sindassi."[citation needed]
- Lament of the Highborne and the Canticle of Sacrifice are two songs in Thalassian.
- An award-winning, a fan-made song from the 2007 BlizzCon Song Contest was "Belore Shala Diel", sung in Thalassian and English, by Phillip Presswood (Xalea).
- Day of the Dragon had described Thalassian as an "elder tongue [that] is almost forgotten",[34] which does not fit the current lore about the elven tongue anymore.
- In-game, void elves and blood elves (as well as Horde mages who possess the
[Arcane Linguist] ability) can speak cross-faction using Thalassian. This is the third language capable of cross-faction communication, after Pandaren and Demonic. This means a blood elf demon hunter can speak to two different races of the opposing faction: void elves via Thalassian and night elf demon hunters via Demonic.
- "Thalassa" is Greek for sea or ocean (Θάλασσα).
- During the Second War, elven warships played an integral part in the Alliance's naval power.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o The Warcraft Encyclopedia: Thalassian
- ^ Cycle of Hatred, pg. 67
- ^ a b Blood of the Highborne
- ^ Sean Copeland on Twitter[dead link]
- ^ a b c d e f
[Lament of the Highborne]
- ^ Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, 231
- ^ Revelations
- ^ Through the Mirror Darkly
- ^ a b Descent, 16
- ^ Sean Copeland on Twitter
- ^ Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, 227
- ^ Sean Copeland on Twitter
- ^ Sean Copeland on Twitter (2014-02-14)
- ^ Sean Copeland on Twitter (2014-02-14)
- ^ Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, 237
- ^
[53] Kim'jael Indeed!
- ^ Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness manual, A Brief History of the Fall of Azeroth
- ^ The Last Guardian
- ^ a b The Warcraft Encyclopedia/Darnassian
- ^ a b Lands of Conflict, 113
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 95
- ^ Magic & Mayhem, 16
- ^ Magic & Mayhem, pg. 16
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 120
- ^ Sean Copeland on Twitter
- ^
[10] For the Alliance
- ^ Sean Copeland on Twitter
- ^ Tales of the Hunt
- ^ Beyond the Dark Portal, 204
- ^ Beyond the Dark Portal, 238
- ^ Shadows & Light, pg. 172
- ^ Lands of Conflict, pg. 19
- ^ World of Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game, pg. 37
- ^ Day of the Dragon, 136