
  • ️Tue Jan 09 2007
Were you looking for Comparison of Aldor and Scryer rewards?
For the Mage Tier 4 Armor Set, see Aldor Regalia.
Aldor faction
Main leader IconSmall Draenei Female High Priestess Ishanah
  Formerly IconSmall Velen Prophet Velen
Secondary leaders IconSmall Draenei Male Grand Anchorite Almonen
Race(s) DraeneiDraenei Draenei
Broken Broken[1]
HumanHuman Human[2]
Wildhammer dwarfWildhammer dwarf Wildhammer dwarf[3]
Capital Aldor Rise, Shattrath City
Base of operations Altar of Sha'tar
Theater of operations Outland, Isle of Quel'Danas
Affiliation The Sha'tar, Shattered Sun Offensive
Status Active
Token(s) Spell shadow demonicfortitude [Mark of Kil'jaeden]
Spell shadow demonicfortitude [Mark of Sargeras]
Inv misc desecrated plategloves [Fel Armament]
Currency Inv misc dust 06 [Holy Dust]
Quartermaster IconSmall Draenei MaleQuartermaster Endarin
Notable reward(s) Inv jewelry amulet 04 [Medallion of the Lightbearer]
Inv sword draenei 01 [Vindicator's Brand]
Tabard Aldor Tabard

The Aldor are an ancient order of draenei priests[5] once run by the Prophet Velen, and are currently led by High Priestess Ishanah. They are servants of the naaru in Shattrath City known as the Sha'tar, and assist them in their battle against the Burning Legion in Outland.[5] They are also at odds with the Scryers, and compete with them for power within Shattrath and for the naaru A'dal's favor.[6]

By the time of the war in Draenor, the Aldor still answered to the naaru first and foremost.[7]


Aldor Rise

The Aldor Rise in Shattrath City.

Aldor flash

History from the Burning Crusade flash site.

Originally led by Velen,[6] the Aldor were priests charged with the safeguarding of the draenei holy sites and altars,[8] their holiest being located to this day on the Aldor Rise, overlooking Shattrath City from the west.[5]

Two hundred years after the draenei arrival to Draenor,[9][10][11] the orcs started a genocidal war against draenei. The last and fiercest battle was fought in Shattrath,[10][12][13] with the Aldor failing to protect the city from her enemies.[14] The city was left in ruins and darkness for many years, but the order returned and conducted its rites inside a temple in the Lower City.[12] It seems they also fought the sin'dorei loyal to Kael'thas when Illidan's reign as Lord of Outland began.[12]

When the "born from Light" came to Outland to fight the demons of the Burning Legion, they were drawn to Shattrath. The Aldor regained strength as word spread that the naaru had returned and reconstruction soon began. The ruined temple was repurposed as an infirmary for injured refugees.[12] Though the Aldor had suffered much at the hands of the blood elves who later became the Scryers, they put aside open warfare for the sake of the Sha'tar.[5]

A group of Aldori warriors aided the first Azerothian forces stationed at the Dark Portal when it was reopened.[15]

One of the most important positions in the Aldor is that of Lightwarden. The Lightwarden's role is twofold. Protect the priesthood at all costs first and foremost. Destroy the enemies of the Light wherever they may hide second.[16] The position is currently held by Adyen. Adventurers can acquire two bands and a girdle related to the role through various means.


Vindicator Belian TCG

An Aldor vindicator in the Trading Card Game.



For help choosing between the Aldor and Scryer factions, see the article "Comparison of Aldor and Scryer Rewards."

Characters may join the Aldor or Scryer by completing the quest chain A'dal and City of Light. Upon completion of City of Light, the Allegiance Quest N [15-30] Allegiance to the Aldor becomes available. Completion of this quest grants friendly with the Aldor, hostile with the Scryers, and access to the Aldor reputation quests.

Reputation gains with the Aldor correspond with a 10% greater loss of reputation with the Scryers. All characters start off as neutral with the Aldor, with the exception of Draenei and Blood Elf characters. Draenei are automatically friendly with the Aldor and unfriendly with the Scryers, whereas blood elf characters are automatically unfriendly with the Aldor and friendly with the Scryers. However, this does not mean that either character is restricted to or prohibited from the Aldor: they may choose to join the Aldor just like any other race of character by completing N [15-30] Allegiance to the Aldor.

  Hated Hostile Unfriendly Neutral Friendly Honored Revered Exalted Rep Item
250 Inv misc organ 04 [Dreadfang Venom Sac] x8
250 (25) Spell shadow demonicfortitude [Mark of Kil'jaeden] x10 (x1)
250 (25) Spell shadow demonicfortitude [Mark of Sargeras] x10 (x1)
350 Inv misc desecrated plategloves [Fel Armament]


Until Honored[]

Turning in ten [Marks of Kil'Jaeden] to Adyen the Lightwarden in Aldor Rise will yield +250 reputation with the Aldor. There is also a repeatable quest for single mark turn-ins which yields +25 reputation with the Aldor. These marks drop from low-ranking Burning Legion members (mostly Shadow Council affiliated orcs) found in most regions of Outland, including the two camps north of Auchindoun in the Bone Wastes of Terokkar Forest. In addition these quests provide Sha'tar reputation: +125 reputation per ten or +12.5 reputation per single turn in.

Players who have completed N [15-30] Allegiance to the Aldor must turn in 220 marks to reach honored status with the Aldor, with the exception of Blood Elf characters, who must turn in 340 marks due to starting out as unfriendly with the Aldor, and Draenei characters, who must turn in only 100 marks due to starting out as friendly. Players who have not completed N [15-30] Allegiance to the Aldor due to defecting from the Scryers must turn in 360 marks to reach honored status.

Players who also desire Kurenai or Mag'har reputation may prefer killing orcs at Kil'sorrow Fortress in southeastern Nagrand, as they yield [Marks of Kil'Jaeden] as well as +10 reputation with the Kurenai or Mag'har per kill.

Until Revered and Exalted[]

Besides completing the faction-specific non-repeatable quests, players seeking to attain revered and exalted status with the Aldor may turn in [Marks of Sargeras] upon reaching level 68. Each turn-in of ten Marks yields +250 reputation with the Aldor, and each turn-in of a single Mark yields +25 reputation with the Aldor. These Marks drop from high-ranking members of the Burning Legion (i.e., mobs level 66 or higher). These mobs may be found in Blade's Edge Mountains, the Netherstorm, Shadowmoon Valley, and the Isle of Quel'Danas. In Blade's Edge Mountains, Death's Door boasts the most compact group of mobs that drop [Marks of Sargeras]. Assuming no additional reputation from any other source is earned, it takes approximately 1320 Marks of Sargeras or 95 [Fel Armaments] to reach exalted status from honored status with the Aldor.

Fel Armaments[]

[Fel Armaments] may be turned in at any time to High Priestess Ishanah inside the Shrine of Unending Light on the Aldor Rise. Each turn-in yields +350 reputation with the Aldor. In addition to reputation gains, characters will receive [Holy Dust], a form of currency used to purchase shoulder enchants in the Aldor bank. Approximately 17 are required to go from friendly to honored status.

Switching to Aldor[]

It is possible to defect from the Scryers to the Aldor, though doing so eliminates all reputation previously earned with the Scryers. In order to switch factions, players must find Sha'nir, an Aldor located in Lower City. She offers the quest N [15-30] Strained Supplies which requires characters to turn in eight [Dreadfang Venom Sacs] for +250 reputation with the Aldor. This quest may be repeated until achieving neutral status with the Aldor, at which time it becomes unavailable. Please note, there will be a point when a player is unfriendly with both factions and therefore unable to use any bank or inn, so it is probably a good idea to hand in all needed venom sacs at once. Characters previously allied with the Scryers who are hated by the Aldor will need to complete the quest approximately 168 times, requiring 1,344 individual Dreadfang Venom Sacs, to attain neutral status. After the switch, some quests will be available although the player has finished their Scryers' counterparts:


Arcanist Xorith and Haldor the Compulsive sell specialized flasks usable only in raid zones to characters who are exalted with the Cenarion Expedition, the Sha'tar and their respective faction (i.e., either Scryer or Aldor). The flasks are only purchasable with [Marks of the Illidari] obtained from creatures in the Eye of Tempest Keep, Serpentshrine Cavern, Mount Hyjal, and the Black Temple.

The following Aldor Reputation Rewards can be purchased from Quartermaster Endarin in the Aldor Bank in northwest Shattrath City:

Quartermaster Endarin
<Aldor Quartermaster>
Item Cost Type
Friendly Inv scroll 06 [Design: Smooth Golden Draenite] 5g Jewelcrafting (305)
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Flameheart Bracers] 6g Tailoring (350)
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Flamebane Bracers] 6g Blacksmithing (350)
Honored Inv chest cloth 19 [Anchorite's Robes] 17g 95s 94c Cloth Chest
Inv scroll 06 [Design: Purified Shadow Draenite] 5g Jewelcrafting (305)
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Blastguard Belt] 5g Leatherworking (350)
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Flameheart Gloves] 6g Tailoring (360)
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Flamescale Belt] 6g Leatherworking (350)
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Silver Spellthread] 6g Tailoring (355)
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Flamebane Gloves] 6g Blacksmithing (360)
Revered Inv staff 14 [Auchenai Staff] 56g 32s 67c Staff
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Pendant of Shadow's End] 12g Jewelcrafting (360)
Inv jewelry ring 48naxxramas [Lightwarden's Band] 2g 84s 10c Finger
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Blastguard Boots] 8g Leatherworking (350)
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Flamescale Boots] 8g Leatherworking (350)
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Vindicator's Armor Kit] 5g Leatherworking (325)
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Flamebane Breastplate] 8g Blacksmithing (365)
Inv chest plate02 [Vindicator's Hauberk] 56g 93s 15c Plate Chest
Exalted Inv shirt guildtabard 01 [Aldor Tabard] 1g Tabard
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Blastguard Pants] 8g Leatherworking (350)
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Flameheart Vest] 8g Tailoring (370)
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Flamescale Leggings] 8g Leatherworking (350)
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Golden Spellthread] 36g Tailoring (375)
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Flamebane Helm] 8g Blacksmithing (355)
Inv jewelry amulet 04 [Medallion of the Lightbearer] 79g 1s 12c Neck
Inv sword draenei 01 [Vindicator's Brand] 207g 27s 20c One-Hand Sword

The following Aldor Inscription rewards can be purchased from Inscriber Saalyn in the Aldor Bank in northwest Shattrath City:

Rep Item Stats Cost
Honored Spell holy sealofwisdom [Inscription of Discipline] +15 Spell Power 2 Holy Dust
Spell holy sealofsalvation [Inscription of Faith] +15 Spell Power 2 Holy Dust
Spell holy fistofjustice [Inscription of Vengeance] +26 Attack Power 2 Holy Dust
Spell holy greaterblessingofsanctuary [Inscription of Warding] +13 Dodge Rating 2 Holy Dust
Exalted Spell holy sealofwisdom [Greater Inscription of Discipline] +18 Spell power +10 Critical Strike Rating 8 Holy Dust
Spell holy greaterblessingofsalvation [Greater Inscription of Faith] +18 spell power 4 mana per 5 sec. 8 Holy Dust
Spell holy greaterblessingofkings [Greater Inscription of Vengeance] +30 Attack Power +10 Critical Strike Rating 8 Holy Dust
Spell holy blessingofprotection [Greater Inscription of Warding] +15 Dodge Rating +10 Defense Rating 8 Holy Dust

For a detailed comparison of Aldor and Scryer merchandise as it relates to each class and trade, see: Aldor vs. Scryer

As of patch 2.4, the epic pendants sold by Shattered Sun Offensive quartermaster Eldara Dawnrunner in the Isle of Quel'Danas have procs that only trigger when at exalted reputation with Aldor or Scryer. What procs exactly depends on the neckpiece and chosen faction.



  • Some quests have the same name by both the Scryer and the Aldor factions, make sure that you have the correct quest giver.
  • Some Aldor quest chains lead to non-Aldor quests not listed here.

Shattrath City[]

Total: 4110 reputation


Total: 4435 Reputation

Shadowmoon Valley[]

Total: 1900 Reputation


The Altruis quest from Shadowmoon Valley leads to a series of prerequisites (below) for the Nagrand quests, none of which award Aldor rep.

Once these quests are completed, you can receive the following rep quests:

Total: 1075 Reputation


Aldor and Scryer reputation tokens
Aldor Scryer Rep Notes
Spell shadow demonicfortitude [Mark of Kil'jaeden] Inv jewelry ring 23 [Firewing Signet] 25 (x1) Until honored
Spell shadow demonicfortitude [Mark of Sargeras] Inv jewelry ring 36 [Sunfury Signet] 250 (x10)
Inv misc desecrated plategloves [Fel Armament] Inv misc book 07 [Arcane Tome] 350 Rewards Inv misc dust 06 [Holy Dust] or Inv misc rune 05 [Arcane Rune]

Notes and trivia[]


  • Aldor Attendant in Hearthstone.

  • Aldor Truthseeker in Hearthstone.

Patch changes[]


  1. ^ Darahu
  2. ^ Emissary Mordin
  3. ^ Aldor Gryphon Guard
  4. ^ Lightwarden's Band
  5. ^ a b c d The Burning Crusade Flash site#The Aldor
  6. ^ a b World of Warcraft Community Site - Retrieved
  7. ^ WarcraftDevs on Twitter: "Both the Aldor & the Scryers still answer to the Naaru first & foremost. (1/2)"
  8. ^ N [15-30] Restoring the Light
  9. ^ Micky Neilson on Twitter: Rise of the Horde and the WoW Comic said that the Draenei arrived to Draenor 200 years before W1. That's still accurated? "Yep, Historians confirmed."
  10. ^ a b Rise of the Horde - "It was over two hundred summers ago that your people came here. We were not as we are now."
  11. ^ The Comic Volume 4
  12. ^ a b c d Khadgar's Servant#Event
  13. ^ Unbroken
  14. ^ TCG - Vindicator Agran
  15. ^ The Dragons of Outland
  16. ^ Adyen the Lightwarden#Quotes

External links[]

Religions and beliefs
