Ruins of Stardust

The Ruins of Stardust

The Ruins of Stardust.

The Ruins of Stardust[36, 62] are located in southwestern Ashenvale, south of Astranaar and west of the Talondeep Path. The ruins are situated on a lake island, and several large bog beasts roam the ruins, corrupted by the lake's tainted waters. Much like Iris Lake, the ruins have been exposed to the demonic rot from Felwood, and the area is tinted a sickly yellowish green color. The most notable exception is the stardust shrubs scattered about the area. They are unmarred by the taint, and are known to contain powerful healing properties if imbibed.

The ruins were originally considered a holy place.[1]

Ruins of Stardust Digsite[]


Ruins of Stardust @ 33,68

The Ruins of Stardust and the surrounding shore are a night elven archaeology dig site.


  1. ^ H Shaman [23] Call of Water

External links[]

Ashenvale is a contested territory

Map of Ashenvale - Cataclysm
Map of Ashenvale - Classic