The Wild Hunt is stationed at various groves, such as Guardian Molan at Hibernal Hollow, Guardian Kota at Tirna Vaal, and Sorcha at Glitterfall Basin.[1] They are informed of what happens throughout Ardenweald by Watcher Vesperbloom.[2] Their duties are to defend and protect the groves of Ardenweald from enemies, which would normally be gorm[3] and spriggan suppression[4] but now include a Drust invasion and Mueh'zala's forces as well. They are not a standing army, and assembly of the Wild Hunt is a rarity in the history of the eternal forest.[5]
Faction description[]
Called to serve the Winter Queen in times of dire need, the Wild Hunt assembles the finest huntresses and hunters in all of Ardenweald. In the face of drought and peril, the Wild Hunt stands ready to defend the forest.
In the folklore of several European cultures, the Wild Hunt is a hunting party of supernatural beings like ghosts, fairies, or Valkyries that ride across the sky, often led by a named mythological or historical figure such as Herne the Hunter.
Blizzard Entertainment also planned to add a feature called "The Wild Hunt" in early World of Warcraft patches, that would have been a scavenger hunt taking players to various locations around all of Azeroth.[6]