Third Fleet shipwrecks

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The Third Fleet shipwrecks are located in the Great Sea, between the Eastern Kingdoms and Zandalar. These ships were part of the Kul Tiran Third Fleet during the Second War, when they were destroyed by the Old Horde's red dragons. The Horde sailed there during the Fourth War with the Banshee's Wail and the Crimson Squall, and sent people to retrieve Marshal M. Valentine's body from the sea floor.[1] They were discovered by Wildhammer gryphon riders hunting for Blood Prince Dreven and attacked.[2]

The ocean floor is dark and dangerous, but not unknown to life. Many bio-luminescent creatures such as deep ocean jellies and murloc scouts can be found among the Kul Tiran wreckages. But too much light might attract something large and so very hungry...

More of the fleet can be found shipwrecked in the Wetlands.




This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

The reason that part of the fleet wound up in the Wetlands while another part was found in the Great Sea is likely that ocean currents moved them apart.


  • The ocean floor as seen from the surface.

    The ocean floor as seen from the surface.

  • The ocean floor as seen when diving.

    The ocean floor as seen when diving.

  • The oppressive, crushing darkness of the depths.

    The oppressive, crushing darkness of the depths.

  • The Alliance map.

  • The Horde map.

  • Location.



Major islands, seas, continents and other locations of the world of Azeroth


Map of Azeroth

The Great Sea
Other seas
and islands