Thrall's Vision (WC3 demo)

  • ️Fri Jan 18 2013


Thrall's Vision is the opening cinematic of the Exodus of the Horde campaign.

Thrall, warchief of the Horde, was contacted by the Prophet in his dreams.



IconSmall Medivh The Prophet: "The sands of time have run out, son of Durotan... The cries of war echo upon the winds... The remnants of the past scar the land."
IconSmall Medivh We see a little crow trying to peck out some food from the ground.
IconSmall Medivh The Prophet: "Which is besieged once again... by conflict..."
We see Orcish Horde running down the hill with noise and war cries, crow has flown away and an orcish catapult flopped down, then we see orcish army running down the hill once again, after that we see opposite hill - human army runs down it.
IconSmall Medivh The Prophet: "Heroes arise to challenge fate, and lead their brethren to battle... As mortal army rush blindly towards their doom...the Burning Shadow comes to consume us all!"
Infernals begin to fall from the sky, seconds after we see Medivh standing under a heavy rain.
IconSmall Medivh The Prophet: "You must rally the horde and lead your people to their destiny!"
Thrall awakens. A raven flies from Thrall's Hut.
IconSmall Medivh The Prophet: "Seek me out."


  • Nick Carpenter gave the cinematic a color palette with lots of red and orange, including a blue-orange sky, in order to communicate a surreal, dreamlike feeling.
  • According to Carpenter, a Zerg hydralisk and various other characters are hidden within the charging orc army.
  • Blackrock clan banners can be seen among the orcs.
  • Thrall is using an axe instead of the Doomhammer. The axe may have been the Axe of Durotan.


  • Medivh as a raven in Thrall's vision.

    Medivh as a raven in Thrall's vision.

  • The raven looks up to hear what's coming.

    The raven looks up to hear what's coming.

  • The Horde

    The Horde

  • Thrall's Vision Kodo and Grunts.jpg

  • Footman on a rock outcropping.

    Footman on a rock outcropping.

  • The Footman signals the charge.

    The Footman signals the charge.

  • Human army charging into combat.

    Human army charging into combat.

  • Thrall among the Horde

    Thrall among the Horde

  • Alliance vs Horde

    Alliance vs Horde

  • You must rally the horde and lead your people to their destiny!

    You must rally the horde and lead your people to their destiny!

  • Thrall wakes up from the dream.

    Thrall wakes up from the dream.

  • Medivh as a raven, flying from Thrall's barracks.

    Medivh as a raven, flying from Thrall's barracks.

  • Air of Triumph WC3 wallpaper.jpg

  • Air of Triumph 2009 wallpaper.jpg



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See also: Videos (Commercials)  •  DVD Collection