
  • ️Thu Feb 23 2012
For the TCG set, see Timewalkers (TCG).
NeutralThe Timewalkers
Main leader IconSmall DragonBronze2IconSmall HighElf Female Soridormi[1]
Secondary leaders IconSmall DragonBronze2IconSmall Chromie Chronormu
IconSmall DrakeBronze2IconSmall Highmountain Male Andantenormu
Race(s) IconSmall DragonBronze2IconSmall DrakeBronze2IconSmall WhelpBronze2 Bronze dragonflight
Various mortal races
Character classes Chronomancer, Arcanist, Scholar, Scout, Spy, Warrior
Base of operations Caverns of Time, Temporal Conflux
Theater of operations Timeways, Tanaris, Timeless Isle, Thaldraszus
Affiliation Bronze dragonflight
Status Active

The Timewalkers have vowed to protect the timeways at any cost from nefarious groups and individuals who desire to take advantage of the bronze dragonflight's mortality after the fall of Deathwing.[3] Formed from the Keepers of Time,[4] its member are both mortals and bronze dragons. They are led by their commander Soridormi, the prime consort of Nozdormu the Timeless One.[1]

The Infinite dragonflight directly opposes the ideals of the Bronze dragonflight and the Timewalkers.[5]


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“Perhaps the greatest irony of being a Timewalker is having all of time to study and yet no time to study.”

Temporal Collector

A Temporal Collector used by the Timewalkers to gather temporal magic in Thaldraszus.

Following the end of the Cataclysm, timeways were in flux as Nozdormu lost his Dragon Aspects' powers and no longer had control over them. On the other hand, the bronze dragons lost their ability to control the flow of time, but can still travel between the timelines.[7] Consequently, the Timeless One stated that it was now the duty of Azeroth's races to deal with them,[8] and the bronze dragons required mortal help to police the timeways. Together they allied to reform the Keepers of Time as the Timewalkers.[4]

While the Timewalkers are ever vigilant against the threats beyond the timeline, it sometimes falls to heroes and adventurers to safeguard it as well.[9] A proper Timewalker will never leaves a temporal crisis half-resolved.[10] To fulfill their duty, they may use the Sands of Time or a Timewalker Staff, an instrument for manipulating time magic as shepherding the timeways is a dangerous work.[11]


Mists of Pandaria[]

Timewalkers Whispershade Hollow

The Timewalkers on the Timeless Isle.

During the Alliance-Horde war, a Watcher[12] of the Timewalkers discovered a time anomaly has been discovered on a mysterious isle off the eastern coast of Pandaria, referred to as the Timeless Isle. Despite it being the most perilous place in all the continent, the Timewalkers were determined to unravel its mysteries.[13] Kairozdormu and the Timewalkers were sent to investigate the nature of the isle's behavior and why it became lost in time - literally disappearing and appearing in different periods of time, while the time itself holds no matter on the isle itself.[14] As an agent of the Timewalkers, Chronormu met the adventurers and gave them a pocket watch which take them to the Timeless Isle.


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

At some point during the third invasion of the Burning Legion, adventurers received an urgent letter, in order to respectively meet Historian Llore in the Royal Library of Stormwind City and Historian Ju'pa in the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar, and which also warned that they might experience temporal disturbances.[15] The two agents then began asking questions, in order to reflect on the events that have brought them to this moment, as a celebration of the great history of Azeroth and the events that shape it.[16] Afterwards, they explained that they felt disturbances in the timeways, coincidentally located where Lord Kazzak, Azuregos, and the Dragons of Nightmare once roamed. Consequently, they sent the adventurers to investigate for the Timewalkers, and to put an end to the strange anomalies that take place at this time of the year.[17]

Battle for Azeroth[]

During the Fourth War, the adventurers were cordially invited by the Timewalkers at a celebration hosted by the bronze dragonflight in the Caverns of Time, in order to remember the past and celebrate their adventures across Azeroth and beyond.[18]


Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

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Timewalkers confront Eternus

The Timewalkers confront Eternus at the Temporal Conflux.

Following the reappearance of the Dragon Isles, a contingent of Timewalkers went to the Temporal Conflux, the bronze flight's base in Thaldraszus.

When the Infinite dragonflight forces led by Eternus attacked the temple and tried to corrupt the Bronze Oathstone, in order to turn Nozdormu into his dark alternate self Murozond, it caused the timeways to become chaotic.[19] While they were trying to restore the stability of the timeline, the Timewalkers discovered that unstable temporal energy seeped into the Flowing Forest, causing its wildlife to become crazy and aggressive, thus agents were sent to assess the impact and collect that magic for the organization.[20] They notably placed temporal collectors, trying to gather all the errant magic to use it as extra power, as the temporal crisis drained all their resources.[21]

However, many Timewalkers went to be missing,[22] as they were caught in stasis bubbles by the Temporal Conflux's security measures, which were activated when Eternus tried to corrupt the Bronze Oathstone.[23] Among them, Warden Captain Sinjoirmi and her Wardens were also sealed by the temple doors, as the security protocols were activated.[24] Consequently, Nozdormu sent adventurers to help Chronormu and Andantenormu save all the Timewalkers, to defeat the assailants, and to fix the temporal anomalies.

After repelling the attack, Chronormu ordered all Timewalkers present to help defeat Eternus. However, this was not enough and when Eternus attempted to complete her goal, Chronormu attacked and the collision of their time magics sent them into an uncontrolled tumble through time.[1] Afterwards, Soridormi led the Timewalkers into the possible future where the Primalists won in order to find her and to hold their connection to that alternate timeline stable.[25]

At some point, Archivist Areniel's research team located the Sand-Lost Sanctum and were able to make out titanic runes on the outside, which referred to Aman'Thul the Highfather. However, they triggered the sanctum's defenses during their work, and a massive sand amalgam tried to kill them. They sent adventurers to defeat the guardian and find what it was protecting, which ultimately turned out to be the Echo of Duty, a precious relic that belonged to Nozdormu.[26]


The Timewalkers seem to have six main ranks among them:

  • The Commander, Soridormi, mate of Nozdormu.
  • The Time Keepers, the bronze dragons.
  • The Historians, those that study past events and record the new in books and archives.
  • The Watchers, the scholars, scouts, researchers and spies. They watch the timeways and record, investigate, and report temporal tampering and unusual phenomena.[12]
  • The Weavers, arcanists who specialize in chronomancy, the art of weaving time. Only they can repair damage to the timeways, open temporal portals, and other such tasks.[27]
  • The Wardens, staunch defenders of the Timewalkers. They guard the Watchers and Weavers as they go about their tasks, as those who meddle with the timeways for their own selfish ends are often dangerous.[28]

Known members[]

Soridormi Visage armored

Soridormi, commander of the Timewalkers.


Time Keepers[]






Rank unknown[]

In the TCG[]

Almost all the following have unused NPC-IDs associated with them, but have yet to appear in the game.




This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

On alternate Draenor when fighting the spirit of Kairoz, Khadgar uses a spell named "Call of the Timewalker", indicating that he may be a member of the Timewalkers.


  •  [Timewalker's Hearthstone]

  • Timewalker Historian

  • Timewalker Warden

Trading Card Game
  • Barador, Wildhammer Timewalker

  • Drom'kor, Timewalker Necrolyte

  • Nehru, Timewalker Hunter

  • Seres, Timewalker Assassin

  • Watcher Alundra

  • Watcher Alundra (alternate)

    Watcher Alundra (alternate)

  • Watcher Bianca

  • Watcher Lara

  • Warden Virgil

  • Watsun, Timewalker Lightshield

  • Weaver Belmaril

  • Weaver Lyra

Fan art
  • A human member by Clint Langley.

    A human member by Clint Langley.

See also[]


External links[]

Primary dragon types
Other dragon types
Bronze Dragonflight

Nozdormu the Timeless One - Lord of Time

Other draconic groups