Trader So'ran

  • ️Tue Nov 17 2020
NeutralTrader So'ran
Image of Trader So'ran
Title <Cartel So>
Race Broker (Humanoid)
Level 50-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Cartel So
Occupation Merchant
Location Hall of Shapes, Oribos
Status Alive

Trader So'ran is a broker found with Trader So'lek in the Hall of Shapes in Oribos.


Traders So'ran and So'lek occasionally have conversations:

  • Trader So'lek says: Can you summon another case of the liquid that makes them more honest?
Trader So'ran says: The truth potion or the wine?
Trader So'lek says: Let's go with the one that tastes better.
  • Trader So'lek says: Make sure you are keeping track of the preferences of the mortals.
Trader So'ran says: I am. We might need to open additional supply chains. Some of what they seek is in short supply.
Trader So'like says: We are prepared to extend our reach if that proves necessary. We will speak more later.
  • Trader So'lek says: Think of all the opportunities these mortals are going to open up.
Trader So'ran says: Let's hope their tales of heroism prove true. We could make use of such talents when we--
Trader So'lek says: Quiet! They will overhear us.


  • During early alpha, the title was "Clan So".

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