Travel Form

  • ️Tue Feb 22 2022
Travel Form

Ability druid travelform

  • Travel Form
  • Level 10 druid ability
  • Instant
  • Shapeshift into a travel form appropriate to your current location, increasing movement speed on land, in water, or in the air, and granting protection from Polymorph effects.

    The act of shapeshifting frees you from movement impairing effects.

  • Rank 2: You gain an additional 60% movement speed while in the land version of Travel Form. This movement speed bonus will not be granted if Travel Form is activated while in combat.

    This effect is disabled in battlegrounds and arenas.

Class Druid
School Physical
Cooldown None/Global Cooldown
Other information
Level learned 10
Rank levels 20 (rank 2)
Improvements Inv stagform [Malorne's Swiftness], Spell druid tirelesspursuit [Tireless Pursuit]
Related buff

Ability druid travelform

  • Travel Form
  • Immune to Polymorph effects. Movement speed increased.
When it's time to run, four feet are better than two.[1]

Travel Form is a druid shapeshifting spell available at level 10, or learned from B Druid [1-10] A Druid's Form. It allows the druid to move faster depending on the environment.

At level 17, Ability druid aquaticform [Aquatic Form] is learned, allowing Travel Form to be used underwater with the benefits of increased swim speed and underwater breathing. Rank 2 is learned at level 20, causing Travel Form to gain an additional 60% movement speed while in the land version, effectively making it an epic ground mount. This movement speed bonus will not be granted if Travel Form is activated while in combat. At level 30, Ability druid flightform [Flight Form] is learned, allowing Travel Form to fly after training Expert Riding.


  • This form can only be used outdoors.
  • This form changes the druid into a stag if in land-restricted areas, a very fast bird in flying-enabled areas, and a seal in the water (which is immensely useful in Vashj'ir).
  • You cannot use abilities in this form. You are also considered a Beast, so spells that target Beasts can be used on you (Spell nature sleep [Hibernate], for instance).
  • Your caster form will start regaining mana 5 seconds after you change to Travel Form.
  • Travel Form has three specific advantages over a mount:
    1. Unlike a mount, which players cannot use while in combat, a druid is able to shift into travel form while fighting either a mob or another player if they choose to.
    2. Travel Form is instantly cast, making it even better for those sticky situations. With Travel Form, druids are able to escape from nearly any fight or simply put distance between themselves and their attackers practically whenever they wish.
    3. As with any form, you may harvest herbs through herbalism, and skin dead beasts through skinning. This makes it an excellent way to achieve the fastest results with a gathering profession.
  • The ground based travel form increases your speed by 100% when activated out of combat, and 40% when in combat or when in an arena or battleground. Previously it always increased speed by just 40%. Which speed you get depends on your combat status when you shapeshift.

Tips and tactics[]

  • This form is instant cast, so it can be used to beat a strategic retreat if a fight is going badly. However when used in combat you'll be considered land-restricted, even in flying-enabled zones, and so must wait until you're out of combat to use the flying form.
  • The travel form does not stack with speed enchants or speed gems, with the exception of the level 60 and 70 Feral PvP 4 piece set bonus.
  • When combined with Ability racial darkflight [Darkflight], Worgen Druids are able to go nearly as fast as a Journeyman Mount.




This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

It was widely speculated that a stag model was intended to be implemented from day one but changed before release, explaining the odd hoof-shaped icon, and the fact that while the other forms had unique skins, this form looked identical to cheetahs in the game.


Travel Form on the ground[]

  • Travel Form for night elves and worgen races

    Travel Form for night elves and worgen races

  • Travel Form for tauren and troll races

    Travel Form for tauren and troll races

  • Highmountain tauren Travel Form.

  • Zandalari troll Travel Form.

  • Kul Tiran Travel Form.

  • Travel Form with Mark of the Cheetah

Inv helm mask fittedalpha b 01 nightborne 02 [Masquerade] ability usable in Suramar City also changes Travel Form to look like a Inv suramarmount [Arcanist's Manasaber].

Travel Form in water[]

  • Old model of [Aquatic Form]

  • Current model (base model excluding for Zandalari troll and Kul Tiran human druids)

    Current model (base model excluding for Zandalari troll and Kul Tiran human druids)

  • Zandalari troll (bottom)

  • Kul Tiran (bottom left)

  • Travel Form with Mark of the Dolphin

  • Travel Form with Mark of the Tideskipper

Travel Form in the air[]

  • Tauren, formerly [Swift Flight Form]

  • Worgen, formerly [Swift Flight Form]

  • Troll, formerly [Swift Flight Form]

  • Highmountain tauren

  • Zandalari troll

  • Kul Tiran

  • Troll with Mark of the Humble Flyer, formerly regular [Flight Form]

  • Zandalari troll with Mark of the Humble Flyer

  • Kul Tiran with Mark of the Humble Flyer


  • Travel Form in TCG.

    Travel Form in TCG.

  • Flight Form in TCG.

    Flight Form in TCG.

  • Tauren druid in TCG.

    Tauren druid in TCG.

  • Night elf druid in TCG.

    Night elf druid in TCG.

Patch changes[]

  • Shadowlands Patch 9.2.0 (2022-02-22): Cheetah Travel Form has now been updated to a new and higher resolution model.
  • Shadowlands Hotfix (2021-11-09): Fixed an issue where Flight Form would unexpectedly change to ground Travel Form upon logging into a Shadowlands zone.
  • Shadowlands Patch 9.1.5 (2021-11-02): New customization options added for Travel Form.
  • Shadowlands Hotfix (2021-09-23): Fixed an issue preventing Druids in Flight Form from using Inv misc bomb 04 [Skyguard Bombs] during the "N [20-30] Bombing Run" quest and using Inv misc bomb 07 [Skyguard Blasting Charges] during the "N [15-30 Daily] Fires over Skettis" quest.
  • Shadowlands Hotfix (2020-11-23): Fixed an issue where characters would occasionally be shifted out of Travel Form when logging in after being disconnected or force quitting the game.
  • Shadowlands Patch 9.0.1 (2020-10-13):
  • Legion Patch 7.2.0 (2017-03-28): Broken Isles Pathfinder mount speed bonuses now apply to Travel Form.
  • Legion Hotfix (2017-01-11): Fixed a bug where Travel Form was not granting its full intended movement speed.
  • Legion Patch 7.1.0 (2016-10-25):
    • Now learned at level 18 (was 16).
    • Rank 2 added at level 38: Land speed increased when used out of combat. This effect is disabled in battlegrounds and arenas.
  • Legion Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): No longer costs mana. Ability druid aquaticform [Aquatic Form], Ability druid flightform [Flight Form] and Ability druid flightform [Swift Flight Form] have been merged into Travel Form, which changes depending on location.
  • Warlords of Draenor Patch 6.0.2 (2014-10-14): Travel Form now automatically transitions between Aquatic, Land, and Flight forms depending on the Druid's location.
    • Inv glyph minordruid [Glyph of the Stag] now teaches the Druid a separate shapeshift ability, Stag Form. Stag Form allows the Druid to act as a mount for party members and will not switch between different Travel Forms.
  • Mists of Pandaria Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28): Travel Form now uses a stag model rather than cheetah.
    The cheetah appearance can be regained with Glyph of the Cheetah.
  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.1 (2010-10-12): Now costs 8% of base mana, down from 13%.
  • Wrath-Logo-Small Patch 3.2.0 (2009-08-04): Can now be learned at level 16 (was 30).
  • WoW Icon update Patch 1.6.0 (2005-07-12):
    • Shapeshifting will now counteract the slowing effects of frost-based spells (Frostbolt, Frost Shock, Cone of Cold, etc.).
    • Druid shapeshift form buttons are no longer dimmed while under the effects of Polymorph.
  • WoW Icon update Patch 1.4.0 (2005-04-19): Shapeshifting into an animal form will now remove Polymorph effects.
  • Test-inline Patch 0.12 (2004-10-11):
    • Shapeshifting now breaks roots, snares, and freeze effects.
    • Shapeshift forms now include an immunity to polymorph effects.
    • Travel Form is now only usable outdoors.
  • Test-inline Patch 0.9 (2004-08-17):
    • Now considered a beast in Travel Form.
    • Shapeshifting will no longer cancel all buffs on the Druid.
    • Shapeshifting cooldown reduced from 10 to 1.5 seconds.
    • Druids now regenerate mana while in shape shift form.
    • Travel Form is no longer usable underwater.
    • Travel Form mana cost now scales with level.

See also[]


External links[]

Rank 1 Rank 2