
  • ️Tue Jan 16 2018
Image of Uul'gyneth
Title <The Darkness>
Gender Male
Race C'Thrax (Uncategorized)
Level 10-45 Elite
Reaction Horde
Affiliation(s) Necrodark[1], Old Gods' forces
Occupation Master of the Necrodark
Location Highmountain Summit, Highmountain
Status Killable

Uul'gyneth is a C'Thrax located at the Highmountain Summit in Highmountain.

Long ago, the Old Gods sought to claim Highmountain. Their campaign was led by Uul'gyneth. Huln Highmountain gathered heroes from among the tribes, and fought against Uul'gyneth's servants, the Necrodark. Yet the forces of shadow were too great to overcome. So Huln devised another plan. Wards were placed to lock away the Old Gods' influence. Though the general survived, Uul'gyneth's essence was trapped. Years later, the wards began to weaken just enough for the Darkness to seep through, and the Necrodark began to summon Uul'gyneth into the physical realm.[2] Though Uul'gyneth did manage to incarnate itself, it was defeated by a Horde adventurer.[3]


  • Spell shadow chilltouch Shadow Stomp — The caster stomps the ground, knocking back all enemies. Victims suffer Shadow damage.
  • Spell shadow chilltouch Touch of Gyneth — The target is cursed, causing them to suffer Shadow damage while moving.
  • Inv enchant voidsphere Void Storm — Orbs of void energy hurtle out from the caster, inflicting Shadow damage to all enemies within 5 yards of their impact.

Objective of[]


  • This mountain belongs to us, mortals. You will soon become vessels for this world's true power!
  • You will serve us, dragon, just as Neltharion did! Your kind always bends to the whispers.



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Old Gods