
  • ️Sat Sep 10 2022
Agitated Mistfeather

A typical veilwing.

Veilwing Sentry

An armored veilwing.

Veilwings[1][2][3] (also called feathered drakes[4] or feathered dragons[5]) are feathered dragonkin native to Ardenweald. No creature in Ardenweald is more respected for its fierce defense of its family or territory than the graceful and dangerous veilwings.[1] They can breathe charged anima at their enemies, either in a cone like how Azerothian dragons breathe fire,[6] or by spitting it out in bolts. The latter allow the night fae to effectively use them as anti-air cannons.[2] Veilwing hearts are sources of great magical power and are especially useful in necromantic rituals.[7]

One veilwing, the Sylverian Dreamer, came into existence as the result of a Dalaranian artist on Azeroth dreaming of painting a "beautiful feathered dragon".[5]


As a mount[]

Inv encrypted08 [Sylverian Dreamer] is purchasable from the Shop or In-Game Store.

As a hunter pet[]

Main article: Lesser Dragonkin

Veilwings are tamable by hunters as Lesser Dragonkin.



  1. ^ a b N [60] Veilwing Soul
  2. ^ a b N [60WQ] Swarm Defense
  3. ^ N [60] Heart of the Forest
  4. ^ Feedback: Hunters - In Development / Dragonflight Beta Test (2022-09-10).​ “Lesser Dragonkin includes creatures like the new Hornswogs from Dragonflight, or the Feathered Drakes in Ardenweald, or even some of the Faerie Dragons in places like Feralas.
  5. ^ a b Inv encrypted08 [Sylverian Dreamer]
  6. ^ Agitated Mistfeather, Elusive Veilwing, Mistfeather Matriarch, and Shan'ala, Lost to the Tangle ability: Radiant Breath — The caster unleashes a cone of radiant energy, inflicting Nature damage and Disorienting targets for 3 sec.
  7. ^ Inv misc organ 01 [Veilwing's Heart]