
  • ️Tue Jan 03 2006
Title <Brood of Ysera>
Gender Female
Race Green dragon (Dragonkin)
Resource Mana
Affiliation(s) Green dragonflight
Occupation Agent of Ysera
Location Various
Status Alive
Vethsera (Dragon form)

Dragon form pre Dragonflight

Vethsera is a green dragon member the Brood of Ysera. She uses a night elf visage.


WoW Icon update This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

She is found inside the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj and gives adventurers high-level chest items for turning in special loot items to her. Kandrostrasz gives adventurers boots and pants while Andorgos gives helms and shoulders. The three are located just past The Prophet Skeram.

Vethsera, along with Kandrostrasz and Andorgos, came to the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj after sensing their enslaved brethren deep inside the Qiraji city. However they are unable to attempt to rescue their flightmembers without also falling prey to the same spell which holds Caelestrasz, Arygos, and Merithra as C'Thun's slaves. The three wait at the entrance of the temple hoping to find adventurers who will venture into the city to free their brethren, and provide the adventurers with powerful pieces of armor in return for bringing them specific items obtained from defeating C'Thun and his minions.

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

When the Void attacked the Emerald Dream, Vethsera appeared in the Emerald Dreamway flying near Merithra. She later assisted in empowering the Reforged Emerald Essence in the Emerald Dream.

Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

She also appears in the Ohn'ahran Plains.


Location Level range Reaction Notes
Temple of Ahn'Qiraj 30 Elite Alliance Horde
Emerald Dreamway; Emerald Dream; Mount Hyjal 50 Elite Alliance Horde
Ohn'ahran Plains 70 Alliance Horde


Main article: Temple of Ahn'Qiraj quest loot



An unspeakable horror dwells here, mortal. C'Thun and his worshippers are not just an affront to nature, their existence presages destruction for Azeroth as we know it.

Merithra sacrificed herself a thousand years ago along with Caelestrasz and Arygos because they knew this as well. We're here because of our oath to return for them, but we're also here because C'Thun must be stopped!

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Primary dragon types
Other dragon types
Green Dragonflight
Other draconic groups