- ️Tue Nov 15 2022
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Title | <The Aspect of Storms> |
Gender | Female |
Race | Proto-dragon (Dragonkin) |
Level | ?? Boss |
Resource | Mana |
Reaction |
Alliance Horde Alliance Horde |
Affiliation(s) | Dragon Aspects, Dream Wardens |
Former affiliation(s) | Primal Incarnates, Primalists |
Location | Vault of the Incarnates; Emerald Dream |
Status | Alive |
Vyranoth the Frozenheart is one of the four Primal Incarnates. Along with her brethren, she rejected the gift of the titans and turned to the elements instead, becoming an incarnation of frost. However, after being freed from imprisonment and realizing that the Primal Incarnates' goals are not as noble as she once believed, Vyranoth defected to siding with Azeroth's defenders, reconciling with her old friend Alexstrasza, the Life-Binder.
Ancient history[]
While the proto-dragons who would become known as the Dragon Aspects accepted the gift of the titans, the proto-dragons who would become the Primal Incarnates rejected it. Tensions rose between the Primalists who wished to cleanse the world of the titans' "stain" and the dragonflights,[1] breaking out into open rebellion about 20,000 years ago[2] when Raszageth struck first by leading an assault on Neltharion and his dracthyr army on the Forbidden Reach.[3] In the battle, she destroyed Oathbinder, the titan relic which Neltharion was using to control the dracthyr. This caused Neltharion to give in to the Old Gods for the first time and use their power to seal her away within the Froststone Vault.[4]
A cataclysmic conflict ensued between Primalists and dragonflights known as the War of the Scaleborn. Vyranoth and Fyrakk were ever loyal to the Incarnate's ideals, but Iridikron truly embraced the war. At the end, he struck terrible bargains to keep their cause alive. Alexstrasza believes the other incarnates never knew the true depths of his depravity.[5] Despite the Primalists' alliance with the djaradin to end the dragons' reign,[6] the remaining Primal Incarnates were ultimately defeated, but Alexstrasza, having failed to restore peace between the two groups,[7] still couldn't bear to kill them given they had once been as close as clutch-mates, and decided to imprison them instead, within the titanic Vault of the Incarnates.[1]
This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.
20,000 years later, Raszageth the Storm-Eater schemed to release her kin from the Vault. Though Raszageth died, she succeeded in her endeavor, and Iridikron, Fyrakk, and Vyranoth were released. Seeing how Raszageth's haste led to her downfall, Alexstrasza speculated that the Incarnates would take their time to gather their strengths first, and that Iridikron's mastery of the earth would harbor them in the meantime.[8]
Fyrakk was eager to take revenge for their sister, but Iridikron did not want to rush in and believed they needed to even the scales with the Aspects first. The Incarnates adventured to the Forbidden Reach as the last echoes of Raszageth's storm faded, where they breached an ancient vault belonging to Neltharion and found a device that would give them the location of Zaralek Cavern, the Earth-Warder's secret underground. They had no interest in the laboratory of Aberrus itself, but in the molten fire that could be found below. Scalecommander Sarkareth and the Sundered Flame followed behind them secretly to claim Neltharion's legacy.[9]
They found one of the hidden entry points to Zaralek right below Valdrakken, where they broke through the ground and sent Fyrakk down, blazing through the earth, to claim the elemental power below and wake the djaradin's Elders at the Zaqali Caldera.[10]
Some time later, Vyranoth met with her old friend Alexstrasza within the Waking Shores. During this Vyranoth reflected on how Alexstrasza spoke to her after her imprisonment, recalling how the Dragon Queen had said that it "didn't feel like a victory without her." However, Vyranoth was enraged, recalling how Alexstrasza promised how to not force the Titan's will upon them and then did nothing when they warped the children, still in the shell of their eggs. In response, Alexstrasza declared that it was an abhorrent act that never should have occurred and that she regretted her part in it every day. She then mentioned that while Vyranoth had always fought for the good of dragonkind, Iridikron did not and simply craved vengeance. However Vyranoth was unmoved, called her naïve, declared that all that remained was vengeance, and departed.[11]
After the events of the Dawn of the Infinite, Iridikron departed and left the war against the Aspects to Fyrakk and Vyranoth. However, Vyranoth grew weary of Fyrakk as he had become increasingly more and more unhinged; setting his sights on the nascent world tree, Amirdrassil. The two even briefly clashed when Fyrakk tried to burn Gerithus, as she was more focused on removing the titans' iron grip on this world over causing harm to their enemies.[12] Some time after this, the two reunited at Lunedane, where she discovered that Fyrakk had struck a bargain with the Druids of the Flame, where they agreed to open the way to the Emerald Dream on the condition that Fyrakk ensured that they would become immortal. However, she was displeased and feared that the Primalists were losing sight of their goals, a concern that Fyrakk waved away as he revealed that there was something he wanted her to see.[13] She was subsequently shocked to see that the druids of the flame and Fyrakk using their fire magics and the shadowflame to corrupt Keeper Larodar and learned that Fyrakk that intended to do the same to Amirdrassil, a notion that disgusted her as she wanted to deny the aspects their prize and not twist it into some vile abomination. Fyrakk was unmoved and declared that they couldn't win the war bound by her ideals. In response, Vyranoth declared that the course was set and the pair departed from Lunedane.[14]
Vyranoth then made her way to Valdrakken, where upon being stopped by Captain Drine demanded to speak with Alexstrasza. Upon the Dragon Queen's arrival, Vyranoth revealed that Fyrakk intended to not destroy the World Tree as the Aspects thought, but to claim its power as his own as a reflection of his heart which has become cruel, blazing with insatiable malice, and wreathed in shadow. After denouncing him as her brother, Vyranoth prepared to depart when Alexstrasza implored her to stand by their side. Astonished by such a request, she demanded to know why she should, to which Alexstrasza pointed out that she was a protector of his world while acknowledging her own past failings and asked that she stand with them for all of dragonkind. After a moment, Vyranoth wordlessly followed Alexstrasza silently agreeing to her old friend's request.[15]
Vyranoth was ultimately persuaded to join forces with Alexstrasza and Dream's defenders after realizing that the Primalists have lost their way. To help protect the emerging World Tree from Fyrakk's blazing forces, Vyranoth worked with Wrathion in bringing together more defenders such as the Netherwing Dragonflight and the Storm Drakes of the Thorignir. The Netherwing dragons were persuaded to help defend Amirdrassil after Vyranoth offered them a place to live on the Dragon Isles, away from the dangers of Outland, but the Storm Drakes proved more challenging as the majority of the Thorignir brood refused Alexstrasza's call because Odyn, whom they swore fealty to, forbid them from leaving his domain. Infuriated that the Prime Designate is denying the Storm Drakes a choice, Vyranoth accompanied Wrathion and an adventurer to the Halls of Valor. After proving their strength to enter, Vyranoth nearly came to battle with Eyir but the Val'kyr allowed them to pass, convinced that their intentions were noble, leading the Frozenheart to state she had more honor than Odyn. Confronting the Prime Designate, Vyranoth denounces Odyn for his hypocrisy and lies, as the keeper once claimed that dragons were unfit as protectors of the world yet forced dragons to serve him. Odyn still refused to yield but Vyranoth would end their battle quickly by trapping the keeper in ice, humiliating him. Addressing the Storm Drakes, Vyranoth proclaimed they are free to choose their own path and not be bound to an unworthy keeper, offering them a home on the Dragon Isles and a new beginning. The Storm Drakes agreed, following Vyranoth to their ancestral home, leaving Odyn behind, still imprisoned in ice.
With their forces gathered and the blooming about to begin, Vyranoth would lend her aid in protecting Amirdrassil from Fyrakk and his minions. However, with the combined strength of Azeroth's heroes and leaders, Fyrakk's forces were routed. In desperation, Fyrakk broke through the temple leading to the World Tree's core himself, leading to a final confrontation between the Primal Incarnate and the dream's protectors. Despite Fyrakk's power, his fiery axe, Fyr'alath, the Dream Render, and being empowered by Shadowflame, he was defeated once and for all, allowing Amirdrassil's blooming to complete, launching a massive surge of power to all present, re-empowering the Aspects. Vyranoth herself was also empowered by the surge, matching the Aspects, but noted that the power she felt was not the titan's Order magic but Azeroth's magic. In this, Alexstrasza understands that for Dragonkind to survive, it was never about reclaiming their aspectral powers, for they weren't theirs to take, but it was about coming together as a family. Acknowledging that while the titans granted them power, it divided dragonkind, Vyranoth adds that by uniting for a cause greater than themselves, Azeroth's gift has made them whole again at last. With these lessons, old and new, Vyranoth stands by Alexstrasza's proclamation that they use their power to protect their world, as Her aspects.
Following the defense of Amirdrassil and Fyrakk's death, Vyranoth would take her place as the sixth Dragon Aspect, giving the primal dragons and other various flights a voice as the Aspect of Storms. However, Vyranoth would inform Azeroth's champions that she had received a message from Iridikron himself, requesting a parlay with her alone. She agreed and meeting with the Stonescaled in the snowy mountains of Valdrakken, Iridikron condemned Vyranoth for abandoning the Primalists' war but Vyranoth countered that Iridikron abandoned the war and Fyrakk to his death for some "trinket" that Neltharion left behind. Iridikron clarified that the "Dark Heart" is no trinket and it was now in the hands of the Harbinger. Vyranoth voiced her disgust towards Iridikron for his willingness to use the Void, stating that its power cannot be trusted. Iridikron, unmoved, stated that he trusted the Void's hunger to aid him in removing the Titan's "stain" from their world before giving Vyranoth one last chance to join his cause. The former Frozenheart answered by proclaiming that she would have no part in his war leaving the Stonescaled disappointed and angered, stating that the bond of the Incarnates are truly at an end. Iridikron took his leave but not before giving Vyranoth a final warning to stay out of his way.
- Central Encampment, Emerald Dream
Fyrakk's assault on the Emerald Dream must be stopped.
- On click
- Vault of the Incarnates Raid Finale - Raszageth's Demise
- Secrets of the Reach
- Opening the Way
- Vyranoth Alexstrasza Convo
- Fury Incarnate In-Game Cinematic
- Fyrakk Argues Vyrannoth In Game Cutscene
- Vyranoth Comes to Valdrakken In Game Cutscene
- A Crown of Flame - Guardians of the Dream
Patch changes[]
Patch 10.0.2 (2022-11-15): Added.