Winter's Fall

  • ️Tue Nov 15 2022
NeutralWinter's Fall
Start Somnikus [20.9, 79.8]
End Merithra [19.8, 81.6]
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Category Valdrakken Accord
Experience 11,900
Rewards 56g 18s
Previous N [70] We'll Cross that Bridge
Next N [70] The Dreamer


Rymek Primalist

He tricked his way into the Dream. Now it's time for him to leave.

Defeat Rymek.


<Somnikus struggles to breathe as he slowly freezes.>

I managed... to stop him from reaching the tree. I hope it was enough.

Rymek must fall, now. It is up to you.

Tell Ysera and Merithra that I am sorry... for being a foolish old dragon.


You will receive:

  • 56g 18s
  • 11,900 XP


Rymek is defeated, but there are still too many elementals and Primalists roaming through the Dream.

I suppose... now we find out who the Dreamer really is.


On accept:

The barrier protecting Rymek falls.
Rymek yells: You are too late to stop us now! Come then!
Ysera says: It is not yet your time, old friend. Open your wings once again.
Ysera channels a spell into Somnikus, who takes flight.

Aggro him:

Rymek yells: The Incarnates will feast on your Dream!

Rymek will wind up a Glacial Whirlwind attack, which fixates on the player:

Rymek is targeting you with Glacial Whirlwind! Bring him into Ysera's Breath of Death!
Ysera yells: Use my breath to heal them and to weaken Rymek.

Ysera spawns a purple void zone. Run into it to stop the Glacial Whirlwind. When Rymek hits it, he is briefly debuffed to take +200% damage, and deal -50% damage.

At 65%:

Rymek yells: These Titanspawn are unworthy!

He'll also cast Frost Chains. Ysera will spawn a green void zone this time. Run into it to break the debuff and get some bonus healing.

At 15%:

Rymek yells: No, they lie to you! You cannot trust the dragons!

Finish him off:

Rymek yells: I was... so close...
Merithra says: It is done. Now we must see to healing the Dream.


  1. N [70] Rallying Nature's Allies
  2. N [70] Across the Weald
  3. N [70] The Price
  4. N [70] Storm's Rest
  5. N [70] Step Into the Life
  6. N [70] Thin the Veil, N [70] Our Full Strength
  7. N [70] Reunited, Once Again
  8. N [70] The Emerald Dragonflight
  9. N [70] We'll Cross that Bridge
  10. N [70] Winter's Fall
  11. N [70] The Dreamer
  12. N [70] Like Mother, Like Daughter

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