Wisps of the Woods

  • ️Tue Nov 23 2010
AllianceWisps of the Woods
Start Lyros Swiftwind
End Lyros Swiftwind
Level 15-30
Category Felwood
Experience 6,550 XP
Reputation +250 rep with Darnassus
Rewards 70s


Use the Swiftwind Switch to collect 5 Talonbranch Wisps.


I have toiled long here with the Denmother to spread the teachings of Cenarius and the ways of the wild. She has gained much of my trust, and in return, I have been allowed to introduce the spirits of the forest to her students. The company of wisps is a great honor, as well as a useful blessing.

But now the goblins descend on us, and seek to steal the wisps for nefarious use. Please, prevent this blasphemy!

Call the wisps back here from the western woods with this blessed branch, and keep them safe.


You will receive:


Have the wisps been saved?


Thank you, <name>. Now the Horde will not be able to defile these poor spirits to aid their brutish ways.


  1. A [15-30] Enemy at our Roots & A [15-30] Wisps of the Woods
  2. A [15-30] Into the Clearing
  3. A [15-30] The Shredders of Irontree
  4. A [15-30] Borrowed Bombs & A [15-30] Oil and Irony
  5. A [15-30] Bloody Wages & A [15-30] Burnout
  6. A [15-30] Report to the Denmother
  7. A [15-30] The Timbermaw Tribe (optional breadcrumb to Timbermaw Hold)

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