
  • ️Tue Mar 12 2019
For the shadow priest Legion artifact, see Inv knife 1h artifactcthun d 01 [Xal'atath, Blade of the Black Empire]. For the Battle for Azeroth quest item, see Inv knife 1h artifactcthun d 01 [Xal'atath, Blade of the Black Empire].
Image of Xal'atath
Title <Blade of the Black Empire>
Race Unknown (Humanoid)
Level ?? Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Various
Status Active
Xal'atath, Blade of the Black Empire

Xal'atath as a sentient blade.

Xal'atath (Freehold)

Xal'atath in Freehold.

Xal'atath is the sentient entity once bound within a dagger of the same name. Originally an artifact in World of Warcraft: Legion, the weapon was used by a shadow priest during the third invasion of the Burning Legion before being abandoned. Xal'atath later freed herself from the blade in a pact with N'Zoth by possessing a deceased elven body.

She is the primary antagonist of The War Within expansion.


Main article: Xal'atath, Blade of the Black Empire § Biography

Xal'atath is truly ancient, dating back to the time of the Old Gods' Black Empire. Theories abound as to the nature of its creation: the more outlandish claim that the blade is the remains of a forgotten Old God who was consumed by its kin, while other theories state it is the claw of Y'Shaarj itself. Whatever the truth of its origin, the blade is infused with the Old Gods' power. Legends state that it can even grant its wielder visions of the Black Empire, though doing so inevitably drives the viewer mad.

Xal'atath passed through many hands over the millennia, sowing chaos as it went. It was used by the jungle troll Zan'do to resurrect the C'Thrax general, Kith'ix; by Sorcerer-Thane Thaurissan's wife, Modgud, to curse Grim Batol; and by the human priestess Natalie Seline to study the dark secrets of the Void.[1] Eventually it found its way into the hands of the Twilight's Hammer, who attempted to use it to reanimate Kith'ix's fellow general Zakajz the Corruptor. They were stopped by the High Priest of Netherlight Temple, who claimed the blade for themselves.[2] The High Priest wielded Xal'atath against the Burning Legion for a time, ultimately draining much of its power to purge the sword of Sargeras of its corrupting power in Silithus.[3]

Xal'atath was either lost or abandoned by the High Priest, and fell into the hands of the naga. When they began attacking Kul Tiras and Zandalar, they brought the blade with them;[4] Collector Kojo came across it by accident near a makeshift altar in Stormsong Valley, and adventurers sought to use it to gain insight into the naga's plans.[5] Xal'atath explained that the naga sought to conjure a storm powerful enough to scour all Azeroth using three relics: the Void Stone, the Trident of Deep Ocean, and the Tempest Caller. Xal'atath guided the adventurer to Drustvar, where they found the high elf Inanis attempting to wield the Void Stone's power. After killing her, Xal'atath drew upon the Void Stone's power and possessed Inanis's corpse.[6] Now in a mortal form, she helped the adventurer find the other two relics[7][8] and brought them to the Crucible of Storms beneath the Precipice of Oblivion.

Rather than stopping the naga, however, Xal'atath offered the relics and the adventurer to N'Zoth in exchange for her freedom. N'Zoth severed her from the dagger, keeping it for himself in the bargain; Xal'atath departed through a portal, confident she would see the adventurer once more.[9]


Objective of[]



Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

Main article: Blade in Twilight § Notes
Main article: Xal'atath, Blade of the Black Empire § Quotes

Battle for Azeroth[]


  • What do you seek?
  • So many possibilities...
  • Tell me what you want.
  • Such magnificence awaits us.
  • Open your mind to the whispers.
  • The time comes... soon.


Main article: Every Little Death Helps#Notes
Main article: Every Little Death Helps (priest)#Notes
Main article: Unintended Consequences#Notes
Main article: Unintended Consequences (priest)#Notes
Main article: The Pirate's Treasure#Notes
Main article: The Tempest Crown#Notes
Main article: Twist the Knife#Notes



Let us hurry. The whispers grow more insistent.


Are you ready for what comes next?

The War Within[]

Template:Tww-inline This section concerns content related to The War Within.

Notes and trivia[]

  • In the Patch joke patch notes, Blizzard declared that Knaifu has been renamed "Bae Blade." Blizzard has also used the term "knife friend".[11]


Patch changes[]


External links[]