
  • ️Tue Jul 17 2018
Image of Zek'voz
Title <Herald of N'zoth[sic]>
Race Aqir (Aberration)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Old Gods
Location Archives of Eternity, Uldir
Status Killable

Zek'voz is a boss in Uldir.

Adventure Guide[]

Shortly after the Sundering, a dark messenger arrived on the fresh shores of Zandalar, intending to bring the newly isolated tribe into the service of N'Zoth. Zek'voz was prepared to entice, bribe, cajole, corrupt, or simply kill them, but he was not prepared to encounter the defenses of Uldir. He was captured, studied, disassembled, and stored in the Titans' Archives, where he has waited for a chance to escape.


Uldir tactics - Zek'voz

Overview of tactics for the Zek'voz fight.

Zek'voz attacks players while the compromised Titan Discs come online, calling forth powerful Old God magics and summoning their lesser servants. As new Titan Discs come online, previously activated Discs will power down.

Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers[]

  • Keep a safe distance from your allies when Eye Beam is preparing to fire.
  • Consider your positioning when Roiling Deceit is about to expire.
  • Intercept Orb of Corruption to gain Corruptor's Pact.

Healer Alert Healers[]

  • Titan Spark strikes random targets periodically.
  • Surging Darkness inflicts substantial damage to all party members in addition to the lethal damage within each eruption.
  • Orb of Corruption inflicts significant raid damage to all party members if it lands.

Tank Alert Tanks[]

  • Avoid being struck by Void Lash multiple times during Might of the Void.
  • Consider the position of your allies when redirecting casts of Void Lash.
  • Interrupt and crowd control allies under the effects of Will of the Corruptor.


Stage One: Chaos[]

  • Achievement boss cthun Eye Beam Deadly — The Eye of C'thun penetrates the soul of the target, dealing X Shadow damage and leaping to any nearby allies for increased damage.
  • Silithid Warrior — Sillithid Warriors ignore threat and seek out random players.
  • Inv ridingsilithid2red Skittering Swarm — Silithid Warriors ignore threat and seek out random players.
  • Ability warrior bloodbath Jagged Mandible — The Silithid Warrior's melee attacks maim the target, inflicting X Physical damage every 2 sec.

Stage Two: Deception[]

Stage Three: Corruption[]


Item Type
Inv mace 1h nazmirraid d 02 [Containment Analysis Baton] (LFR · H · M) Intellect one-hand mace
Inv polearm 2h nazmirraid d 01 [Void-Binder] (LFR · H · M) Agility polearm
Inv shoulder cloth nazmirraid d 01 [Mantle of Contained Corruption] (LFR · H · M) Azerite cloth shoulders
Inv chest mail nazmirraid d 01 [Chainvest of Assured Quality] (LFR · H · M) Azerite mail chest
Inv bracer cloth nazmirraid d 01 [Void-Lashed Wristband] (LFR · H · M) Cloth bracers
Inv leather nazmirraid d 01buckle [Replicated Chitin Cord] (LFR · H · M) Leather belt
Inv belt mail nazmirraid d 01 [Titanspark Energy Girdle] (LFR · H · M) Mail belt
Inv pant plate nazmirraid d 01 [Greaves of Creeping Darkness] (LFR · H · M) Plate leggings
Inv leather nazmirraid d 01boot [Quarantine Protocol Treads] (LFR · H · M) Leather boots
Inv boot plate nazmirraid d 01 [Warboots of Absolute Eradication] (LFR · H · M) Plate boots
Inv ring 80 05e [Ring of the Infinite Void] (LFR · H · M) Ring
Creatureportrait nexus floating disc [Disc of Systematic Regression] (LFR · H · M) Strength trinket



MOTHER yells: Now entering the data vault. This is a comprehensive collection of titan knowledge.
MOTHER yells: These discs currently contain 50 norgabytes of biological data on known lifeforms throughout the cosmos.
Ul basha krix.
I am superior!
Stage One: Chaos
MOTHER says: Disc accessed. C'Thun data loading.
Silithid Warrior
MOTHER says: Warning: additional Silithid are being replicated.
Stage Two: Deception
MOTHER says: Disc accessed. Yogg-Saron data loading.
Nerubian Voidweaver
MOTHER says: Warning: additional Nerubian are being replicated.
Stage Three: Corruption
MOTHER says: Disc accessed. Corrupted data loading.
Surging Darkness
Ug' crish zul Thraxas!
You will be eradicated!
Naza bul rexil qalic ul'.
Not a single worthy trait among you.
Hul bala miz rilakich...
How is this... possible...
  • Alliance Brann Bronzebeard yells: I've heard stories about the power o' N'Zoth's minions, but I never thought I'd see one. Honestly, I hope I never do again.
First Terminal
MOTHER yells: First console activated. Re-establishing energy matrix.


  • During the Battle for Azeroth alpha, the Zek'voz boss encounter was initially called Titan Discs, with the boss itself being named Zol'thuum. It was later renamed to Zek'vohj, and finally to Zek'voz.
    • During alpha, the raid encounter description read: "Zol'thuum assaults players while the compromised Titan Discs come online, calling forth powerful Old God magics and summoning their lesser servants. As new Titan Discs come online, previously activated Discs will go dormant."
  • Zek'voz's model is called aqir.m2 in the files, though his race is never stated in-game. He was confirmed to be an aqir when other aqiri mobs with the same model were introduced in patch 8.3.0.

Patch changes[]

External links[]