Patch 10.1.5

  • ️Thu Jun 29 2023
Icon-patch-22x22 Patch 10.1.5
“Fractures in Time”
Release date July 11, 2023
Latest version date July 28, 2023
Initial version 50401
Latest version 50622
Interface .toc 100105 (changes)
Highlights & notes
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Patch 10.1.5 is the third medium patch for Dragonflight. Its current planned release date is on 11 July 2023.[1]

While adventurers breach Neltharion's secret laboratory in Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible, the next content update is making its way onto the PTR, including a whole new specialization for dracthyr Evokers, a new mega-dungeon—Dawn of the Infinite—and much more.

New Mega-Dungeon: Dawn of the Infinite[]

Dawn of the Infinite

The Infinite Dragonflight, long-standing enemies of the Bronze dragonflight, have worked hard to see their ultimate goal of triggering the transformation of Nozdormu, the Aspect of Time, into Murozond. This eight-boss Mythic-only mega-dungeon will take players across the timeways to stop the Infinite Dragonflight from succeeding. You'll face Iridikron, among others, as you work to sustain Azeroth's timeline and put things to rights once more.

New Evoker Specialization: Augmentation[]

Augmentation Specialization

Emberthal and Ebyssian are working together to release the Black dragonflight essence that had been siphoned from the Dracthyr during their long stasis, unlocking memories and powers forgotten to them. All Evokers now can choose to explore Azeroth as a new specialization: Augmentation. Evokers can play "Our Destiny" quest to try out their new specialization and what it means to the dracthyr at large.

Augmentation is a damage dealer role that uses the essence of the Black and Bronze dragonflights to amplify the abilities of nearby allies. Their playstyle centers on empowering allies to increase their damage output, and using the Evoker's direct damage spells to improve these empowerments' effects. Augmentation's core capabilities will feel familiar to Evoker players, such as spending Essence, casting empower spells, and using their mobility to navigate the battlefield. However, the specialization also introduces many new tools for the Evoker to manipulate the environment in their favor, and assist their allies.

Time Rifts[]

Time Rifts

The time streams have become increasingly more unstable with recent events. As the boundaries between the timelines weaken, minions from other timelines begin pouring through into the Dragon Isles.

Team up with other players to push back against the waves of minions, enter the Time Rifts, and plug the hole by taking down the bosses in alternate timelines to set the timeways straight again. Collect artifacts and take them back to Soridormi to complete quests.

On completion, each Time Rift has a chance to grant a reward based on what timelines you've encountered, and you can never obtain the same reward twice! Acquire an Ability bossmagistrix timewarp2 [Encapsulated Destiny] and use it to guarantee yourself a reward from the next Time Rift you complete. Not getting what you want? No sweat! Everything is available on the corresponding timeline's vendor in exchange for the Time Rift currency, Ability essence reapingflames [Paracausal Flakes].

Eon's Fringe[]

While the timeways are unstable, undertake new repeatable content in Eon's Fringe in Thaldraszus, located near the Temporal Conflux.

Nozdormu knows his time is coming and can feel things are going awry. Due to these disruptions, episodes in Azeroth's history are going astray, and players must access Eon's Fringe to set things right. Work to settle the timeways and solve the problems brought about by their instability and reap the rewards of a job well done.

Whelp Daycare[]

Whelp Daycare

The dragons have more eggs than they can handle, so they've called in the crew at the Little Scales Daycare to help. The crew quickly finds itself overwhelmed and so has asked for a little help from their friends—you. You'll guide five dragon whelps as they grow and learn about the dragon flights, collect new pets, achievements, and more.

New Bonus Event: Kalimdor Cup[]

Kalimdor Cup

Rediscover Kalimdor's skies with a new dragonriding racing event arriving to Azeroth and running from August 15–28. Challenge 16 races across Kalimdor in Normal, Advanced, and Reverse variations to earn Riders of Azeroth Badges to exchange for rewards from Maztha.

The Warlock Class Expands to New Races[]

Warlock Class Expands to New Races

The Warlock class is now available to Night Elves, Draenei, Lightforged Draenei, Pandaren, Kul Tiran, Tauren, Highmountain Tauren, Mag'har Orcs, and Zandalari Trolls. You'll also be able to undertake a new Warlock-specific questline and use the Barbershop to customize your pets.


  • Before - Burning Steppes

  • After - Burning Steppes

    After - Burning Steppes

  • Before - Blasted Lands

  • After - Blasted Lands

    After - Blasted Lands

  • Before - Arathi Highlands

  • After - Arathi Highlands

    After - Arathi Highlands



  • Developers' notes:
  • *We are lowering the effectiveness of all Primordial Stones that deal damage by 40% to increase gearing options for players. We are compensating specific specializations that are commonly using the Onyx Annulet ring for this damage loss. Alongside this, we are reducing the effectiveness of damage to healing spells to maintain similar healing outputs. This will result in an overall increase in Healer damage in content where the Onyx Annulet is not utilized, but we feel there is room for healer damage to increase in this space without overly incentivizing offensive play. See each class section for specifics.
    • We're adjusting the mana economy for all hybrid DPS and hybrid tank specializations. Our goal is to allow for more continuous casts of utility and healing spells while maintaining limits on how much hybrids can contribute to healing, defensive dispels, and offensive dispels. In short, this is a deeper mana pool with less regen.
    • We are reducing the effectiveness of group healing from DPS from damage-to-healing conversion sources. The abilities affected are Vampiric Embrace, Nature's Vigil, and Ancestral Guidance. While we want hybrid DPS to be able to contribute healing to the group, these spells have become powerful enough to temporarily alleviate a healer's role without interrupting the hybrid's DPS rotation.

Death knight[]

Demon hunter[]

  • Vengeance
    • All ability damage increased by 4%.





  • New Talent: Spell fire bluefire [Ice Cold] – Ice Block now reduces all damage taken by 70% for 6 seconds but no longer grants Immunity, prevents movement, attacks, or casting spells. Does not incur the global cooldown. Ice Cold is located on Shifting Power's previous location on the talent tree.
  • New Talent: Ability racial magicalresistance [Mass Barrier] – Cast Prismatic/Blazing/Ice Barrier (based on your specialization) on yourself and 4 nearby allies. 2 minute cooldown. Mass Barrier is located as a choice node with Mass Invisibility.
  • New Talent: Ability mage massinvisibility [Mass Invisibility] – You and your allies within 40 yards instantly become invisible for 12 seconds. Taking any action will cancel the effect. Does not affect allies in combat. Mass Invisibility located as a choice node with Mass Barrier.
  • Ability mage invisibility [Invisibility] is now learned by all specializations at level 16.
  • All ability damage increased by 15%.
  • Ability mage shattershield [Accumulative Shielding] is now a 1 rank talent (was 2). Barrier cooldowns now recharge 30% faster while the shield persists at rank 1.
  • Accumulative Shielding now connects to the Ability mage timewarp [Time Anomaly]/Ability bossmagistrix timewarp2 [Temporal Warp] choice node.
  • Spell nature timestop [Time Manipulation] is now a 1 rank talent (was 2). Now reduces the cooldown of your loss of control abilities by 2 seconds at rank 1.
  • Time Manipulation now connects to the Time Anomaly/Temporal Warp choice node.
  • Ability hunter displacement [Displacement] now heals the caster for 20% of their maximum health when returning to the Blink location.
  • Displacement is now located after Flow of Time.
  • Spell ice rune [Winter's Protection] now reduces the cooldown of Ice Block by 30 seconds per rank.
  • Inv soulbarrier [Diverted Energy]'s barriers now heal you for 20/40% of the damage absorbed (was 10/20%).
  • Spell arcane blink [Flow of Time] reduces the cooldown of Blink by 2/4 seconds (was 1/2 seconds).
  • Ability socererking arcaneacceleration [Temporal Velocity]'s movement speed duration increased to 3 seconds and 5 seconds after using Blink and Alter Time, respectively.
  • Temporal Velocity's movement speed after Blinking increased by 10/20% (was 5/10%).
  • Ability mage incantersabsorbtion [Incanter's Flow] damage now flows between 2% and 10% (was 4% and 20%).
  • Incanter's Flow now replaces Invisibility in the Class tree.
  • Ability mage greaterinvisibility [Greater Invisibility] now replaces Invisibility when talented and is located below Temporal Velocity.
  • Spell mage runeofpower [Rune of Power] and Spell mage meteor [Meteor] have been removed.
  • Arcane
  • Fire
    • New Talent: Spell fire lavaspawn [Convection] – Each time Living Bomb explodes it has a 30% chance to reduce its cooldown by 2 seconds. Convection is located on row 7, directly after Living Bomb and Incendiary Eruptions.
    • New Talent: Spell fire moltenblood [Deep Impact] – Meteor's damage is increased by 20% but is now split evenly between all enemies hit. Additionally, its cooldown is reduced by 15 seconds.
    • New Talent: Spell fire ragnaros lavabolt [Inflame] – Hot Streak increases the amount of Ignite damage from Pyroblast or Flamestrike by an additional 10%. Now a choice node with Pyromaniac.
    • New Talent: Spell fire felflamering red [Unleashed Inferno] – While Combustion is active your Fireball, Pyroblast, Fire Blast, Scorch, and Phoenix Flames deal 50% increased damage and reduce the cooldown of Combustion by 1.25 seconds. Unleashed Inferno is located as a choice node with Sun King's Blessing.
    • New Talent: Spell fire incinerate [Intensifying Flame] – While Ignite is on 3 or fewer enemies it deals 15% increased damage. Intensifying Flames is located on row 5, replacing Cauterize.
    • New Talent: Ability warlock inferno [Fuel the Fire] – Flamestrike has a chance equal to 100% of your critical strike chance to contribute to Hot Streak. Fuel the Fire is located on row 4 after Surging Blaze.
    • Ability warlock inferno [Wildfire] has been redesigned - Now grants 3/6% critical strike damage and an additional 2/4% critical strike damage when you activate Combustion.
    • Spell fire incinerate [Mastery: Ignite] now causes Fire Blast to spreads Ignite to 3 targets (was 4).
    • Spell fire selfdestruct [Flamestrike] has been removed from the talent tree and is now learned at level 12.
    • Flamestrike damage increased by 12%.
    • Flamestrike cast time reduced to 3.5 seconds (was 4 seconds).
    • Spell fire rune [Cauterize] has been removed from the talent tree and now learned at level 19.
    • Spell fire fireball02 [Pyroblast] damage increased by 5%.
    • Spell fire fireball02 [Pyroblast] cast time reduced to 4 seconds (was 4.5 seconds).
    • Ability mage greaterpyroblast [Tempered Flames] now reduces Pyroblast cast time by 15% (was 30%).
    • Spell mage flameorb [Flame Patch] damage reduced by 9%.
    • Spell fire flamebolt [Fireball] damage increased by 3%.
    • Ignite damage reduced by 9%.
    • Spell fire fireball [Fire Blast] damage reduced by 12%.
    • Spell fire soulburn [Scorch] damage reduced by 10%.
    • Spell mage meteor [Meteor] damage increased by 10%.
    • Meteor no longer splits damage evenly between targets hit by default and its damage is reduced when hitting beyond 8 targets.
    • Artifactability firemage phoenixbolt [Phoenix Flames] damage reduced by 12%.
    • Inv misc phoenixegg [From the Ashes] now increases Mastery by 2% for each Phoenix Flames charge on cooldown (was previously for each charge off cooldown).
    • Spell fire selfdestruct [Surging Blaze] now increases the cast speed of Pyroblast and Flamestrike by 0.5 seconds and their damage by 10%.
    • Inv misc enchantedpearld [Fevered Incantation] max ranks reduced to 1 (was 2) and critical strike damage increased to 2% per stack (was 1% at rank 1).
    • Fevered Incantation critical strike damage increases up to 8% (was 10%).
    • Ability mage firestarter [Sun King's Blessing] now also increases the damage of your next Pyroblast or Flamestrike by 275% in addition to granting Combustion.
    • The temporary buff granted by Sun King's Blessing that increased damage and Combustion has been renamed to Fury of the Sun King and it now has new icon to better differentiate between the stacking buff and actual buff.
    • Fury of the Sun King duration increased to 30 seconds (was 15 seconds).
    • Artifactability firemage phoenixbolt [Call of the Sun King] now also increases Phoenix Flames damage by 15%.
    • Ability mage fierypayback [Improved Scorch] max ranks reduced to 1 (was 2) and damage dealt to targets with the debuff increased to 4% per stack at rank 1 (was 2%).
    • Ability warlock backdraft [Searing Touch] increases Scorch damage by 175% when the target is below 30% health (was 150%).
    • Spell mage meteor [Firefall]'s number of Fireballs and Pyroblasts required to call down a Meteor reduced to 15 (was 30).
    • Spell shaman firenova [Conflagration] damage over time increased by 12% The chance for enemies to flare up increased to 15% (was 10%).
    • Conflagration damage over time now rolls over when the damage over time is refreshed instead of only refreshing the duration.
    • Inv trinket firelands 02 [Master of Flame] now spreads Ignite to 2 additional enemies during Combustion (was 4).
    • Spell fire burnout [Hyperthermia]'s duration increased to 6 seconds (was 5 seconds).
    • Hyperthermia now triggers when Ability mage hotstreak [Hot Streak] is consumed instead of when it is activated.
    • Hyperthermia will no longer trigger while Combustion is active.
    • Spell mage kindling [Kindling] now causes Scorch critical strikes to reduce Combustion's cooldown in addition to its current effect.
    • Ability mage livingbomb [Living Bomb] cooldown increased to 30 seconds (was 12 seconds), no longer scales with Haste, damage over time increased by 110%, and explosion damage increased by 105%.
    • Spell burningsoul [Firemind] max ranks reduced to 1 (was 2).
    • Spell fire fireball [Feel the Burn] max ranks reduced to 1 (was 2) and now also triggers off Phoenix Flames.
    • Feel the Burn increases Mastery per stack by 2% (was 4%).
    • Spell fire flamebolt [Pyrotechnics] is now located on row 2.
    • Improved Flamestrike has been renamed to Spell fire selfdestruct [Surging Blaze]. Surging Blaze is now located on row 3 after Pyrotechnics.
    • Ability warlock burningembers [Fervent Flickering] is now located on row 4 after Phoenix Flames.
    • Spell shaman lavasurge [Pyroclasm] has been removed.
    • Inv misc enchantedpearld [Fevered Incantation] is now located on row 8, replacing Pyroclasm.
    • Master of Flame is now located below the Firemind and Improved Combustion choice node.
    • Inv misc volatilefire [Pyromaniac] is no longer a choice node with Firefall. It's now located after the Feel the Burn and Improved Combustion choice node.
    • Spell mage meteor [Meteor] is now located on row 9.
    • Inv summerfest firespirit [Fiery Rush] is now located on row 9 directly after Kindling.
    • Sun King's Blessing/Unleashed Inferno now available as the center capstone (swapped with Hyperthermia).
    • Hyperthermia is now available as the left side capstone (swapped with Sun King's Blessing/Unleashed Inferno choice node).
  • Frost
    • New Talent: Spell frost wisp [Winter's Blessing] – Your Haste is increased by 8% and you gain 10% more of the Haste stat from all sources. Winter's Blessing is located on row 4 in Cold Snap's previous location.
    • New Talent: Ability hunter pointofnoescape [Cryopathy] – Each time you consume Fingers of Frost the damage of your next Ray of Frost is increased by 5%, stacking up to 80%. Icy Veins grants 10 stacks instantly. Cryopathy is available as a choice node with Splintering Ray.
    • New Talent: Spell frost wizardmark [Coldest Snap] – Cone of Cold's cooldown is increased to 45 seconds and resets the cooldown of Frozen Orb and Comet Storm. In addition, Cone of Cold applies Winter's Chill to all enemies hit. Cone of Cold's cooldown can no longer be reduced by your cooldown reduction effects.
    • Spell frost glacier [Cone of Cold]'s cooldown while Coldest Snap is talented can no longer be reduced or reset by Spell nature timestop [Time Manipulation], Ability ardenweald mage [Shifting Power], or Cold Snap.
    • Spell frost iceshard [Mastery: Icicles] - damage of icicles reduced by 25%. Mastery now also increases the damage of Blizzard, Comet Storm, Ice Lance, Glacial Spike, and Ray of Frost.
    • Spell frost icestorm [Blizzard] has been removed from the talent tree is and is now learned baseline at level 12.
    • Blizzard damage reduced by 12%.
    • Spell frost wizardmark [Cold Snap] has been removed from the talent tree and is now learned baseline at level 19.
    • Ability deathknight frozencenter [Wintertide]'s Spell frost frostbolt02 [Frostbolt] damage reduced to 5/10% (was 7/15%).
    • Spell mage cometstorm2 [Comet Storm] damage increased by 11%.
    • Inv staff 15 [Glacial Assault] damage increased by 15% and now also causes your Comet Storm to increase the damage enemies take from you by 6% for 6 seconds. Chance to trigger increased by 25%. Now a 1 rank talent (was 2 ranks).
    • Spell frost ice shards [Splitting Ice] now causes Glacial Spike to deal 100% damage to a second nearby target.
    • Splitting Ice's tooltip now correctly causes Ice Lance and Icicles tooltip to display that it deals 80% damage to secondary targets.
    • Inv misc frostemblem 01 [Deep Shatter] now causes Frostbolts to deal 10/25% increased damage to Frozen targets (was 20/40%).
    • Ability mage glacialspike [Glacial Spike] cast time reduced by 0.5 seconds and damage increased by 7%.
    • Spell frost frostblast [Chain Reaction] now increases Ice Lance damage per stack by 2% (was 1%).
    • Spell mage thermalvoid [Thermal Void] increases Icy Veins duration by 5 seconds (was 10 seconds).
    • Thermal Void causes Ice Lance to increase Icy Veins' duration by 0.5 seconds (was 1 second) and causes Glacial Spike to increase Icy Veins' duration by 1 second (was 3 seconds).
    • Thermal Void now also extends Icy Veins an additional 3 seconds when Glacial Spike hits a frozen enemy in addition to its current effect.
    • Ability mage rayoffrost [Ray of Frost] damage increased by 16%.
    • Ray of Frost cooldown reduced to 60 seconds (was 75 seconds).
    • Spell frost coldhearted [Icy Veins] cooldown reduced to 2 minutes (was 3 minutes) and Haste reduced to 20% (was 30%).
    • Activating Spell frost coldhearted [Icy Veins] now also summons a water elemental to your for its duration.
    • Icy Veins Water Elemental abilities:
      • Water Jet cooldown increased to 20 seconds (was 45 seconds).
      • Water Jet damage increased by 75%.
      • Waterbolt damage increased by 50%.
      • Freeze now applies maximum stacks for Frigid Empowerment.
      • Frigid Empowerment increases the Frost damage you deal by 3%, up to 15%.
    • Spell frost frozenorb [Frozen Orb] radius increased by 15% and damage increased by 7%.
    • Spell frost frostbolt02 [Frostbolt]'s chance to gain Brain Freeze reduced to 25% (was 30%).
    • Frostbolt damage reduced by 12%.
    • Inv enchant shardshadowfrostlarge [Slick Ice] now reduces Frostbolt's cast time and damage by 4% (was 2%). Maximum stacks reduced to 5 (was 10).
    • Spell fire bluerainoffire [Snowstorm] increases Cone of Cold's damage by 18/36% per stack (was 12/24%). Maximum stacks reduced to 15 (was 30).
    • Ability mage burstofcold [Frozen Touch] now grants Ability mage wintersgrasp [Fingers of Frost] 25% more often (was 20%) and now grants Brain Freeze 15% more often (was 20%).
    • Spell fire blueflamering [Freezing Winds] now grants Fingers of Frost every 3 seconds (was 2 seconds).
    • Achievement dungeon frozenthrone [Lonely Winter] now increases the damage of Frostbolt, Ice Lance, and Flurry by 15% (was 25%).
    • Spell frost frostblast [Ice Lance] damage increased by 9%.
    • Ability warlock burningembersblue [Flurry] damage increased by 5%.
    • Ability mage brainfreeze [Brain Freeze] increases the damage of your next Flurry by 50% (was 65%).
    • Artifactability frostmage ebonbolt [Ebonbolt] has been removed from the talent tree.
      • Developers' note: After some consideration we have decided to remove Ebonbolt from the talent tree. In Fractures in Time, Frost has seen a few talent updates to make existing abilities more viable in single target which in turn increased the complexity of Frost. While some added complexity in the single target rotation can be a nice option, it felt like Ebonbolt was tipping things a little too much in the wrong direction.
    • Spell mage cometstorm2 [Comet Storm] has swapped positions with Glacial Assault and now available after Spell frost arcticwinds [Perpetual Winter] on row 6.
    • Glacial Assault has swapped positions with Comet Storm and now available after Inv misc frostemblem 01 [Deep Shatter] and Comet Storm on row 8.
    • Spell frost frostblast [Chain Reaction] has moved to row 8 directly after Icy Veins in Ray of Frosts old position.
    • Thermal Void is now located directly after Slick Ice on row 9.
    • Ability mage rayoffrost [Ray of Frost] is now available after Chain Reaction and Slick Ice on row 9.



  • Holy
    • New Talent: Spell paladin clarityofpurpose [Beacon of the Lightbringer] – Mastery: Lightbringer now increases your healing based on the target's proximity to either you or your Beacon of Light, whichever is closer.
    • New Talent: Paladin holy [Light's Conviction] – Holy Shock now has 2 charges.
    • New Talent: Ability paladin lightoftheprotector [Holy Infusion] – Crusader Strike generates 1 additional Holy Power and deals 25% more damage.
    • New Talent: Spell holy blessedlife [Awestruck] – Holy Shock, Holy Light, and Flash of Light critical healing increased by 20%.
    • New Talent: Spell paladin divinecircle [Glistening Radiance] – Spending Holy Power has a 25% chance to trigger Glimmer of Light's healing and damage.
    • New Talent: Spell holy holyguidance [Overflowing Light] – 50% of Glimmer of Light's overhealing is converted into an absorb shield. The shield amount cannot exceed 15% of your max health.
    • New Talent: Spell holy absolution [Light's Protection] – Your allies with Glimmer of Light take 16% reduced damage, split evenly among them.
    • New Talent: Ability priest holybolts01 [Righteous Judgment] – Judgment has a 50% chance to cast Consecration at the target's location. The limit on Consecration does not apply to this effect.
    • New Talent: Spell holy vindication [Hand of Divinity] – Call upon the Light to empower your spells, causing your next 2 Holy Lights to heal 80% more, cost 50% less mana, and be instant cast.
    • New Talent: Spell holy holynova [Shining Righteousness] – Shield of the Righteous deals damage to its first target struck. Every 5 Shields of the Righteous make your next Word of Glory or Light of Dawn cost no Holy Power.
    • New Talent: Spell holy aspiration [Daybreak] – Absorb your active Glimmer of Lights, triggering their effects at 200% value and granting 3000 Mana per Glimmer of Light consumed.
    • New Talent: Spell priest divinestar holy [Rising Sunlight] – After casting Daybreak, your next 3 Holy Shocks cast 2 additional times.
    • New Talent: Ability paladin holyavenger [Glorious Dawn] – Holy Shock has a 10% chance to refund a charge when cast, increasing by 1.5% for each Glimmer of Light you have active. Glimmer of Light's healing and damage is increased by 10%.
    • New Talent: Spell paladin inquisition [Blessed Focus] – Glimmer of Light's healing and damage is increased by 25%, but it can only affect 1 target at a time.
    • New Talent: Ability paladin longarmofthelaw [Reclamation] – Holy Shock and Crusader Strike refund up to 15% of their Mana cost and deal up to 50% more healing or damage, based on the target's missing health.
    • New Talent: Spell holy blessedlife [Merciful Auras] – Your auras restore health to 3 injured allies within 20 yards every 2 seconds. While Aura Mastery is active, heals all allies within 40 yards and healing is increased by 50%. Shares a choice node with Blessing of Seasons.
    • Ability priest cascade [Illumination] has been redesigned – Glimmer of Light can affect 5 additional targets.
    • Inv helm plate raidpaladin n 01 [Awakening] has been redesigned – While in combat, your Holy Power spenders generate 1 stack of Awakening. At 12 stacks of Awakening, your next Judgment deals 30% increased damage, will critically strike, and activates Avenging Wrath for 12 seconds.
    • Spell holy healingaura [Divine Glimpse] has been redesigned – Holy Shock and Judgment have a 8% increased critical strike chance. Divine Glimpse is now a 1 point node.
    • Ability crown of the heavens icon [Veneration] has been redesigned – Hammer of Wrath heals up to 5 injured allies for 200% of the damage done, split evenly among them. Flash of Light, Holy Light, and Judgment critical strikes reset the cooldown of Hammer of Wrath and make it usable on any target, regardless of their health.
    • Spell holy righteousfury [Greater Judgment] has been redesigned – Judgment deems the targets unworthy, preventing damage dealt by the target.
    • Greater Judgment has been redesigned – Judgment deems the targets unworthy, preventing damage dealt by the target.
    • Spell holy holysmite [Seal of the Crusader] has been redesigned for Holy Paladins – Your auto attacks heal a nearby ally.
    • Spell holy sealofvalor [Blessing of Freedom] is now granted by default.
    • Achievement dungeon heroic gloryoftheraider [Echoing Blessings] is now located on the class tree.
    • Spell holy surgeoflight [Holy Light] is now learned baseline at level 11.
    • Spell holy divineprotection [Divine Protection] is now learned baseline at level 26.
    • Ability paladin toweroflight [Glimmer of Light] healing increased by 360% and damage increased by 700%.
    • Glimmer of Light now triggers its healing or damage on its current target at full value if dispelled.
    • Glimmer of Light's aura no longer appears on the personal resource display.
    • All healing reduced by 3%.
    • All spell and ability damage increased by 10%.
    • Spell holy flashheal [Flash of Light] healing increased by 50%.
    • Flash of Light now costs 18% of base mana (was 22%).
    • Spell holy surgeoflight [Holy Light] healing increased by 40%.
    • Holy Light now costs 2.4% base mana (was 16%).
    • Spell holy searinglight [Holy Shock] healing reduced by 10% and cooldown increased to 8.5 seconds (was 7.5 seconds).
    • Holy Shock no longer has an increased chance to critically strike.
    • Inv helmet 96 [Word of Glory] healing increased by 9%.
    • Ability priest flashoflight [Imbued Infusions] now reduces the cooldown of Holy Shock by 2 seconds.
    • Inv mace 2h artifactsilverhand d 01 [Tyr's Deliverance] healing increased by 25% and now has a 40 yard range (was 20 yards).
    • Tyr's Deliverance now also increases the healing of Holy Shock by 25%.
    • Tyr's Deliverance's base duration has been increased to 20 seconds (was 10 seconds).
    • Ability paladin selflesshealer [Boundless Salvation] causes Flash of Light to extend the duration of Tyr's Deliverance by 4 seconds (was 2.5 seconds).
    • Boundless Salvation causes Holy Light to extend the duration of Tyr's Deliverance by 8 seconds (was 5 seconds).
    • Boundless Salvation now also triggers from Holy Shock to extend the duration of Tyr's Deliverance by 2 seconds.
    • Boundless Salvation can now extend Tyr's Deliverance by up to 40 seconds (was 50 seconds).
      • Developers' note: Tyr's Deliverance's base duration did not feel competitive with other singular talent points within the final section of the tree. We are increasing its duration and reducing the effectiveness of Boundless Salvation accordingly with the goal of each talent point spent standing on its own merits while leaving a similar overall power level.
    • Boundless Salvation's tooltip has been updated to be more succinct.
    • Ability paladin swiftretribution [Crusader's Might] is now a 1 point talent and grants 1.5 seconds of cooldown reduction to Holy Shock.
    • Spell holy righteousfury [Judgment] now generates 1 Holy Power and costs 2.4% base mana (was 3%).
    • Ability paladin blessedhands [Power of the Silver Hand] may now additionally trigger from Judgment.
    • Spell shadow sealofkings [Fading Light] now forms an absorb shield based off of 10% of damage or healing dealt (was 20%).
    • Fixed an issue that caused Fading Light to not function as expected with Tower of Radiance.
    • Ability paladin barrieroffaith [Barrier of Faith] costs 2.4% base mana (was 16%) and initial absorb increased by 66%.
    • Ability paladin speedoflight [Vanguard's Momentum] has replaced Zealot's Paragon.
      • Developers' note: Zealot's Paragon extensions of Avenging Wrath have contributed to higher cooldown-uptime than we would like when combined with other talents. We are replacing it with Vanguard's Momentum as we feel it combines with other talents in compelling ways and leans into Holy Paladin as a particularly effective healer in execute scenarios.
    • Spell paladin hammerofwrath [Hammer of Wrath] now costs 1% of base mana.
    • Hammer of Wrath's cooldown increased by 150% and damage increased by 80%
      • Developers' note: The rate of Hammer of Wrath expenditure has still felt faster than we would like, so we are slightly increasing its cooldown with the goal of making each use feel more impactful and deliberate without crowding the rotation. We expect the new Vanguard's Momentum option to be a powerful option for players who would like to opt-in to this spell being more of a main stay rotationally.
    • Spell paladin lightofdawn [Light of Dawn] healing reduced by 18%.
    • Light of Dawn now additionally costs 6% base mana.
      • Developer's note: Adding a mana cost to Holy Power spenders accomplishes a few important things including leveling out the rate of mana expenditure, reducing risk factors involved with mana-free healing, and allowing us to lean more into mana regeneration as a powerful tool in a Holy Paladin's kit. We are also purposefully not attaching a mana cost to Shield of the Righteous as we would like Holy Paladin to be more mana-neutral when actively playing offensively.
    • Spell holy crusaderstrike [Crusader Strike] cooldown increased by 30%.
    • Crusader Strike now costs 1.6% base mana (was 10%).
    • Ability paladin shieldofvengeance [Shield of the Righteous] damage increased by 30% and now reduces the cooldown of Crusader Strike by 1.5 seconds.
    • Shield of the Righteous now obeys the global cooldown and no longer increases Armor.
    • Inv shield 1h newplayer a 01 [Faith's Armor] now triggers from Word of Glory (was Shield of the Righteous).
    • Word of Glory now additionally costs 6% base mana.
    • Spell holy heal [Divine Favor]'s cooldown reduced to 30 seconds (was 45 seconds).
    • Divine Favor now additionally reduces the mana cost of Holy Light or Flash of Light by 50%.
    • Spell holy revivechampion [Tirion's Devotion] now reduces the cooldown of Lay on Hands by 1.5 seconds per Holy Power spent (was 1 second).
    • Tirion's Devotion now also causes Lay on Hands to restores 5% of your mana.
    • Tirion's Devotion's icon has changed.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Tirion's Devotion to not grant cooldown reduction from Divine Purpose procs.
    • Ability paladin infusionoflight [Infusion of Light] no longer highlights the spells it effects on the action bar.
    • Infusion of Light now causes Flash of Light to cost 70% less mana (was 30%) and causes Holy Light to generate 2 Holy Power (was 1).
    • Spell holy avenginewrath [Avenging Wrath] now increases healing and damage by 15% (was 20%).
    • Spell holy avenginewrath [Avenging Wrath: Might] now increases critical strike chance by 15% (was 20%).
    • Ability paladin veneration [Avenging Crusader] now transfers 360% of damage dealt (was 500%).
    • Avenging Crusader now additionally costs 18% base mana.
    • Avenging Crusader cooldown increased to 60 seconds (was 45 seconds) and costs 3 Holy Power (was 5).
      • Developers' note: We're reducing Avenging Wrath's/Avenging Crusader's overall uptime and effectiveness to shift more of this power into the base kit and make talents such as Avenging Wrath: Might and Avenging Crusader feel more optional.
    • Spell holy rune [Breaking Dawn] is now a 2 point node and has moved to Second Sunrise's previous location.
      • Developers' note: Breaking Dawn's previous location could feel limiting considering the competitive options in the final section of the specialization tree. We feel there is more optionality involved with this node in its new location, hopefully allowing for clever use of point expenditure to optimize for each specific encounter a Holy Paladin may find their group in.
    • Achievment raid houroftwilight [Touch of Light] healing increased by 700%.
    • Ability paladin lightofthemartyr [Light of the Martyr] now costs 1.6% base mana (was 9%) and healing increased by 10%.
    • Light of the Martyr now damages the Paladin for 60% of the healing done (was 50%).
      • Developers' note: We would like to leave the Light of the Martyr sub-spec as an option for players who enjoy it, but not heavily encourage it to be a dominant spell rotationally. For now, we are making minor tuning updates to account for our specialization-wide mana updates and we are removing the negative PvP multiplier and increasing the risk factor slightly to see if it can find a niche within that section of the game.
    • Ability paladin savedbythelight [Saved by the Light]'s absorb effect increased by 50%.
    • Ability paladin beaconsoflight [Beacon of Faith] now costs 0.5% of base mana (was 0.625%).
    • Spell holy mindvision [Relentless Inquisitor] is now a 1 point talent and can stack up to 5 times.
    • Ability paladin beaconoflight [Commanding Light] now increases the transfer of Beacon of Light by 10% (was 20%). Now a 1 point talent.
    • Ability paladin beaconoflight [Beacon of Light] transfers 25% of all healing done (was 30%).
    • Ability paladin intercession [Intercession] now costs 2% of base mana.
    • Spell paladin holyprism [Holy Prism] now radiates healing or damage to targets within 30 yards (was 15 yards).
    • Ability paladin beaconofinsight [Beacon of Virtue] can target 4 additional allies (was 3) and now costs 4% base mana (was 2%).
      • Developers' note: We are increasing the target count of Beacon of Virtue and increasing its mana cost with the goal of this spell being a way to trade mana efficiency for throughput.
    • Inv helm plate raidpaladinmythic q 01 [Tower of Radiance] icon has changed.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Relentless Inquisitor to not stack its effect from Avenging Crusader.
    • The starter build has been updated.
    • Glimmer of Light has moved to row 2 (was row 10).
    • Spell holy holybolt [Unending Light] has moved to row 4.
    • Power of the Silver Hand has moved to row 6 (was row 8).
    • Tower of Radiance has moved to row 7 (was row 6).
    • Sanctified Wrath has moved to a choice node with Awakening.
    • Ability paladin conviction [Zealot's Paragon], Spell holy lightsgrace [Second Sunrise], Ability paladin longarmofthelaw [Rule of Law], Divine Protection, Holy Light, Spell holy pureofheart [Divine Insight], and Ability paladin blessedmending [Bestow Faith] removed.
    • Spell holy crusaderstrike [Radiant Onslaught] has been removed.
      • Developers' note: We feel confident that removing Radiant Onslaught is an overall positive as the rotation with two charges of Crusader Strike does not meet our goals of slowing down offensive generators to give space for more healing spells.
  • Protection
  • Retribution



  • Outlaw
  • Subtlety
    • All ability damage increased by 4%.




  • Protection
    • All ability damage increased by 6%.

Dungeons and Raids[]

  • Players that have defeated Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar may now skip directly to The Inner Sanctum on all characters on the account by reading the scroll hanging on the wall near Loremaster Cho at the entrance.
    • Developers' note: Siege of Orgrimmar is a long, linear raid with a rare mount and plate shoulders held covetously by Garrosh Hellscream, its final boss encounter. We hope that the shortcut implemented here will allow players who've experienced this part of the story before to skip directly to the final showdown for a chance at earning those unique collectibles.
  • Adjusted boss health in Classic dungeons during Chromie Time.
    • Developers' note: Health values for some Classic dungeon bosses were scaling incorrectly in Chromie Time. This change brings Chromie Time and the present timeline into better alignment.

Items and Rewards[]

  • Cross-Realm Trading
    • Players will now be able to trade items and gold directly to characters on other realms in their region. Previously this was limited to things like conjured items or eligible raid/dungeon loot, but all those cross-realm restrictions will now be lifted. Play with your friends and trade whatever you want to whoever you want!
  • Player versus Player
  • Reduced the amount of tier pieces that drop in Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible raid.
    • Developers' note: With the Revival Catalyst becoming available to easily convert items into tier pieces, we're reducing their drop rate in the raid relative to non-tier loot that may be more desirable for players who have already completed their tier set.
  • The chance for Evokers to receive the Inv jewelcrafting 70 gem01 blue [Cracked Titan Gem] now increases each time you defeat Scalecommander Sarkareth on Heroic or Mythic difficulty.
    • Developers' note: We'd like to see Inv hand 1h evokerlegendary d 01 [Nasz'uro, the Unbound Legacy] become more obtainable for players who are regularly completing the highest levels of difficulty of the raid, while also keeping its status as an aspirational reward that any Evoker may work toward.
  • The Revival Catalyst can once again be used to transform eligible items into Vault of the Incarnates class set armor. This does not require Renascent Shadowflame charges.
  • All Inv 10 dungeonjewelry primalist ring 4 omni [Onyx Annulet] Primordial Stones that deal damage now deal 40% less damage.
    • Developers' note: We are lowering the effectiveness of all Primordial Stones that deal damage by 40% to increase ring gearing options for players. We are compensating specific specializations for this damage loss. See each Classes section above for details.
  • Gear created at item level 441 or 444 can now be upgraded using the new Myth upgrade track instead of being above the upgrade system entirely.
    • The Myth track is a new track that goes from 441 (Myth 1/3) to 444 (Myth 2/3) to 447 (Myth 3/3). Gear cannot be upgraded above Myth 3/3.
    • This change is retroactive for all gear obtained in Season 2. Any Season 2 gear that was created at item level 441, 444, or 447 will now display its upgrade level along the Myth track and can be upgraded at any item upgrade vendor.
    • Upgrading gear along the Myth track requires Flightstones and an Aspect's Shadowflame Crest for each upgrade. The usual discount rules apply here (if the character has a higher level piece of gear in the same slot, no crest is needed; if any character on the account has a higher level piece of gear in the same slot the Flightstone cost will be halved).
    • Inv 10 dungeonjewelry primalist ring 2 fire [Seal of Diurna's Chosen] effect damage reduced by 25%.
  • Self-damage from Vessel of Searing Shadow and Neltharion's Call to Suffering no longer breaks stealth and is less likely to interrupt other actions.
  • Two new achievements have been added:
    • Spell frost wizardmark [Draconically Superior] – Equip a Superior or better item, with a minimum item level of 346, in every slot.
    • Inv enchant voidcrystal [Draconically Epic] – Equip an Epic or better item, with a minimum item level of 372, in every slot.
  • Updated some legacy raids to drop bind-on-equip items more often when running them solo.
    • Developers' note: We found that some legacy raids had a very low BoE drop rate, so this change is to make farming those transmog items easier.
  • Inv misc dust 02 [Inert Phoenix Ash] is now found on both varieties of fire elementals in the area it drops in (was only one type), and at a significantly increased drop rate.
  • Inv garrison hearthstone [Garrison Hearthstone] and Inv misc rune 15 [Dalaran Hearthstone] are now toys.
  • "Disturbance Detected" Timewalking raid quests now reset and are available to complete again when the Timewalking raid returns (was one time completion). These quests now award a chest containing Hero upgrade level items and a chance at bonus flavor rewards for max level characters.
  • Timewalking gear earned at maximum level will now be on the Adventurer upgrade track and can be upgraded with Flightstones and Whelpling's Shadowflame Crests at any item upgrade vendor. This will not be retroactively added to Timewalking gear earned before the release of Fractures in Time.
  • Improved rewards in Exile's Reach.
  • Slightly increased the frequency of all mounts that appear in the Black Market Auction House and added Battle for Azeroth dungeon and raid mounts to the list of possible auctions.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented staves that were transmogged into the Mage legendary, Inv staff 2h artifactaegwynsstaff d 01 [Aluneth], from occasionally transforming into a sheep when casting Spell nature polymorph [Polymorph]. It's baaaack!
  • Professions
  • The legacy plans for Inv sword 19 [Truesilver Champion], Inv hammer 18 [The Shatterer], and Inv hammer 04 [Masterwork Stormhammer] can now be purchased from Ironus Coldsteel in Eon's Fringe after completing his questline.
    • Cooking
    • Inscription
    • Leatherworking

Player vs. Player[]

  • Developers' note: We are updating player totems and pets that are immune to buffs and debuffs to now only be immune to buffs. This is primarily a PvP change to allow damage over time effects to apply to totems so that all specializations have reasonable means to damage them.

Death knight[]


  • Balance
    • Ability druid cresentburn [Star Burst] will no longer knock enemies up if they have been recently knocked 3 times in a row.


  • Restoration





  • Holy



  • Fixed an issue with the Mastery value displayed in Ability revendreth rogue [Flagellation]'s aura tooltip in PvP.


  • Affliction


User Interface and Accessibility[]

  • Tracking Appearances
    • You can now track uncollected transmog appearances by Shift clicking it in the Collections pane.
    • This adds it to your Objective Tracker. Click the icon to supertrack it, just like you would for a quest.
    • Currently, you can only track appearances sourced from vendors, dungeons, and raids. Hold down Shift to see which appearances can be tracked.
    • For appearances that have multiple items, press Tab to cycle through them and Shift click to track the currently selected one.
    • Click on a tracked item in the Objective Tracker to open its location on the map.
    • For appearances that come from dungeons and raids, click on a boss name in the Objective Tracker to open the Dungeon or Raid Journal.
  • Action bar icons have updated animations for spell procs, interrupted casts, and cooldowns.
  • Action bar icons now show a cast bar while casting or channeling, and a green targeting circle when placing a targeted ability.
  • Group Loot roll toast plays a new animation when you roll Need for your main specialization.
  • Arena unit frames have been updated:
    • Arena frames now use the compact unit frames style.
    • Edit Mode includes settings for width, height, and border and allows you to preview different arena sizes (2v2, 3v3, 5v5).
    • Arena frame settings have been added under Options > Interface > Arena Enemy Frames.
    • PvP trinket status has been added to the right of the enemy's frame.
    • An icon indicating the enemy's specialization is now shown during the pre-match phase. Pre-match frames can't be used for targeting and don't show power bars.
    • Character tooltips now show the player's specialization.
    • Arena frames will always show debuffs.
    • Arena frames will now show loss of control debuffs in a larger icon next to the unit frame.
    • Arena frames now gray out if players are stealthed or invisible.
    • Fixed an issue where battleground flag carriers were not showing.
  • An animated glow has been added to better highlight needed roles for Rated Solo Shuffle.
  • Text-to-Speech now has options for Item Loot, Currency, and Money Loot chat messages.
  • While in a scenario, minimap blobs are now yellow instead of blue to increase visibility.
  • Added a new quest icon to indicate important quests.
  • Trading Post activities in a series (i.e. "Complete 5/15/30 Mythic+ Dungeons") will now be collapsed in the Traveler's Log.
  • An icon and tooltip line have been added to indicate if an appearance is not supported for your race (such as for mechagnomes and dracthyr).
  • Updated the “open hand” interaction cursor with high resolution art.
  • Updated unit frame art for totems.
  • Added a "Sell All Junk" button to vendors.
  • Updated "Repair" and "Repair All" button art on vendors.
  • Added an option to replace player portraits with class icons under Options > Interface > Display.
  • Added a way to report players in the Crafting Order pane for inappropriate order notes.
  • Crafting Orders now have an "Add Friend" option on social menu dropout.
  • Updated the ring art around role icons.
  • Updated the art on various popup frames, including ready check.
  • Updated the rested animation in the Unit Frame.
  • Edit Mode
    • Added duration bars (breath, fatigue) with size settings.
    • Added multi-seat vehicle UI with size settings.
    • Added lines that show what edges your element is snapping to.
    • Slightly increased corner snapping range.
    • Added Archaeology bar.
    • Added width and height sliders to the Chat Frame.

WoW Companion App[]

  • Players can now sell items on the Auction House.


  1. ^ The Fractures in Time Content Update Goes Live July 11. Blizzard Entertainment (2023-06-29).

Table of patches

Test-inline 0.x – Pre-release
WoW Icon update 1.x – World of Warcraft
Bc icon 2.x – The Burning Crusade
Wrath-Logo-Small 3.x – Wrath of the Lich King
Cataclysm 4.x – Cataclysm
Mists of Pandaria 5.x – Mists of Pandaria
Warlords of Draenor 6.x – Warlords of Draenor
Legion 7.x – Legion
Battle for Azeroth 8.x – Battle for Azeroth
Shadowlands 9.x – Shadowlands
Dragonflight 10.x – Dragonflight
Icon-stub-48x48 Removed content