Acolyte Nelesis

  • ️Tue Nov 17 2020
MobAcolyte Nelesis
Image of Acolyte Nelesis
Gender Female
Race Maldraxxi necromancer (Humanoid)
Level 60
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) House of Rituals
Occupation Acolyte of Kel'Thuzad
Location House of Rituals, Maldraxxus[63.3, 27.2]
Status Killable
Relative(s) Sin'dane (consort)
Mentor(s) Kel'Thuzad

Acolyte Nelesis is a necromancer located in a cave outside the House of Rituals in Maldraxxus. She is the favorite consort of Margrave Sin'dane[1] and one of Kel'Thuzad's favorite acolytes. Balmedar describes her as always acting smug and superior.[2]

Balmedar tasks Maw Walkers with killing Nelesis, dragging her corpse back to a ritual circle on the Scaplian Ridge,[2] and performing a ritual to assume her appearance in order to gain entry into the House of Rituals.[1] Her appearance thus becomes the basis for the Illusory Guise.


Objective of[]


How dare you interrupt my ritual!
50% health
My master's works will reshape the Shadowlands!
You will bear witness!
My death... changes nothing...

Patch changes[]

See also[]

  • Anarys Lunastre, another character whose appearance is used for a permanent player disguise spell


  1. ^ a b N [60] A Fitting Guise
  2. ^ a b N [60] Playing Favorites

External links[]