Advisor Vandros

  • ️Tue Jul 19 2016
BossAdvisor Vandros
Image of Advisor Vandros
Gender Male
Race Nightborne (Humanoid)
Level 47 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Burning Legion
Location Arcway
Status Killable, Deceased[1] (lore)

General Xakal
Advisor Vandros


Advisor Vandros is a high-ranking nightborne and the final boss of the Arcway.


War of the Ancients[]

Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

Vandros was once a young noble in the Court of Farondis.[2][3] When Prince Farondis planned to destroy the Well of Eternity, Vandros reported this to Queen Azshara herself. Azshara wasted no time in punishing Farondis and his people. In a frightening display of arcane power, she destroyed the Inv misc enchantedpearl [Tidestone of Golganneth], and in doing so, released a wave of dark energy over all of Azsuna and its inhabitants.[2] Evidently, Vandros would later join the Highborne of Suramar when they created a shield to protect their city.

Twilight of Suramar[]

Comics title This section concerns content related to the Warcraft manga or comics.

Advisor Vandros ToS

Vandros arguing with the other advisors.

Vandros was present when Gul'dan, emissary of the demonic Burning Legion, appeared before the nightborne with his offer: bring down the barrier around Suramar, give him access to the Nightwell and become allies of the Legion, or be destroyed. Afterwards, Advisor Melandrus wondered if the Legion was trying to negotiate because they had need of the Nightwell's power immediately, to which Vandros responded that it is always better to negotiate while having the advantage. First Arcanist Thalyssra countered by saying that Vandros was a fool if he believed the demons would keep their word, to which the advisor responded that the nightborne were outnumbered and that it was a risk they had to take. Melandrus ended the argument by saying that the decision was ultimately up to Grand Magistrix Elisande.

Two days later, with the three-day time limit for Gul'dan's offer nearing its end, Elisande revealed to Vandros that she had decided to accept the Legion's offer and told him to gather her advisors. Despite a brief and unsuccessful uprising within the city by Thalyssra and a group of rebels, Vandros helped the Grand Magistrix bring down the barrier and expose their city to the Legion.[4]

Adventure Guide[]

Vandros is one of Elisande's closest advisors, and an adept at harnessing the arcane magic of the Nightwell, second only to Elisande herself. He would not ordinarily venture into the Arcway himself, but after monitoring the state of the nightfallen resistance and their allies, he now feels the need to take matters into his own hands.


Advisor Vandros uses the power of the Nightwell to influence time. He frequently summons Chrono Shards and attempts to erase players from existence with Banish In Time.

Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers[]

  • Interrupt Accelerating Blast to prevent it from stacking.
  • Quickly defeat Timeless Wraiths while Banished In Time.

Healer Alert Healers[]

  • Force Bombs inflict heavy damage to the entire group.
  • Timeless Wraiths use Breach to inflict damage to all nearby players.

Tank Alert Tanks[]

  • Avoid standing near Chrono Shards.
  • Position the boss away from Force Bombs.



Stub Please add any available information to this section.


Item Type
Inv misc volatileair [Accelerating Torrent] Storm artifact relic
Spell mage arcaneorb [Split Second] Arcane artifact relic
Inv helm leather legiondungeon c 01 [Gaze of Fleeting Hours] Leather helmet
Inv helm cloth legionendgame c 01 [Manawracker Crown] Cloth helmet
Inv 7 0raid necklace 10d [Erratically Ticking Talisman] Necklace
Inv shoulder plate legiondungeon c 01 [Frozen Pendulum Shoulderguards] Plate shoulders
Inv shoulder leather legionendgame c 01 [Swordsinger's Shoulders] Leather shoulders
Inv chest plate legionendgame c 01 [Arcane Defender's Breastplate] Plate chest
Inv robe cloth legiondungeon c 01 [Fluxflow Robes] Cloth chest
Inv gauntlets mail legionendgame c 01 [Ley Dragoon's Gloves] Mail gloves
Inv glove leather legiondungeon c 01 [Mana-Lanced Gloves] Leather gloves
Inv belt mail legiondungeon c 01 [Chain of Causal Links] Mail belt
Inv cloth legiondungeon c 01 [Time-Breached Waistband] Cloth belt
Inv pant mail legiondungeon c 01 [Mute Erasure Legguards] Mail leggings
Inv boot plate legiondungeon c 01 [Treads of Fates Entwined] Plate boots
Inv 7 0raid trinket 05a [Chrono Shard] Trinket


Objective of[]


My, my... Someone has made quite a mess down here. It has been too long since we purged these catacombs of refuse. It appears we have a rat infestation.
I have not survived for ten thousand years just to fall to a swarm of rats.
Chrono Shards
Have you vermin ever witnessed such raw power? I think not.
Banish in Time
I am a conduit of the Nightwell's glorious power! I am NIGHTBORNE!
Successfully reached the boss in time
Enough! You little beasts are getting out of hand!
Killed a player
  • For the glory of Elisande!
  • Think of this as a mercy killing.
  • So brave, but so... shortsighted.
Alas... blind courage only triumphs in the fairy tales.
The Grand Magistrix... will have your heads for this...
Unused quote
Find the vermin and bring me their heads! Leave no stone unturned!


Patch changes[]


External links[]

Mob Dungeon final bosses

WoW Icon update
Bc icon
Mists of Pandaria
Warlords of Draenor
Battle for Azeroth

Bosses in grey were redesigned in a later expansion or removed from the game.