Alliance Attack Plans (quest)

  • ️Tue Nov 23 2010
HordeAlliance Attack Plans
Start Blastgineer Fuzzwhistle
End Saurboz
Level 10-30
Category Stonetalon Mountains
Experience 3,150
Reputation +250 Orgrimmar
Previous H [10-30] The Missing Blastgineer
Next Krom'gar Fortress


Recover the Alliance Attack Plans from Huntress Davinia.


<You pry the note loose from Fuzzwhistle's hand.>

They're onto us! They know all about the bomb. Planning an attack on Krom'gar Fortress! I think they sent a search party after me. Won't go out like a chump. They'll get a fight.

I think I hear them coming now! Their leader is a high elf huntress named Davinia. She spoke of attack plans. Avenge me by killing her and getting those plans!

Hellscream's eyes are upon you...


Did you find Fuzzwhistle?


Damn shame... He was a good goblin.

<Saurboz shakes his fist.>

As for you, <name>, you've done well. These attack plans will help us prepare. I want you to deliver the plans to Overlord Krom'gar personally! There's sure to be a promotion in it for you.


  1. H [10-30] Warchief's Command: Stonetalon Mountains!
  2. H [10-30] We're Here to Do One Thing, Maybe Two...
  3. H [10-30] Barrier to Entry
  4. H [10-30] The Missing Blastgineer
  5. H [10-30] Alliance Attack Plans
  6. H [10-30] Krom'gar Fortress (To Krom'gar Fortress)

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