
  • ️Tue Nov 02 2021
The Arcatraz
Arca, AZ
Tempest Keep loading screen

Arcatraz loading graphic

Location Tempest Keep, Netherstorm
Race(s) Blood elfBlood elf Blood elf
DemonDemonDemonDemon Demon
Ethereal Ethereal
GnomeGnome Gnome
Man'ari eredarMan'ari eredar Man'ari eredar
QirajiQiraji Qiraji
End boss IconSmall QirajiProphet Harbinger Skyriss
Advised level 70
Player limit 5
Key Inv datacrystal03 [Key to the Arcatraz]
Inv misc key 09 [Warpforged Key] (Heroic mode)
Associated faction Sha'tar
Tempest Keep
The Mechanar (5)

Gatewatcher Gyro-Kill
Gatewatcher Iron-Hand
Mechano-Lord Capacitus
Nethermancer Sepethrea
Pathaleon the Calculator

The Botanica (5)

Commander Sarannis
High Botanist Freywinn
Thorngrin the Tender
Warp Splinter

The Arcatraz (5)

Zereketh the Unbound
Wrath-Scryer Soccothrates
Dalliah the Doomsayer
Harbinger Skyriss

The Eye (25)

Void Reaver
High Astromancer Solarian
Kael'thas Sunstrider

The Arcatraz is the third wing of the Tempest Keep instance and is a prison where the naaru jailed the most terrifying and dangerous creatures they encountered on their journeys. Among the inmates of the Arcatraz are agents of the black dragonflight, demons of the Burning Legion, and even servants of the mighty Old Gods. When Kael'thas and his followers took the Keep, he sent a warden and guards to the Arcatraz. Kael's blood elves, however, were corruptible and the prisoners have begun to break free...

As with the other Tempest Keep instances, every member of the group needs a flying mount (or flying form, if a druid) to reach the instance entrance. If you cannot fly you may be summoned by a Warlock instead; the minimum level to enter the instance is 65. One full run yields about 1800, and one full heroic run yields about 2500 reputation with the Sha'tar.



The Arcatraz.

Main article: Tempest Keep

With Outland serving as the strategic battlefront in the ongoing Burning Crusade, the naaru recently used Tempest Keep to reach the shattered land. However, when the naaru set out from their stronghold, Prince Kael'thas and his blood elves quickly raided the dimensional fortress and assumed control over its satellite structures. Now, guided by some unknown purpose, Kael'thas manipulates the keep's otherworldly technologies, using them to harness the chaotic energies of the Netherstorm itself.[1]

Arcatraz served as a prison for the most dangerous beings the Sha'tar came across in their travels.[2] However, the Old God servant, Harbinger Skyriss, corrupted Warden Mellichar and made him release many of the prisoners.[3]


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

Several years later, when the Legion attacked Azeroth, some Legion prisoners escaped.[4]

As the forces of Azeroth invaded the Legion's home base, Argus, they discovered that the demons had gone to the Arcatraz to free High Inquisitor Raalgar, an inquisitor who was immortal because of the Fel Heart of Argus. The Fel Heart of Argus tied Raalgar to the fel of the world via Argussian Heartwells that led directly to the core of the planet.[5] Grand Artificer Romuul sent an adventurer to the Arcatraz to stop Raalgar from being freed, but the inquisitor successfully returned to Argus.

Although years had passed, the Arcatraz Sentinels were still active and fighting the Legion's presence. An eredar Felshadow Seeker commented that Zereketh the Unbound's Void magic still lingered as well.[6]

Dungeon Journal[]

The mighty Tempest Keep was created by the enigmatic naaru: sentient beings of pure energy and the sworn enemies of the Burning Legion. In addition to serving as a base of operations for the naaru, the structure itself possesses the technology to teleport through alternate dimensions, traveling from one location to another in the blink of an eye.



  • Stasis Block: Trion

    Stasis Block: Trion

  • Stasis Block: Maximus

    Stasis Block: Maximus

  • Containment Core

    Containment Core


Dungeon denizens[]

Arcatraz bosses

The Arcatraz bosses


The Arcatraz trash mobs


Bosses Monsters NPCS
Butcher's Stand
Stasis Block: Trion
Stasis Block: Maximus
Containment Core
IconSmall Millhouse Millhouse Manastorm


Main article: Arcatraz loot




  • Access into the Arcatraz used to be obtained through one of these methods. The door is no longer locked, however, and can be opened by any player.
  • Before they became more common in Warlords of Draenor and Legion, the Arcatraz was probably one of the only areas in the game with man'ari eredar trash mobs.
  • In name and function, the Arcatraz is a reference to Alcatraz, the island prison near San Francisco, California.


  • The inmates were kept in stasis cells.

    The inmates were kept in stasis cells.

Patch changes[]


External links[]

Arcatraz Outland Dungeon entrance Scenario