Arugal Must Die

  • ️Tue Nov 23 2010
Classic The subject of this article was removed in patch 4.0.3a but remains in World of Warcraft: Classic.
  • This includes items and quests that can no longer be obtained or are now deprecated.
HordeArugal Must Die
Start Dalar Dawnweaver[44, 40]
End Dalar Dawnweaver[44, 40]
Level 27 (Requires 18)
Type Dungeon
Category Shadowfang Keep
Experience 3300
Rewards Inv jewelry ring 15 [Seal of Sylvanas]


Kill Arugal and bring his head to Dalar Dawnweaver at the Sepulcher.


Arugal still resides in Shadowfang Keep. We cannot claim Silverpine as a strategic stronghold for the Dark Lady until Arugal is slain.

I shall see to it that his magic is eradicated, <name>. But I leave it in your hands to see that Arugal meets the death he so deserves.

Travel to Shadowfang Keep and put an end to Arugal's foul spells once and for all. Bring to me the vile wizard's head!


The following spell will be cast on you: Spell holy magicalsentry [Arcane Intellect] (Rank 2: Increases Intellect by 7.)

You will receive:
Inv jewelry ring 15 [Seal of Sylvanas]


With Arugal's death we stand to increase the Dark Lady's stronghold on Lordaeron.


Silverpine Forest is finally free from the vice of that wretch Arugal. You have done the Dark Lady a great service, <name>. Your tenacity shall be rewarded.

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